ジル スティール
Last Updated :2024/10/16



    Gill Steel is Professor of Political Science at the Institute for the Liberal Arts, Doshisha University. Prior to coming to Doshisha, she taught in the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Tokyo. Her work includes What Women Want. Voting Preferences in Japan, Britain, and the United States (2022); editing Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan (2019); co-editing 現代日本社会の権力構造 (2018) with Masahiko Asano; Power in Contemporary Japan (2016); co-authoring Changing Politics in Japan (2010) with Ikuo Kabashima and co-editing Democratic Reform in Japan (2008) with Sherry Martin. She has also contributed to edited volumes and published numerous journal articles on public opinion, voting behavior, and the media and politics. Her current projects analyze young people's political  engagement and mobilization.


    • Political behavior
    • Public opinion
    • Populism


    • 同志社大学, Professor, 2019年04月 - 現在
    • Doshisha University, Associate Professor, 2011年04月 - 2019年03月


    • Political Science, シカゴ大学
    • the Division of the Social Sciences, シカゴ大学


    • American Political Science Association; APSA; Association for Asian Studies; International Political Science Association; Association of Japanese Politics Studies (Nihon Seiji Kenkyu Gakkai); Japanese Association of Electoral Studies (Nihon Senkyo Gakkai)


    • Populism and the print media: the case of Japan
      Gill Steel; Natsuki Kohama
      Japanese Journal of Political Science, 23(4) 363 - 387, 2022年10月28日, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    • Political Socialization
      STEEL Gill
      年報政治学論, 木鐸社, 65(1) 37 - 58, 2014年07月, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    • Images of Government, Business, and Citizen Identity in the United States
      Gill Steel
      Japanese Journal of Political Science, 11(01) 99 - 123, 2010年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    • Cross-regional support for gender equality
      Gill Steel; Ikuo Kabashima
      INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 29(2) 133 - 156, 2008年03月, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    • Globalisation and political participation
      Ikuo Kabashima; Gill Steel
      Globalisation, Public Opinion and the State: Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia, 196 - 219, 2007年12月19日, 論文集(書籍)内論文
    • How Junichiro Koizumi seized the leadership of Japan's liberal democratic party
      Ikuo Kabashima; Gill Steel
      JAPANESE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 8(01) 95 - 114, 2007年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    • The Koizumi revolution
      Ikuo Kabashima; Gill Steel
      PS-POLITICAL SCIENCE & POLITICS, 40(1) 79 - 84, 2007年01月, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    • How the LDP Survives: a Brief Survey of Japanese Postwar Politics
      Kabashima Ikuo; Gill STEEL
      Japan Echo, 33(3), 2006年01月
    • Gender and political behaviour in Japan
      Gill Steel
      Social Science Japan Journal, 7(2) 223 - 244, 2004年10月, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    • Gender and Voting Preferences in Japanese Lower House Elections
      STEEL Gill
      Japanese Journal of Political Science, 4(1) 1 - 39, 2003年


    • "US-Japan Relations in the 'Trump Era.'” Discussant for a Special Lecture by Professor T. J. Pempel,
      STEEL Gill
      Nagoya University, 2016年12月
    • Discussant Japan Elections Meeting
      STEEL Gill
    • Discussant American Political Science Association
      STEEL Gill
    • “Gender and Social Capital.”
      STEEL Gill
      Workshop on Social Capital using the AsiaBarometer Survey Data, 2011年


    • Are the Kids Alright?
      In Pekkanen, Robert; Reed, Steven R.; Smith, Daniel M. Young People and Turnout in Japan. In Japan decides 2021 : the Japanese general election
      Palgrave Macmillan, 2023年, 単著
    • What Women Want: Gender and Voting in Britain, Japan and the United States
      Gill Steel
      University of Michigan Press, 2022年03月14日, 単著
    • Gender and Politics
      Steel, Gill; Sherry L. Martin. “Gender; Politics.” In Pekkanen; Robert J; Saadia Pekkanen (Editors)Oxford; Handbook of Japanese; Politics. Oxford; Oxford University Press.
      Oxford University Press, 2021年, 共著
    • Japanese Politics after the Demise of ‘the 1955 System
      “Japanese Politics after the; Demise of; System.’ In Routledge; Handbook of; Contemporary; Japan; Takeda, Hiroko; Mark Williams (Editors). London; Routledge
      2020年09月, 単著
    • “Review of Pekkanen, Robert J., Steven. R, Reed, Ethan Scheiner, and Dan Smith, (Editors). Japan Decides 2017. The Japanese General Election.”
      STEEL Gill
      Japanese Journal of Political Science, 20(2), 125-127., 2019年05月, 単著
    • “The Public and the Private: Changing Women’s and Men’s Lives in Japan.” In Steel, Gill (Editor). Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan. pp.25-49.
      STEEL Gill
      University of Michigan Press, 2019年01月
    • “Women’s Work at Home and in the Workplace.” In Steel, Gill (Editor). Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan. In Steel, Gill (Editor). pp. 1-24.
      STEEL Gill
      University of Michigan Press, 2019年01月, 単著
    • “Women’s Work at Home and in the Workplace.” In Steel, Gill (Editor). Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan.
      STEEL Gill
      University of Michigan Press, 2019年01月, 単著
    • Beyond the gender gap in Japan
      Steel, Gill
      University of Michigan Press, 2019年, 編者(編著者)
    • 「反権力集団とその展望」. 『現代日本社会の権力構造』 スティール・ジル、浅野正彦. pp. 299-323.
      北大路書房, 2018年10月, 単著
    • 「政治的選好の形成と権力」『現代日本社会の権力構造』 スティール・ジル、浅野正彦. pp. 41-56.
      北大路書房, 2018年10月, 単著
    • 現代日本社会の権力構造
      STEEL Gill
      北大路書房, 2018年10月, 共編者(共編著者)
    • How Junichiro Koizumi Seized the Leadership of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party. In Pekkanen, Robert (Editor). Critical Readings on The Liberal Democratic Party
      Kabashima, Ikuo; Gill Steel
      Leiden: BRILL, 2018年, 共著
    • Power in Contemporary Japan
      STEEL Gill
      Palgrave Macmillan, 2016年, 編者(編著者)
    • “Political Socialization Among Young Children.” in the Proceedings of the Power in Contemporary Japan Symposium: 82nd Open Lecture at the Institute for the Study of Humanities and Social Sciences, Doshisha University.
    • 『Changing Politics in Japan』
      Cornell University Press, 2010年, 共著
    • 「小泉政権とマスメディア」
      『メディアが変える政治』東京:東京大学出版会, 2008年
    • 「Contemporary Japanese Democracy.」In Martin, Sherry and Gill Steel.『Reform in Japan: Assessing the Impact.』
      Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008年
    • 「Introduction」In Martin, Sherry and Gill Steel.『Reform in Japan: Assessing the Impact.』
      Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008年
    • 「What Voters Want, What Voters Get: Citizens’ Policy Preferences vs. Party Platforms」
      『Reform in Japan: Assessing the Impact.』Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008年, 単著
    • 『Reform in Japan: Assessing the Impact. 』
      Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008年, 共編者(共編著者)
    • “The Koizumi Revolution”
      PS Political Science and Politics. 40 (01), 2007年, 共著
    • “How Koizumi Seized the Leadership of the LDP.”
      Japanese Journal of Political Science. 8 (01), 2007年
    • 「Contemporary Japanese Democracy.」
      『Reform in Japan: Assessing the Impact.』 Lynne Rienner Publishers
    • 「Introduction」
      『Reform in Japan: Assessing the Impact.』 Lynne Rienner Publishers
    • 「Cross-national Support for Gender Role Equality」
      International Political Science Review 29 (2)
    • 「Images of Government in the United States」
      Japanese Journal of Political Science 11 (01)


