Timing controller for architectural glass distribution
Kazushi Nakamichi
同志社商学, 73(2) 861 - 881, Sep. 2021
折込センターと折込チラシ : タイミング・コントローラー試論
同志社商学, 72(5) 971 - 990, Mar. 2021, Research institution
COVID-19という危機を乗り越えようとする中小企業の企業家活動プロセス : ミタニ建設工業株式会社(高知県)をケースとして
関 智宏; 中道 一心; 河合 隆治
経営経済, 56 121 - 145, Dec. 2020, Research institution
COVID-19影響下における中小企業の企業家活動プロセス : アントレプレナーシップ研究からの接近による実態把握
関 智宏; 河合 隆治; 中道 一心
同志社商学, 72(2) 249 - 276, Sep. 2020, Research institution
同志社商学, 71(6) 1519 - 1539, Mar. 2020, Research institution
市場縮小期における中核企業の市場適応とサプライチェーンに与える影響 : デジタルスチルカメラの事例
同志社商学, 71(5) 1179 - 1207, Mar. 2020, Research institution
Paper Merchants and Printing Papers : An Essay on Timing Controller
Nakamichi Kazushi
同志社商学 = The Doshisha business review, 同志社大学商学会, 70(6) 1111 - 1143, Mar. 2019
Reinforcing Construction Company and Bars for Construction : An Essay on Timing Controller
Nakamichi Kazushi; Okamoto Hirokimi
同志社商学 = The Doshisha business review, 同志社大学商学会, 70(3) 467 - 486, Nov. 2018
Ice sales businesses and Ice : An essay on Timing Controller
中道 一心; 高橋 侑也
高知論叢 : 社会科学, 高知大学経済学会, (114) 109 - 137, Mar. 2018
Paper Distributors and Printing Papers : An essay on Timing Controller
Nakamichi Kazushi
同志社商学 = The Doshisha business review, 同志社大学商学会, 69(6) 1299 - 1322, Mar. 2018
Timing Controller for Printing Paper Distribution
Nakamichi Kazushi
同志社商学 = The Doshisha business review, 同志社大学商学会, 69(5) 931 - 964, Mar. 2018
On the Role of Management Instructor of Chamber of Commerce in Local Knowledge Creation
Nakamichi Kazushi; Okamura Kazuaki
同志社商学 = The Doshisha business review, 同志社大学商学会, 69(3) 415 - 447, Nov. 2017
An Essay on Timing Controller : Steel Plates for Shipbuilding
Nakamichi Kazushi; Okamoto Hirokimi; Kato Yasushi
同志社商学 = The Doshisha business review, 同志社大学商学会, 69(3) 343 - 360, Nov. 2017
Abstracts of workshop presentations
Hattori Shigeyuki; Nagasaka Kenji; Naito Toru; Tanaka Kei; Shionoya Go; Sato Ikuya; Shimizu Haruhiko; Nakamichi Kazushi
同志社商学 = Doshisha Shogaku (The Doshisha Business Review), Alternative:Doshisha Daigaku Shogakkai, 68(5) 613 - 628, 15 Mar. 2017
書評 矢都洋三編『日本デジタルカメラ産業の生成と発展 : グローバリゼーションの展開の中で』
中道 一心
経営史学 = Japan business history review, 経営史学会, 51(4) 64 - 66, Mar. 2017
Exhibitors in Photokina for Consumer Cameras (1994-2002) : Single Lens Reflex Cameras and Viewfinder Cameras
Nakamichi Kazushi
同志社商学 = The Doshisha business review, 同志社大学商学会, 68(3) 305 - 320, Dec. 2016
The Strategy of Japanese Digital Still Camera Manufacturers for Spread of Smartphone
Nakamichi Kazushi
Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan, 産業学会, 2014(29) 169 - 181, 2014
Development of the Multidisciplinary Educational Materials on Locally-Caught Fish "Skipjack Tuna"
柴 英里; 菊地 るみ子; 山中 文; 岡谷 英明; 吉岡 一洋; 中道 一心; 受田 浩之; 芝 京; 山本 哲治
学習開発学研究, 広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座, (7) 59 - 67, 2014
Manufacturing and Cycle Time : Competitiveness by Long Cycle Time
Tomino Takahiro; Nakamichi Kazushi
同志社商学, 同志社大学商学会, 64(5) 394 - 416, Mar. 2013
The logic of the use of external organizations in the digital camera industry : Modification of business systems and gaps between functional capabilities
中道 一心
日本大学経済学部経済科学研究所紀要, 日本大学経済学部経済科学研究所, 0(42) 157 - 173, Mar. 2012
The purpose and present situation of Kochi automotive supplier association
中道 一心
Kochi University review of social science, 高知大学経済学会, (101) 121 - 157, 20 Jul. 2011
The essay in the strategy offilling gaps among capability of productions, sales, and R&D
東 正志; 中道 一心; 富野 貴弘
Kochi University review of social science, 高知大学経済学会, (99) 93 - 113, Nov. 2010
The upgrading of competitive dimension and international competitiveness of Japanese companies in the digital still camera industry
中道 一心
Kochi University review of social science, 高知大学経済学会, (94) 71 - 91, Mar. 2009
The global expansion of Japanese digital still camera companies from retailer's selection of goods a point of view
中道 一心
Doshisha business review of graduate students, 同志社大学大学院商学研究科院生会, 42(2) 64 - 81, Mar. 2008
