Faculty of Policy Studies Department of Policy Studies
Last Updated :2024/07/14

Researcher Profile and Settings

Research Interests

  • 政策ネットワーク論
  • 政策過程論
  • Policy Network Analysis
  • Policy Process Study

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Politics


  • Waseda University, 政治学研究科, 政治学専攻, - 1993
  • Waseda University, Graduate School, Division of Politics, - 1993
  • Waseda University, 政治学研究科, 政治学専攻, - 1988
  • Waseda University, Graduate School, Division of Politics, - 1988
  • Waseda University, School of Political Science and Economics, 政治学科, - 1986
  • Waseda University, Faculty of Political Economics, - 1986


  • Doctor of Politics, Waseda University
  • Master of Politics, Waseda University

Association Memberships

  • 日本行政学会
  • 日本政治学会
  • 日本公共政策学会

Published Papers

  • Public Library Management by Directors who are Appointed from General Administrative Staff
    Manbabu Shimada; Norio Kazama
    The Library World, 76(1) 2 - 19, May 2024, Scientific journal
  • Governance Network and 'the Shadows of Hierarchy' : A Preliminary Discussion
    Kazama Norio
    Ritsumeikan Hogaku, (399/400) 168 - 189, Mar. 2022, Scientific journal
  • 'Nuclear Village' and Policy Change After Fukushima Nuclear Plant Accident
    Norio Kazama
    Journal of Policy and Management, Doshisha University, 22(2) 41 - 55, Feb. 2021, Research institution
  • Micro-level and Meso-level Policy Analysis : A Political View on the Structures and Functions of Public Policies
    Kazama Norio
    Doshisha University policy & management, Doshisha University, 10(2) 1 - 20, Dec. 2008
  • From Regulation To Self-regulation: Political Analysis of Change in Environmental Policy Instruments
    Kazama Norio
    Doshisha University policy studies, Doshisha University, (2) 46 - 62, Mar. 2008
  • The Policy Functions of the Local Governments' Public Access Systems
    Kazama Norio
    The Japanese Journal of Law and Political Science, The Japanese Association of Law and Political Science, 34 83 - 90, 1998


