Faculty of Global and Regional Studies Department of Global and Regional Studies
Associate Professor
Last Updated :2025/01/02

Researcher Profile and Settings

Research Interests

  • Regional environmental governance
  • Regional economic cooperation
  • Sustainability and development
  • Globalization and food culture, Washoku

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / International relations / International political economy, environmental politics, regionalism, globalization, sustainability

Research History

  • 2001/9-2004/2, Middle East Technical University, Graduate Institute of Social Sciences (Ankara, Turkey), M.Sc. course, research on the thesis “Chinese and Japanese Economic Attitudes towards ASEAN”.
  • 2004/4-2005/3, Yamaguchi University, research student.
  • 2005/4-2008/3, Yamaguchi University, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Ph.D. course, research on the thesis "Political Economic Analysis of Economic Partnership Agreements within Japanese Foreign Policy Making".
  • 2008/3-2009/12, Ryukoku University, Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies, Post-doctoral research fellow, research on international relations, regionalism and conflict resolution.
  • 2010/2-2011/3, Mitsui Fund for Environment (directed by Yonemoto Shohei, the University of Tokyo), collaborative research project “Research on Environmental Diplomacy of the European Union”, project member.
  • 2011/7-2013/3, Ryukoku University, Afrasian Research Centre, collaborative research project “Research into the Possibilities of Establishing Multicultural Societies in the Asia Pacific Region: Conflict, Negotiation, and Migration”, project member.
  • 2011/9-2012/3, RIHN FY2011 Director-General Special Research Fund for Young Researchers (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature), research project “Environmental Regionalism: Practice of EU’s Regional Environmental Policies”, individual grant.
  • 2012/6-2013/3, RIHN FY2012 Director-General Special Research Fund for Young Researchers (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature), research project “Environmental Concerns within Regional Economic Cooperation Mechanisms: Potential Environment Framework of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement”, individual grant.
  • 2012/6-2013/3, RIHN FY2012 Director-General Special Research Fund for Research Promotion (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature), research activity project “Workshop Organization Project on ‘Regional Environmental Governance of Global Environmental Change: Comparison between the European and East Asian Regional Environmental Cooperation’”.
  • 2012/11-2014/10, Sumitomo Foundation Environmental Research Fund (directed by Mari Koyano, Hokkaido University), collaborative research project “Reconsidering Trans-boundary Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Comparative Analysis of the Constraining Factors for Promoting Cooperation”, project member.
  • 2013/4- , Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, RIHN research project "Human-Environmental Security in Asia-Pacific Ring of Fire", project member.

Research Experience

  • Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Associate professor, 2015/04 - Today
  • Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Assistant professor, 2013/04 - 2015/03
  • National Institute for the Humanities, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Assistant Professor, 2010/01 - 2013/03
  • Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (Potsdam, Germany), Visiting fellow, 2012/07 - 2012/09
  • Ryukoku University, Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies, Post-doc researcher, 2008/03 - 2009/12
  • Yamaguchi University, GSEAS, Project Research Assistant, 2005/08 - 2008/02
  • Hacettepe University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations (Ankara, Turkey), Research Assistant, 2001/12 - 2005/04
  • European Institute for Asian Studies, EIAS (Belgium, Brussels), Junior research fellow, 2003/09 - 2003/12


  • Yamaguchi University, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Ph.D., East Asian Studies, 2005/04 - 2008/03
  • Yamaguchi University, Research student, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, 2004/04 - 2005/03
  • Middle East Technical University, Middle East Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, MSc, Graduate Studies on International Relations, 2001/09 - 2004/02
  • Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, BSc, Department of International Relations, 1998/09 - 2001/06


  • Ph.D. (Science), Yamaguchi University, Graduate School of East Asian Studies

Association Memberships

  • Society of Japanese Food Studies, 2018, 9999
  • European International Studies Association (EISA), 2013, 9999
  • Japan Association of Global Governance, 2013, 9999
  • International Political Science Association (IPSA), 2012, 9999
  • European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 2011, 9999
  • Association for the Study of Political Society (ASPOS), 2011, 9999
  • Japan Association for Asian Studies (JAAS), 2009, 9999
  • The Japan Association of International Relations (JAIR), 2009, 9999
  • International Studies Association, 2009, 9999

