Self-repair and self-monitoring with the editing term well in narrative in view of stance
Tomoko I. Sakita
Doshisha Global and Regional Studies Review, Alternative:Doshisha Society for Global and Regional Studies, (9) 1 - 27, 2017, Scientific journal
Stance management in oral narrative: The role of discourse marker well and resonance
Tomoko I. Sakita
Functions of Language, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 24(1) 66 - 94, 2017, Scientific journal
Interactional Management in Conversational Concession with the Stance Marker Well.
Tomoko I. Sakita
GR: Doshisha Global and Regional Studies review, 同志社大学グローバル地域文化学会, (1) 59 - 87, 2013
Survey of the discourse marker well in quoted speech in spoken American English
Sakita Tomoko I.
Doshisha studies in language and culture, Doshisha University, 15(4) 331 - 357, 2013
Discourse markers as stance markers: Well in stance alignment in conversational interaction
Tomoko I. Sakita
Pragmatics and Cognition, 21(1) 81 - 116, 2013, Scientific journal
崎田 智子
言語文化, 12(4) 619 - 663, 2010
Parallelism in conversation: Resonance, schematization, and extension from the perspective of dialogic syntax and cognitive linguistics
Tomoko I. Sakita
Pragmatics and Cognition, 14(3) 467 - 500, 2006, Scientific journal
Preferred Argument Structure in Conversational Reporting.
Sakita Tomoko I.
Doshisha studies in language and culture, 同志社大学言語文化学会, 6(2) 275 - 297, 2003
Dialogue internal and external features representing mental imagery of speaker attitudes
Tomoko I. Sakita
TEXT: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse, De Gruyter Mouton, 22(1) 83 - 105, 2002, Scientific journal
Another Semantic Extension of Go.
Doshisha studies in language and culture, Doshisha University, 4(2) 447 - 466, 2001
Cognition in Reporting Discourse : Mental Representation and Speaker Perspectives
Sakita, Tomoko I
Cognition in Language Use, (1) 375 - 387, 2001
Tense, Dialogue Features, and Attitudes.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
KLS: Kansai Linguistic Society, 20 164 - 174, 2000
Like in Discourse: Its Functions and Grammaticalization
Sakita; Tomoko I
Papers in Linguistic Science, 6 1 - 26, 2000
Manifestations of Speaker Attitudes in Conflict Stories
Sakita, Tomoko I.
Studies in Pragmatics, 日本語用論学会, (1) 74 - 88, 1999
Reporting Discourse in English: Discourse, Cognition, and Consciousness.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
京都大学博士学位論文, Sep. 1998
Tense Alternation in English Conversational Narratives.
Sakita; Tomoko I
Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching, 2 1 - 14, 1997
Subconscious Japanese Sexism as Seen in Content Analysis of English Textbooks
Sakita; Tomoko I
THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL & SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, The Japanese Group Dynamics Association, 36(1) 103 - 113, 1996
Tense in Indirect Reporting Discourse in Spoken English.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching, 1 83 - 97, 1996
Prevalence of Sexism in English Educational Texts in Japan.
Sakita; Tomoko I
ISIS International: Women in Action, 95(2) 53 - 55, 1995
Sexism in Japanese English Education: A Survey of EFL Texts.
Sakita; Tomoko I
Women and Language, 18(2) 5 - 12, 1995
Functions of Reporting Discourse from a Discourse Analytic Perspective
SAKITA Tomoko I.
Papers in Linguistic Science, 京都大学総合人間学部基礎科学科情報科学講座, 1 1 - 13, 1995
A crosslinguistic study of intersubjectivity: Stance-taking in Japanese and Israeli narratives based on inherited war memories
Nir, Bracha, & Sakita, Tomoko I.
Conference Handbook, 23rd Annual International Conference of The Japanese Society for Language Sciences, 2022, Introduction international proceedings
Enhancement of dialogue processing: From the viewpoints of natural language processing and discourse pragmatics
Sakita Tomoko I.
Doshisha Studies in Language and Culture, Doshisha University, 12(4) 619 - 663, 2010
伝達のlike (英文法研究:理論と事実の接点を求めて)
崎田 智子
英語青年, 研究社, 153(9) 561 - 563, 2007
同志社時報, (117) 60 - 61, Mar. 2004
Cognition in reporting discourse: Mental representation and speaker perspectives
TI Sakita
Like in Discourse: Its Functions and Grammaticalization.
﨑田 智子
言語科学論集, 6 1 - 26, 2000
Tense, Dialogue Features, and Attitudes.