    • Saviors or Slackers? Young People’s Preferences in a Not-so-Silver Democracy
      STEEL Gill
      American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2019年09月06日
    • “Gender and Voting in Japan, Britain, and the United States.” Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan Symposium.
      STEEL Gill
      The Nissan Institute, Oxford University Symposium, 2017年11月
    • “Gender and Voting Preferences.”
      STEEL Gill
      International Political Science Association, 2016年07月
    • “How We Learn about Politics: Six Year Olds and Abenomics.”
      STEEL Gill
      American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2014年09月
    • “Gender and Social Capital in Asia.”
      STEEL Gill
      Workshop on Social Capital using the AsiaBarometer Survey Data, 2011年, Sanjo Conference Hall, University of Tokyo
    • “What Women Want: Gender and Voting in Britain, Japan and the United States.”
      STEEL Gill
      Asian Social Research Association, 2010 International House of Japan, 2010年, Tokyo
    • “Gender and Voting in Japan: Does the Democratic Party of Japan Have a Woman Problem?”
      STEEL Gill
      JAWS Workshop. Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien, 2009年, Tokyo
    • “U.S. Images of Government and Business.”
      STEEL Gill
      Asiabarometer Workshop, 2008年, Chuo University, Tokyo
    • “Explaining Junichiro Koizumi’s Popularity: Style, Substance and Strategy.”
      STEEL Gill
      American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2006年09月
    • “The Mass Media and Koizumi’s Emergence as a Populist Politician.”
      STEEL Gill
      International Political Science Association Meeting, 2006年03月
    • “The Mass Media and Koizumi’s Emergence as a Populist Politician.”
      STEEL Gill
      American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2005年09月
    • “What Voters Want, What Voters Get: Citizens’ Policy Preferences vs. Party Platforms.”
      STEEL Gill
      American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2004年09月
    • “Class and Gender in British General Elections.”
      STEEL Gill
      Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2003年04月
    • “What Voters Want, What Voters Get: Issue Voting in Lower House Elections.”
      STEEL Gill
      Association of Contemporary Japanese Political Studies Annual Meeting, University of Tokyo, 2002年05月
    • “Mobilization, Gender and the Vote Choice in Japanese Lower House Elections.”
      STEEL Gill
      American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2001年09月
    • “Gender and Issue Voting in Japanese House of Representatives Elections.”
      STEEL Gill
      Association for Asian Studies, 2001年04月
    • “Mobilization and the Vote Choice in Japanese House of Representatives Elections.”
      STEEL Gill
      Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2001年04月
    • “Gender and the Vote in House of Representatives Elections, 1972-1996.”Losing Faith in Politics? Trends in Citizen Attitudes and Behavior in Japan and the United States,
      STEEL Gill
      International Political Science Association, 2000年03月
    • Council for International Schools Annual Meeting. Amsterdam, 2014. Presentation: Studying in Japan
      STEEL Gill
    • Council for International Schools Annual Meeting. Monaco, 2013. Presentation: Studying in Japan (in English!)
      STEEL Gill
    • Gender in Contemporary Japanese Politics Panel. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2015, Discussant
      STEEL Gill


    • Young People and Political Engagement in Britain and Japan
      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2019年04月 -2024年03月, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
    • 男女共同参画の政治過程の政治学的再検討―リベラル・フェミニズムの問題に着目して
      武田 宏子; 田村 哲樹; 辻 由希; 大倉 沙江; 西山 真司; STEEL GILL
      日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 2020年04月 -2024年03月, 研究分担者, 基盤研究(B), 名古屋大学