  • Local Governance and Citizen Participation : Dichotomy Approach and Network Approach
    風間 規男
    同志社政策科学研究 = Doshisha policy and managemant review, 同志社大学大学院総合政策科学研究科総合政策科学会, 19(1) 81 - 95, Oct. 2017
  • 公的ガバナンスと政策ネットワーク―複雑系理論を手がかりとして―
    風間 規男
    公的ガバナンスの動態研究, 2011
  • A study on policy instruments in the age of governance: trans-border policy instruments
    風間 規男
    Journal of public policy studies, 日本公共政策学会, 7 16 - 26, 2007
  • PFIの政策過程分析--PFIが公共事業をめぐる政策コミュニティに与えるインパクト
    風間 規男
    会計検査研究, 会計検査院事務総長官房上席研究調査官, (32) 93 - 105, Sep. 2005
  • ガバナンスの時代における広域防災体制の課題 (特集 防災のためのまちづくり)
    風間 規男
    都市問題研究, 都市問題研究会, 57(1) 85 - 98, Jan. 2005
  • ガバナンスの時代における広域防災体制の課題
    風間 規男
    都市問題研究, 57(1) 45 - 57, 2005
  • ガバナンスの時代の情報提供システム (特集 本格化する自治体改革)
    風間 規男
    月刊自治研, 自治研中央推進委員会, 46(532) 76 - 83, Jan. 2004
  • ガバナンスの時代の情報提供システム
    風間 規男
    月刊自治研, 2004(10) 23 - 32, 2004
  • 防災政策ネットワークの研究-ガバナンス時代のリスク管理-(博士論文)
    風間 規男
    早稲田大学大学院政治学研究科提出, 2004
  • 阪神・淡路大震災と防災政策ネットワーク
    風間 規男
    近畿大学法学, 50(2) 119 - 238, 2003
  • 環境政策における環境省の役割
    風間 規男
    国会月報, 49(637) 22 - 23, 2002
  • 関係性の公共政策学へーガバメント志向とネットワーク志向の交錯ー
    風間 規男
    季刊行政管理研究, 行政管理研究センター, 100(100) 3 - 12, 2002
  • Creation of the Policy Network for Disaster Management
    Kazama Norio
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University, Kinki University, 50(1) 1 - 82, 2002
  • リスク社会における環境政策
    風間 規男
    国会月報, 48(625) 22 - 23, 2001
  • 国民国家と防災政策
    風間 規男
    近畿大学法学, 49(1) 33 - 99, 2001
  • 「防災政策」とは何か
    風間 規男
    近畿大学法学, 46(4) 71 - 135, 2000
  • The Policy Network Approach as a Framework for Analyzing the Emergency Management Policy in Japan
    Kazama Norio
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University, Kinki University, 46(4) 1 - 46, 15 Mar. 1999
  • 地域の公共政策構想(27)地域環境政策(7)
    風間 規男
    国会月報, 国会資料協会, 45(592) 26 - 27, Apr. 1998
  • The Democratic Theory of Public Policies
    Kazama Norio
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University, Kinki University, 45(1) 55 - 122, 20 Nov. 1997
  • 地域の公共政策構想(12)地域防災政策(5)
    風間 規男
    国会月報, 国会資料協会, 44(577) 26 - 27, Jan. 1997
  • 地域の公共政策構想-10-地域防災政策(3)
    風間 規男
    国会月報, 国会資料協会, 43(575) 26 - 27, Nov. 1996
  • 地域の公共政策構想(9)地域防災政策(2)
    風間 規男
    国会月報, 国会資料協会, 43(574) 42 - 43, Oct. 1996
  • The Policy Process of Ombudsman : The Democratic Control Over Bureaucracy by the Citizen's Ombudsmen of Kawasaki City
    Kazama Norio
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University, Kinki University, 43(2) 61 - 117, Mar. 1996
  • An Introduction to the Theory of Control over Bureaucracy : Quest for the Democratic Policy Process
    Kazama Norio
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University, Kinki University, 43(1) 59 - 103, Nov. 1995

Books etc

  • つながりの政策学 : 政策過程の全体図を描く
    風間, 規男
    日本経済評論社, Mar. 2024


  • 21世紀の立憲主義像:ガバナンス時代における行政と憲法
    風間 規男
    比較憲法学会, 2002, 仙台
  • 地域情報化政策をめぐる政策ネットワーク-ニューメディア政策の失敗構造-
    風間 規男
    日本政治学会, 1999, 東京

Research Projects

  • Analysis of the Governance Network for Nuclear Policy in Japan
    Kazama Norio
    Purpose of this research is to analyze Japanese nuclear policy by utilizing the framework of governance network approach. Nuclear policies have been created with interaction among public and private actors in the nuclear governance network (Nuclear Policy Community). This research reveals that over-institutionalization and the absence of meta-governors caused the failures of nuclear governance network. With analyzing the dynamics of nuclear governance networks, this project affords some important prospects of nuclear policies in Japan., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2014/04 -2018/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
  • The Theoretical Study of the Function and Structure of Meta-Governance
    NIIKAWA Tatsuro; KIMIMURA Akira; IMAGAWA Akira; KAZAMA Norio
    In this study, we try to propose a research model of "Meta-Governance" theory through implementing the pilot survey and completing the research hypothesis. In conclusion, we find that the function of meta-governance operates in the multi-level governance and in the different scales of each policy while the structure of meta-governance continues to hold the maintenance by the activity of policy network system as a complex-system., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2009 -2011, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
  • Policy Network Analysis on the Disaster Management Policy and the Environmental Policy
    Competitive research funding
  • 防災政策及び環境政策に関する政策ネットワーク分析
    Competitive research funding