Committee Memberships

  • Acting Secretary. ICAS Book Prize Japanese Language Edition, ICAS-IIAS, 2020/04 - Today
  • Member of the Board of Directors. ASPOS, Association for the Study of Political Society., 2017/10 - Today
  • Expert panel member, Katerva Awards, 2012/01 - 2019/04
  • Reading committee member. ICAS Book Prize., 2014/04 - 2015/07
  • Organizing committee member. RIHN PEC (Project Evaluation Committee) Steering Committee, RIHN, Kyoto, Japan., 2010/04 - 2013/03
  • Scientific reviewer. The 5th Global Environmental Outlook, GEO-5., 2011/09 -
  • International polling observer in Kosovo. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Election Mission in Kosovo, Kosovo., 2002/10 - 2002/10
  • International polling supervisor in Kosovo. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Election Mission in Kosovo, Thesaloniki-Greece and Kosovo., 2001/11 - 2001/11


  • Distiction award
    Mar. 2008, Yamaguchi University Presidential Award for Graduation with Distinction, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi
  • First paper prize
    Feb. 2005, Essay Contest, “What Should be Done to Promote Economic Cooperation in Asia?”, IIMA-Institute for International Monetary Affairs (16 December), Tokyo, Japan

Published Papers

  • Journal article. Environmental Challenges of Japan`s Development Aid Framework in Southeast Asia
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    ICAS Asian Studies (The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars, ICAS 12), Amsterdam University Press, (1) 736 - 742, Jun. 2022, International conference proceedings
  • Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Regionalization Processes of Regional Organizations
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Japanese Review of Political Society, 7 98 - 115, Dec. 2021
  • Journal article. Interdisciplinary Approaches to ‘Region’ in International Relations
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Doshisha Global and Regional Studies Review, (5) 23 - 51, Oct. 2015, Scientific journal
  • Working paper. “ASEAN Regional Integration and Regional Migration Policies in Southeast Asia”, Afrasia Working Paper Series-Studies on Multicultural Studies 30, 21pp.
    Aysun Uyar
    Mar. 2014, Research institution
  • Journal article. Regional Science-Society Interface within Global Environmental and Social Change towards Sustainability
    Aysun Uyar; Makoto Taniguchi
    Japan Social Innovation Journal, 3(1) 36 - 48, Apr. 2013, Scientific journal
  • Journal article. Anticipating Regional Environmental Cooperation: From International Relations to Integrated Environmental and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
    Aysun Uyar
    Japanese Review of Political Society, (1) 61 - 72, Nov. 2012
  • Working paper. “Political Configuration of Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements within the Framework of Southeast Asian Regional Economic Cooperation”, Afrasia Working Paper Series 43, 21pp.
    Aysun Uyar
    Oct. 2009, Research institution
  • Ph.D. Thesis. Political Economic Analysis of Economic Partnership Agreements within Japanese Foreign Policy Making, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, 245pp.
    Aysun Uyar
    Mar. 2008, Doctoral thesis
  • Journal article. An Approach to Promote Regional Economic Co-operation in Asia: Asymmetric Functionality (AF) Model
    Aysun Uyar
    Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, (23) 41 - 58, Nov. 2007, Scientific journal
  • Working paper. “Loose Functional Integration in Northeast Asia: The Northeast Asian Development Bank”, GSEAS Working Paper 06-02, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, 30pp.
    Aysun Uyar; Noriatsu Matsui
    Feb. 2007, Research institution
  • Journal article. Japan’s Changing Perception towards the Preferential Trade Agreements in Southeast Asia
    Aysun Uyar
    TAPACAY–The Turkish Yearbook of Asia-Pacific Studies, (1) 21 - 35, Oct. 2006, Scientific journal
  • Working paper. “What Should be done to Promote Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia?” GSEAS Working Paper 05-02, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, 13pp. (Prize-winning paper)
    Aysun Uyar
    Dec. 2005, Research institution
  • M.Sc. Thesis. Chinese and Japanese Academic Attitudes towards Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University, 120pp.
    Aysun Uyar
    Feb. 2004, Master thesis