Sakita, Tomoko I
KLS: Kansai Linguistic Society, 20 164 - 174, 2000
Reporting Discourse in English: Discourse, Cognition, and Consciousness.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
Narrative Dialogue Forms in English: Cognition and Self Identity
Sakita; Tomoko I
日本言語学会第115回大会予稿集, 306 - 311, Oct. 1997
Style Choice of Reporting Discourse Related to Sentence Length and Complexities.
崎田 智子
KLS: Kansai Linguistic Society, 16 89 - 99, 1996
Functions of Reporting Discourse from a Discourse Analytic Perspective.
崎田 智子
言語科学論集, 1 1 - 13, 1995
日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第42回大会発表論文集, 26 - 29, Oct. 1994, Summary national conference
Cognitive and dialogic analyses of discourse development and intersubjectivity.
Sakita; Tomoko I
34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Jul. 2024, 16 Jul. 2024, 19 Jul. 2024, Oral presentation
Human growth strategy from the viewpoint of gender, language, and biodiversity.
Sakita; Tomoko I
16th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences, Mar. 2024, 14 Mar. 2024, 15 Mar. 2024, Oral presentation
Gender and diversity: Growth strategies for human society from the perspective of biodiversity
Sakita; Tomoko I
SDGsシンポジウム:ダイバーシティとグローバル教育―ジェンダーを超える視点から, Jan. 2024, Nominated symposium
A cognitive model of discourse structure building: From the perspective of intonation units and cognitive grammar.
Sakita; Tomoko I
18th International Pragmatics Conference, Jul. 2023, 09 Jul. 2023, 14 Jul. 2023, Oral presentation
A crosslinguistic study of intersubjectivity: Stance-taking in Japanese and Israeli narratives based on inherited war memories.
Nir, Bracha; Sakita, Tomoko I
23rd Annual International Conference of The Japanese Society for Language Sciences, Sep. 2022, 24 Sep. 2022, 25 Sep. 2022, Oral presentation
On the usage of stance marker “well” in self-repair.
Sakita; Tomoko I
32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Jul. 2022, 18 Jul. 2022, 22 Jul. 2022, Oral presentation
Stancetaking in conversational concession with discourse markers.
Sakita; Tomoko I
9th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication, Jun. 2022, 21 Jun. 2022, 23 Jun. 2022, Oral presentation
KLF3:京都言語学フォーラム第3回年次大会, Mar. 2022, 29 Mar. 2022, 29 Mar. 2022, Invited oral presentation
Discourse markers that manage stance in speech repairs.
Sakita; Tomoko I
17th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, Jun. 2021, 27 Jun. 2021, 02 Jul. 2021, Oral presentation
Self-repair with editing terms as stance acts.
Sakita; Tomoko I
14th biennial High Desert Linguistics Society, Nov. 2020, 20 Nov. 2020, 22 Nov. 2020, Oral presentation
Stance, resonance, and discourse markers in conversational narratives.
Sakita; Tomoko I
3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, Nov. 2016, 04 Nov. 2016, 06 Nov. 2016, Oral presentation
Stance management and self-positioning in oral narrative.
Sakita; Tomoko I
25th Annual Meeting for the Society of the Text and Discourse, Jul. 2015, 06 Jul. 2015, 08 Jul. 2015, Oral presentation
Discourse basis of grammatical patterns: Preferred argument structure in narrative.
Sakita; Tomoko I.
9th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, Jul. 2005, 16 Jul. 2005, 21 Jul. 2005, Oral presentation
Information management and preferred argument structure in conversational reporting discourse.
Sakita; Tomoko I.
14th World Congress of International Association of Applied Linguistics, Jul. 2005, 12 Jul. 2005, 14 Jul. 2005, Oral presentation
Continuity in discourse units.
Sakita; Tomoko I.
14th Annual Meeting for the Society of the Text and Discourse, Aug. 2004, 01 Aug. 2004, 04 Aug. 2004, Oral presentation
Cognition and deixis in conversational narrative discourse.
Sakita; Tomoko I.
11th Annual Meeting for the Society of the Text and Discourse, Jul. 2001, 12 Jul. 2001, 14 Jul. 2001, Oral presentation
Cognitive representations of recalled speech: Manifestations of speaker perspectives in reported dialogues
Sakita; Tomoko I.