  • “Toruko-Shiria Jishin Hasseikara 6kagetsu: Kodomotachi to Hoiku/Kyoikuno Jyokyo (6 Months after the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Children and the State of Childcare and Education)”, Hoiku Tsushin 8(821): 8-13.
    Aug. 2023
  • Essay (Japanese). “Torukono Komesyokubunka (Culture of Rice Dishes in Turkey)”, VESTA 131: 14-17.
    Aug. 2023
  • Essay (Japanese). “Sotokara Mita Washoku (Looking at Washoku from Outside)”, Hito, Kekou, Mirai 34: 10-13.
    Jul. 2023
  • Essay (Japanese). “Torukono Syoku to Syokutakuno Irodori (Turkish Food and Colors of Food Table)”, VESTA 124: 14-17.
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Oct. 2021, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Newsletter (Japanese). “Ajia, Afurika to Chuutouno Ekkyou Mizumondaini okeru Kokunai oyobi Chiikitekina Sokumenno Kousatsu: Jiyuu Oubo Bunkakai2no Houkoku (Domestic and Regional Dimensions of Transboundary Water Relations in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East)”, The Japan Association for Asian Studies (JAAS) Newsletter 56: 11.
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Sep. 2021, Meeting report
  • Newsletter (Focus editor). “The Focus: Environmental issues, social activism and policy challenges”, The Newsletter (IIAS), Ed. Aysun Uyar Makibayashi, 86: 29-39. (https://www.iias.asia/sites/default/files/theNewsletter/2020-06/IIAS_NL86_FULL.pdf).
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Aug. 2020, Introduction international proceedings
  • Newsletter. “Environmental challenges of international migration in East Asia”, in The Focus: Environmental issues, social activism and policy challenges, The Newsletter (IIAS) 86: 38-39.
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Aug. 2020, Introduction international proceedings
  • Essay (Japanese). “Nihonno torukoryouriten (Turkish Restaurants of Japan)”, VESTA 118: 23-25.
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Apr. 2020
  • Newsletter (Japanese). “Chīki to shakaini motozuku kankyōgakuno kōchiku (Constructing Environmental Studies based on Region and Social Sciences)”, RIHN Humanity and Nature Newsletter 43: 10.
    Aysun UYAR
    Aug. 2013, Introduction research institution
  • Essay (Japanese). “Torukono sakanashoku jijyou (Turkish Fish Cuisine)”, VESTA 88: 21-24.
    Aysun Uyar
    Oct. 2012, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Newsletter. “Introduction of RIHN and GEC-Japan Platform”, JSPS San Francisco Office Newsletter 27(October): 8.
    Aysun Uyar
    Oct. 2012, Introduction research institution
  • Newsletter (Japanese). “2011nendo EPM Benkyōkaino katsudōni tsuite (Activities of EPM Study Meeting in 2011 Academic Year)”, RIHN Humanity and Nature Newsletter 36: 10-11.
    Aysun Uyar
    Jun. 2012, Introduction research institution
  • Newsletter (General editor between 2011-2013). RIHN News 1 (2011 Oct), 2 (2012 Feb), 3 (2012 Apr), 4 (2012 Jul), 5 (2012 Oct), 6 (2013 Jan).
    Aysun Uyar
    Oct. 2011, Introduction research institution
  • Newsletter (Japanese). “2010nendo EPM Benkyōkaino katsudōni tsuite (Activities of EPM Study Meeting)”, RIHN Humanity and Nature Newsletter 31: 18-19.
    Aysun UYAR
    Jun. 2011, Introduction research institution
  • Newsletter (Japanese). “Sekaiwo Megutte ‘Chikyū Kankyōgaku no Hōkō to Kadaiwo Mikiwameru (Looking at the Direction and Issues of ‘Global Environmental Studies’ in the World)”, RIHN Humanity and Nature Newsletter 27: 2-4.
    Kengo Hayashi; Aysun Uyar
    Aug. 2010, Introduction research institution
  • Newsletter (Japanese). “Torukoni okeru Kokusai Kankeironno Doukou: METU Kokusai Kankeiron Gakkai Sankashi (International Relations Studies in Turkey: METU IR Conference)”, JAIR Newsletter 117: 10. http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jair/nl/data/117.pdf.
    Aysun Uyar
    Oct. 2008, Introduction research institution
  • Briefing paper. “ASEAN and China: Different Aspects of the Economic Co-operation”, European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) Briefing Paper.
    Aysun Uyar
    Nov. 2004, Report research institution
  • Newsletter. “Europe’s Evolving Policy Objectives in Central Asia”, European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) EurAsia Bulletin 7(10-11): 15.
    Aysun Uyar
    Oct. 2003, Introduction research institution

Books etc

  • "What We Need to Know about the Culture of Washoku"
    Ed. Sato Yoichiro
    Bensei Publishing Co., Feb. 2022, Joint work, (with Takeshi Hiramoto and Kaoru Kamatani) “Owarini (Conclusion)”, 365-368
  • "What We Need to Know about the Culture of Washoku"
    Ed. Sato Yoichiro
    Bensei Publishing Co, Feb. 2022, Joint work, “Sotokara Mita Washoku (Washoku Seen from the Outside)”, 3-28
  • Globalizing Regionalism and International Relations
    Ed. Beatrix; Futak-Campbell
    Bristol University Press, Jun. 2021, Joint work, “Environmental Regionalism in East Asia”, 125-149
  • In the Way of the Road: The Ecological Consequences of Infrastructure
    Eds. Richard. T. Griffiths and Alice C. Hughes
    International Institute for Asian Studies, Mar. 2021, Contributor, “Regional cooperation while responding to environmental and infrastructural changes”, 309-312
  • Book review. Cross-Border Governance in Asia: Regional Issues and Mechanisms, G. Shabbir Cheema, Christopher A. McNally, and Vesselin Popovsky (eds), Tokyo and New York: United Nations University Press, 2011, xvii+322 pp. Doshisha Global and Regional Studies Review 11: 93-100.
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Oct. 2018, Others
  • World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments
    Eds. ISSC and UNESCO
    OECD Publishing and UNESCO Publishing, Oct. 2013, Contributor, “Social Sciences in Japan after Fukushima”, 215-219
  • Proceedings on Comparing Regional Environmental Governance in East Asia and Europe (EE-REG)
    Eds. Jörg Balsiger and Aysun Uyar
    RIHN, 107pp, Aug. 2013, Joint editor
  • Japon Dış Politikası: Sistemik ve Bölgesel Aktörlerle İlişkiler (Japanese Foreign Policy: Relations with Systemic and Regional Actors)
    Ed. A. Mete Tuncoku
    Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Jul. 2013, Joint work, “Japonya’nın Güneydoğu Asya’daki Bölgesel Ekonomik İşbirliği Hareketlerine Yaklaşımı: Çok Taraflı İletişim mi? İki Taraflı Etkileşim mi? (Japan’s Perspectives on Regional Economic Cooperation in Southeast Asia-Multilateral Communication or Bilateral Interaction?)”, 229-262
  • Research Series 1: Policy Dialogue and Governance of Migration: Comparative Cases from Europe and Asia-Pacific
    Eds. Pauline Kent; Ma. Reinaruth; D. Carlos; Aysun Uyar; Shincha Park
    Afrasian Research Centre, Ryukoku University. Kyoto: Tanaka Print, 104pp, Nov. 2012, Joint editor
  • Toplumsal Gelişmede Türk ve Japon Kadınının Eğitimi (Women’s Education in Turkey and Japan for Social Development)
    Ed. A. Mete Tuncoku
    Pozitif Matbaa, Oct. 2011, Joint work, “Japonya’nın Entegre Çevre Çalışmalarında Kadın Araştırmacıların Rolü (The Role of Women Researchers in Japan’s Integrated Environmental Studies)”, 229-247
  • “Takeshita Ken, Kindaikano Yukue to Nihon Fashizumu: Hasimoto Kingorō no Atatyurukuzōwo Tegakaritōshite (Haşimoto Kingorou’nun Atatürk İmajı’na İstinâden Japon Faşizmi ve Modernizasyonun Seyri)” in Japon Araştırmacıların Gözünden Türkiye Sempozyumu, Ed. A. Mete Tuncoku, 29-36. Ankara: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Yayınları. (Japanese-Turkish)