7th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, 09 Jul. 2000, 14 Jul. 2000, Jul. 2000, Oral presentation
Subjectivity, empathy, and mental image of speaker attitudes: Analysis of tense and discourse markers.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
関西言語学会第24回大会, Oct. 1999, 23 Oct. 1999, 24 Oct. 1999, Oral presentation
Self-foregrounding strategies in narrative storytelling: Case analyses of conflict stories.
Sakita; Tomoko I.
12th World Congress of International Association of Applied Linguistics, Aug. 1999, 01 Aug. 1999, 06 Aug. 1999, Oral presentation
Ideological dynamism of cognition, self, and consciousness.
Sakita; Tomoko I.
6th International Pragmatics Conference, Jul. 1998, 19 Jul. 1998, 24 Jul. 1998, Oral presentation
Choice of narrative dialogue forms: Subjectification and self identity.
Sakita; Tomoko I.
6th International Conference on Narrative, Nov. 1997, 07 Nov. 1997, 09 Nov. 1997, Oral presentation
Narrative dialogue forms in English: Cognition and self identity.
Sakita; Tomoko I.
日本言語学会第115回大会, Oct. 1997, 11 Oct. 1997, 12 Oct. 1997, Oral presentation
Subliminal bias in textbooks.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
大学英語教育学会全国大会第36回大会, Sep. 1997, 05 Sep. 1997, 07 Sep. 1997
Contextual and structural factors affecting style choice of English reporting discourse.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
関西言語学会第20回記念大会, Nov. 1995, 11 Nov. 1995, 12 Nov. 1995
Experimental approach to direct and indirect reporting discourse: What do you say when students ask you, 'Which reporting style should we use for which situations?'
Sakita, Tomoko I.
大学英語教育学会九州支部大会第11回大会, Oct. 1995, 07 Oct. 1995, 07 Oct. 1995
English reporting discourse in linguistic performance.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
UW English Linguistics Colloquium, Aug. 1995, 29 Aug. 1995, 29 Aug. 1995
日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第42回大会, Oct. 1994, 22 Oct. 1994, 23 Oct. 1994
Functions of reporting discourse: Discourse analysis.
Sakita, Tomoko I.
大学英語教育学会九州支部大会第10回記念大会, Oct. 1994, 15 Oct. 1994, 15 Oct. 1994
崎田 智子
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 2023/04 -2028/03, 基盤研究(C), 同志社大学
Innovative creation of global education and research environment to realize diversity and inclusion beyond gender equality
Sakita Tomoko I.; Aysun Uyar; Liulan Wang-Kanda; Fumi Watanabe; Mika Ishino
SDGs studies of Doshisha University - “Each and every person is precious.” -, 2023/04 -2024/03, Principal investigator, Doshisha University
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)(一般), 2018 -2024, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)(一般), 2011 -2015, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
Cognitive Pragmatic Study of Reporting Discourse in Natural Language:Integration of Cognition and Discourse
SAKITA Tomoko I.
本研究では、日常言語の対話的そして伝達的性質を、認知言語学、談話情報理論、社会的相互行為理論の多角的視座から分析することにより、伝達に関わる文法構造、談話情報構造、認知システム、構築プロセスまでを解明しようと試みた。従来のアプローチを根源的に問い直し、実際の生きた文脈における言語運用現象を取り上げ、言語科学の新たな理論的枠組みである認知語用論により認知と談話の視点を統合して伝達を取り巻く言語現象を体系的に分析した。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2005 -2008, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
特に伝達時制の選択に焦点をあて、まず、伝達節時制が認知様式、意識の流れ談話機能を反映するとする三理論を詳細に吟味し、それぞれの理論およびモデルを改良した。さらに、伝達においては話者の認知回想様式を背景とした時制選択が基軸となり、加えて話者の情報解釈及び意識の流れ等の要因によって時制が調整されるが、その状況依存度及び優先度を明らかにした。第一に、対人関係やturn-takingに重きが置かれる場面では時制の二次調整の度合いは極めて低い。第二に、被伝達話者態度の対比や推移が顕著に見られる場面では時制の発話態度対照機能が用いられる。第三に、情報や談話の展開が重要な意味を有しevaluative pointとして機能する場面では時制形式は談話構造に沿った意識の流れを表示する。談話文脈を詳細に吟味し、談話構造や情報展開を明らかにすることにより、これらの要因が状況に応じて相互作用する中で時制形式が巧みに調整されている様子が明らかになった。, 日本学術振興会, 若手研究, 2001 -2002, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 若手研究(B), 同志社大学
科学研究費補助金, 1997 -2000, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
Study of Reporting Discourse from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Pragmatics
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Competitive research funding