    Aysun Uyar
    Sep. 2011, Joint translation
  • "Area Studies of Cultural Exchange"
    Eds. Matsubara Hiroshi, Sudou Mamoru, Sano Tousei
    Minerva, Jun. 2011, Joint work, (with Tousei Sano). “Japan’s Communication with Central and West Asia", 213-243
  • 21. Yüzyılda Türk Dış Politikası: Son On Yıl (Turkish Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: The Last Ten Years)
    Eds. Yelda Demirağ and Özlen Çelebi
    Palme Yayıncılık, May 2011, Joint work, “21.Yüzyılda Türkiye ve Japonya İlişkileri: Karşılıklı İşbirliğinde Stratejik Kültürel Etkileşme (Turkey and Japan Relations in the 21st Century: Strategic Cultural Interaction in Bilateral Cooperation)”, 303-322
  • Afrasia Research Series 10: The Migration of Filipino Care Workers to Japan under the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA)
    Eds. Ma. Reinaruth D. Carlos, Ruben Caragay, and Aysun Uyar
    Afrasian Research Centre, Ryukoku University. Kyoto: Tanaka Print, 65pp, Mar. 2010, Joint editor
  • "Afrasia Series 2-Conflict Resolution, Globalisation, Region, Culture"
    Eds. Pauline Kent and Kitahara Atsushi
    Minerva, Mar. 2010, Joint work, “Governance of Labour Migration through Regional Economic Partnership Agreement Mechanisms in Southeast Asia”, 157-178
  • Afrasia Symposium Series 4: The Question of Poverty and Development in Conflict and Conflict Resolution
    Eds. Tsuyoshi Kato and Aysun Uyar
    Afrasian Research Centre, Ryukoku University. Kyoto: Tanaka Print, 278pp, Dec. 2009, Joint editor
  • Afrasia Symposium Series 3: Resources under Stress: Sustainability of the Local Community in Asia and Africa
    Eds. Hisashi Nakamura, Yoshio Kawamura, Shiro Sato, Aysun Uyar, and Shinya Ishizaka
    Afrasian Research Centre, Ryukoku University. Kyoto: Tanaka Print, 339pp, Jan. 2009, Joint editor
  • Book review. “Foreign Policy Making and Power Sharing in the Philippines and Japan”. Globalization, Democratization and Asian Leadership: Power Sharing, Foreign Policy and Society in the Philippines and Japan, by Vincent Kelly Pollard, Hants: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2004, 203 pp. TAPACAY–The Turkish Yearbook of Asia-Pacific Studies 3: 85-87.
    Aysun Uyar
    Dec. 2008
  • Book review. Regional Trade Agreements in Asia, by Tran van Hoa and Charles Harvie (eds.), Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (USA): Edwar Elgar, 2008, 284pp. East Asia Integration Studies. http://asianintegration.org/.
    Aug. 2008
  • Afrasia Symposium Series 2: Changing Identities and Networks in the Globalising World: Negotiation, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Resolution in Everyday Life
    Eds. Takeshi Hamashita, Pauline Kent, Ayako Iwatani, and Aysun Uyar
    Afrasian Research Centre, Ryukoku University. Kyoto: Tanaka Print, 301pp, Mar. 2008, Joint editor


  • “Washoku as a Global Foreign Policy Instrument: Culinary Diplomacy of Japan”
    International Symposium on Japanese Studies: (Re)-imagining and (re)-translating Japanese culture, The Center for Japanese Studies of the University of Bucharest and Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science, Ritsumeikan University, Online (31 March-1 April 2023).
  • “Women in Research and Education: Reading Gender within the International Fields”
    “Diversity and Global Education: Beyond Gender” Symposium, Doshisha University (27 January 2024), Kyoto.
  • “VUCA Environment and the Potential of Future Directions within the Academic Communities”
    14th ASPOS Conference: Field of Political Society in VUCA Era, Nara Women University (9-10 December 2023), Nara, Japan.
  • “Stance of NGOs within the Japanese Environmental Development Aid Framework”
    The 17th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, (Online participation) Ghent University (17-20 August 2023), Ghent, Belgium.
  • “Impacts of Environmental Change Issues on Japan`s Development Aid Agenda in Southeast Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    The 25th Asian Studies Conference Japan, Sophia University (1-2 July 2023), Tokyo, Japan.
  • Washoku from the Outside World
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    27th Hito-Kenko-Mirai Symposium: Washokuno Mirai, Sotokara mita Washoku, Nakakara mita Wasyoku, Hito-Kenko-Mirai Research Zaidan, Kyoto Research Park (11 February 2023), Kyoto,
  • “Struggles and Potentials of Regional Organizations while Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic”
    The 16th Research Conference of the Japan Association of Global Governance, Keio University (13-14 May 2023 ), Tokyo, Japan.
  • “Present and the Future of Academic Societies from the Viewpoint of ‘Science-society Interface’”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    13th ASPOS Conference: Political Society in the Complex Crises: the world after the Covid and Ukraine crises, Kyusyu University (10-11 December 2022), Fukuoka, Japan. (Japanese), Invited oral presentation
  • “Regional Dynamics of the Securitization of Water Resources in the Mekong River Basin”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Fifteenth Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Panteion University (1-4 September, Online (31 August 2022), Athens, Greece., Oral presentation
  • “How Regional Organizations take COVID-19 and Prepare Their Regional Communities for the Post-Corona International Cooperation”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Thinking about the International Issues of the With Corona Society: Doshisha University Covid-19 Research Project the 4th Online Symposium, Online (26 September 2021). (Japanese), Public symposium
  • “Potentials of Regional Organizations while Responding to Covid-19”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Covid-19 in Asia: Communication, Nationalism and Technology Conference of the Asia Centre, Online (6-10 September 2021)., Public symposium
  • “Environmental Challenges of Japan’s Development Aid Framework in Southeast Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    The 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Online (25-28 August 2021)., Oral presentation
  • “Environmental Challenges of Japan’s Development Aid Framework in Southeast Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    The 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Online (24-27 August 2021)., Oral presentation
  • “Environmental Challenges of International Migration in Southeast Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    IPSA 26th World Congress of Political Science, Online (10-15 July 2021)., Oral presentation
  • “Regional Cooperation for Mekong River Transboundary Water Issues”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    2021 JAAS (Japan Association for Asian Studies) Spring Meeting, Online (19-20 June 2021).
  • “Regional Responses to Covid-19 and Potentials for Further International Cooperation at Regional Level”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    ASPOS-SNUAC Joint Conference: COVID-19 and East Asian Responses, Online (13 November 2020)., Public symposium
  • “Environmental Challenges of International Migration in East Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    ICAS11, Leiden University (16-19 July 2019), Leiden, Holland., Oral presentation
  • “Human Security Aspect of Environmental and Societal Change in East Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    ASPOS International Conference on East Asia in the 21st Century: Searching for Alternatives, RIHN (25-27 October 2018), Kyoto, Japan., Public symposium
  • “Changing Concept of Human Security with Environmental Change”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    World Social Sicence Forum, Fukuoka International Congress Center (25-28 September 2018), Fukuoka, Japan., Oral presentation
  • “Environmental Challenges to Border-making: Regional Environmental Cooperation in Southeast Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    ABS Second World Conference, University of Vienna, Vienna and Central European University, Budapest (10-14 July 2018), Austria and Hungary., Oral presentation
  • “Human (environmental) security dimensions of international migration in times of natural disasters”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    ICAS9, Adelaide Convention Centre (5-9 July 2015), Adelaide, Australia., Oral presentation
  • “Bringing Science back to Society: Regional Responses to Global Social and Environmental Change in East Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    Australian Poilitical Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Sydney (28 September-1 October 2014), Sydney, Australia., Oral presentation
  • “Re-constructing “Region” with Transboundary Environmental Issues in Northeast Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    ABS First World Conference, University of Eastern Finland-Soros Hotel Saint Petersburg (9-14 June 2014), Joensuu-Saint Petersburg, Finland-Russia., Oral presentation
  • “ ‘Environmental Regionalism’ within Regional Economic Cooperation Frameworks of East Asia”
    Aysun Uyar Makibayashi
    55th ISA-International Studies Association Convention, Hilton-Sheraton Toronto (26-29 March 2014), Toronto, Canada., Oral presentation
  • “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Environment Dimension of Human Security”
    Aysun Uyar; Müge Kınacıoğlu
    Eighth Pan-European Conference on International Relations, University of Warsaw (18-21 September 2013), Warsaw, Poland., Oral presentation
  • “New Perspectives on Regional Environmental Governance in Southeast Asia”
    Aysun Uyar
    IGU 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference, KICC (4-9 August 2013), Kyoto, Japan., Oral presentation
  • “International Migration Regimes and Human Security Implications in the Sending Countries”
    Aysun Uyar
    ICAS8, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel (24-27 June 2013), Macau., Oral presentation
  • “Comparative Analysis of European and East Asian Regional Environmental Governance”
    Aysun Uyar; Jörg Balsiger
    2013 Tokyo Conference Earth System Governance, UNU (28-31 January 2013), Tokyo, Japan., Oral presentation
  • “Changing Concept of Human Security from Traditional to Environmental one along Socio-ecological boundaries”
    Aysun Uyar; Müge Kınacıoğlu
    BRIT XII Conference, Fukuoka International Congress Center (13-16 November 2012), Fukuoka-Japan and Pusan-South Korea., Oral presentation
  • “Shifting Boundaries of Regionalism: Environmental Encounters of the East Asian Regional Economic Cooperation”
    Aysun Uyar
    IPSA 22nd World Congress of Political Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (8-12 July 2012), Madrid, Spain., Oral presentation
  • “ ‘Environmental Regionalism’ in Regionalizing and Participating East Asia”
    Aysun Uyar
    International Conference of Environmental Governance in China, Beihang University (2-3 June 2012), Beijing, China., Oral presentation
  • “Global Environmental Change-Japan Initiative for Sustainability Development and Environmental Research in Asia”
    Aysun Uyar
    Planet under Pressure Conference, London International Convention Center (26-29 March 2012), London, UK., Oral presentation
  • “Regional Environmental Cooperation from the Perspective of International Relations: Functional Cooperation for Environment”
    Aysun Uyar
    2nd ASPOS Conference, Doshisha University (18-19 September 2011), Kyoto, Japan. (Japanese), Oral presentation
  • “Rage of Environmental Regionalism in East Asia: Japan’s Prospective Regional-Economic Partnership Agreements”
    Aysun Uyar
    13th International Conference of EAJS, Tallinn University (24-28 August 2011), Tallinn, Estonia., Oral presentation
  • “Environmental Regionalism in Southeast Asia: Green Encounter of the ASEAN Community”
    Aysun Uyar
    WISC-Third Global International Studies Conference, University of Porto (17-20 August 2011), Porto, Portugal., Oral presentation
  • “Changing Dynamics of Human Security: From Interantional Relations to Environmental Human Security”
    Aysun Uyar
    IAFOR-ACSEE Conference, Ramada Osaka (2-5 June 2011), Osaka, Japan., Oral presentation
  • “Considering Environment Assertion of Preferential Trade Agreements in East Asia”
    Aysun Uyar
    52th ISA-International Studies Association Convention, Le Centre Sheraton Hotel (16-19 March 2011), Montreal, Canada., Oral presentation
  • “Environment Aspect of Free Trade Agreements in East Asia: Any Hope for Potential China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Agreement?”
    Aysun Uyar
    International Conference on Social Sciences, Pine Bay Resort (8-9 October 2010), İzmir, Turkey., Oral presentation
  • “Women Researchers in Japan’s Integrated Environmental Studies”
    Aysun Uyar
    International Symposim on Women’s Education in Turkey and Japan for Social Development, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (6-7 October 2010), Çanakkale, Turkey. (Turkish), Invited oral presentation
  • “Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia: Searching for New Regional Mechanisms for Environmental Issues”
    Aysun Uyar
    Seventh Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Stockhom City Conference Center (9-10 September 2010), Stockholm, Sweden., Oral presentation
  • “Governance of Regional Labour Migration in Southeast Asia: ASEAN Free Trade Area”
    Aysun Uyar
    ICAS6, International Institute for Asian Studies and Chungnam National University (6-9 August 2009), Daejeon, South Korea., Oral presentation
  • “ ‘Reginalisation Networks’ of Japan in East Asia: From the Experience of Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements”
    Aysun Uyar
    50th ISA-International Studies Association Convention, Marriot Marquis Hotel (15-18 February 2009), New York, USA., Oral presentation
  • “Regionalism in East Asia: A New Path for Japan as a Hegemonic Pretender?”
    Aysun Uyar
    Seventh METU Conference on International Relations, METU (18-20 June 2008), Ankara, Turkey., Oral presentation
  • “Preferetial Trade Agreements of Japan: Implications for Japan-East Asia Economic Relations”
    Aysun Uyar
    11th Asian Studies Conference Japan, Meiji Gakuin University (23-24 June 2007), Tokyo, Japan., Oral presentation
  • “Political Economic Evaluation of Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements”
    Aysun Uyar
    Inaugural Conference of JSA-ASEAN, NUS (12-14 October 2006), Singapore., Oral presentation
  • “Chinese and Japanese Economic Attitudes towards ASEAN”
    Aysun Uyar
    ICAS4, International Institute for Asian Studies and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Exhibition Center (20-24 August 2005), Shanghai, China., Oral presentation
  • “Changing Perception of Japan towards the Bilateral Trade Agreements in Southeast Asia”
    Aysun Uyar
    15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, ANU (29 June-2 July 2004), Canberra, Australia., Oral presentation
  • “Transformation of Chinese Foreign Policy”
    Aysun Uyar
    First METU International Conference on International Relations, Middle East Technical Universtiy (3-5 July 2002), Ankara, Turkey., Oral presentation

Research Projects

  • (Project member) “Innovative Creation of Global Education and Research Environment in order to Realize Diversity and Inclusion beyond Gender Equality”, Doshisha University SDGs Research Project, FY2023, Doshisha University.
    2023/04 -2024/03
  • (Individual Project) “How Regional Organizations take COVID-19 and Prepare Their Regional Communities for the Post-Corona International Cooperation”, Doshisha University Research Program of “Urgent Research related to COVID-19 – Trial of All Doshisha Research Model –” FY2020, Doshisha University.
    2020/07 -2021/03
  • (Project member) “Human-Environmental Security in Asia-Pacific Ring of Fire”, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Collaborative Research Project, RIHN.
    2013/04 -2017/03
  • (Project leader) “Movement of People and Change”, Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies Faculty Research Fund, Doshisha University.
    2014/06 -2016/03
  • (Project member) “Reconsidering Trans-boundary Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Comparative Analysis of the Constraining Factors for Promoting Cooperation”, Sumitomo Foundation Environmental Research Fund. Directed by Mari Koyano, Hokkaido University.
    2012/11 -2014/09
  • (Project member) “Research into the Possibilities of Establishing Multicultural Societies in the Asia Pacific Region: Conflict, Negotiation, and Migration”, Afrasian Research Centre, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan.
    2011/07 -2014/03
  • (Consultant) “UNESCAP-ENEA Expert Group Meeting on Regional Indicators for Monitoring Regional Cooperation and Integration in East and North-East Asia”, UNESCAP-ENEA Office.
    2013/07 -2013/09
  • (Research fund) “Workshop Organization Project on ‘Regional Environmental Governance of Global Environmental Change: Comparison between the European and East Asian Regional Environmental Cooperation’ ”, RIHN FY2012 Director-General Project Support Fund for Research Promotion, RIHN.
    2012/06 -2013/03
  • (Research fund) “Environmental Concerns within Regional Economic Cooperation Mechanisms: Potential Environment Framework of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement”, RIHN FY2012 Director-General Special Research Fund, RIHN.
    2012/06 -2013/03
  • (Research fund) “Environmental Regionalism: Practice of EU’s Regional Environmental Policies”, RIHN FY2011 Director-General Special Research Fund for Young Researchers, RIHN.
    2011/09 -2012/03
  • (Project member) “Research on Environmental Diplomacy of the European Union”, Mitsui Fund for Environment. Directed by Yonemoto Shohei, the University of Tokyo, Japan.
    2010/02 -2011/03, Competitive research funding

Social Contribution

  • (Member of the Board of Directors) Kyoto Japan-Turkey Cultural Association, Kyoto, Japan., 2018/10-Today
  • Translator (Japanese-Turkish). Sayuri Yamaguchi, “Taiyouno Kuni to Tsukino Fune (Güneş Ülkesi ve Ay Gemisi)”, KRC Inc. ISBN: 978-4-9095222-00-9., 2018/11
  • (Jury member) 1., 2., 4. Doshisha Tateishi Junior High and High School Speech Contest, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan., 2012/02-2015/04
  • (Project facilitator) MOYAI-arche noVa Tohoku Project, Iwate, Japan., 2011/10-2013/03
  • (Program guest) NHK Chikyu Agora, “Turkey and Japan Relations”, NHK, Tokyo, Japan. (Japanese), 2010/11
  • (Participant) Workshop on The Future of Europe-Youropa, Copenhagen, Denmark., 2002/12
  • (Participant) Workshop on the White Paper of EU, Budapest, Hungary., 2002/04
  • (Participant) 2001 Euro-Med Action-1 Project, Dalyan, Turkey., 2001/08
  • (Participant) IYEO-International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan 2001, Tokyo-Kyoto-Fukuoka, Japan., 2001/07

Teaching Experience

  • Adjunct lecturer, Japan and East Asian Regional Environmental Issues
    KCJS (Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies)
  • Full-time tenure, faculty courses in Japanese (International relations, development aid, globalization, political science, environmental issues)
    Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Asia-Pacific Course
  • “Japan and Asia”, “Introduction to International Relations”, “International Cooperation Policy”, “Introduction to Globalization”, “Introduction to Comparative Policymaking”
    Doshisha University, Institute for Liberal Arts
  • Adjunct lecturer, “Global Environmental Issues”
    Ritsumeikan University, College of International Relations
  • Adjunct lecturer, “International Politics/Asian Political Culture A”, “International Society and Japan B”, “Introduction to International Politics”
    Ryukoku University Faculty of Intercultural Communication
  • Intensive course adjunct lecturer, “International Environmental Politics”
    Kyushu University, Faculty of Agriculture
  • Intensive course adjunct lecturer. “International Politics”
    University of Tsukuba, MBA International Business School
  • Adjunct lecturer, “Special Issues in Social Studies I: Turkish Foreign Policy”,
    Doshisha University, Faculty of Social Studies


  • Participation and travel grant. The Seventh METU Conference on International Relations, METU (18-20 June), Ankara, Turkey.
  • Scholarship. Monbukagakusho Scholarship for research and PhD programs, MEXT- Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Yamaguchi University (Four academic years), Japan.
    2004/04 -2008/03
  • Participation and travel grant. JSA-ASEAN Conference, NUS (12-14 October), Singapore.
  • Country representative. The 10th Global Youth Exchange Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan, “ASEAN and Asia in the 21st Century and the New Regionalism”, MOFA (19 January-1 February), Tokyo-Fukuoka, Japan.