経営学論集, 78 208 - 209, 2008
The product lineup of digital still cameras from survey data of display price
中道 一心
Doshisha business review of graduate students, 同志社大学大学院商学研究科院生会, 41(2) 74 - 89, Mar. 2007
Acquisition of Continuous Competitive Advantage in the Japanese Market for the Digital Still Cameras:Based on Analysis of Survey Data of Display Price
Nakamichi Kazushi
Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan, 産業学会, 22(22) 123 - 135, 2007
工業経営研究, 工業経営研究学会, 20 28 - 37, Sep. 2006
Acquisition of continuous competitive advantage in the Japanese market for the digital still cameras: based on analysis of survey data of display price
中道 一心
Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies,Japan, 産業学会, (22) 123 - 135, 2006
International Competitiveness of Japanese Digital Still Camera Industry from the Perspective of Industrial Characteristics
Nakamichi Kazushi
Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan, 産業学会, 21(21) 145 - 156, 2006
中道 一心
同志社大学大学院商学論集, 同志社大学大学院商学研究科院生会, 40(1) 61 - 87, Sep. 2005
商学論集, 同志社大学大学院商学研究科院生会, 39(2) 192 - 200, Mar. 2005
中道 一心
産業学会研究年報, 産業学会, (21) 145 - 156, 2005
商学論集, 同志社大学大学院商学研究科院生会, 39(1) 177 - 205, Sep. 2004
Timing Controller and Competitive Advantage: A Study on Balancing Economy of Scale and JIT Production.
中道 一心; 田中 彰; 川端 望; 加藤 康; 河村 徳士; 富野 貴弘
本研究において大きな前進は、タイミング・コントローラーが成立し得る条件について、アルフレッド・D.チャンドラーのThe Visible Hand(邦題『経営者の時代』)と、これに対するオリバー・E.ウィリアムソンの書評論文にさかのぼって検討したことである。そして、その成果として事業所としてのタイミング・コントローラーと、独立した企業としてのタイミング・コントローラーを区別する観点を示すことができた。端的には、①タイミング・コントロール機能を有する事業所が素材生産企業の工場や完成品企業の工場と連携し、円滑な残の供給を行う仕組みを持っていることと、②タイミング・コントロール機能を有する独立した企業(タイミング・コントローラー)が素材生産企業や完成品企業との力関係の下で契約を結び、産業組織のなかで利潤の確保と成長を目指していることは、区別したうえでどちらも研究しなければならないことを明示した。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2020/04 -2023/03, Principal investigator, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
Research on engineering and supply chain to adapt to global markets
Tomino Takahiro
This study investigates and analyzes the problems and solutions faced by the global supply chain management of today's companies in the automotive, electronics, and apparel industries. In all of these industries, the procurement of parts and materials at the upstream of the supply chain is the key, and in order to improve the adaptability of the supply chain to the market, it has become clear that "comprehensive manufacturing capabilities," which are a combination of "product capabilities," "production site capabilities," "sales capabilities," and "production-sales collaboration capabilities," are required., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2017/04 -2021/03, Coinvestigator, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Meiji University
The role of the timing controller in the supply chain
OKAMOTO Hirokimi
This research project introduces the diversity in supply chains, from raw materials to finished goods, that the author has identified heretofore by focusing on timing controllers, and then questions differences in timing controllers by comparing supply chains across industries.
We come to the following conclusions: (1) there are companies that can be called timing controllers in supply chains, ranging from raw materials to finished products; (2) timing controllers vary by supply chain, and include diverse industries, from commercial businesses to specialty firms; (3) overall costs are reduced because of their existence; and (4) timing controllers are intermediaries that separate, particularly temporally, production and consumption, and provide a fine tuning system that goes far beyond that imagined in prior studies., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2015/04 -2019/03, Coinvestigator, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kochi University of Technology
Study on economic policy to utilize business advisers of the Chamber of Commerce for regional revitalization
In this research, we analyzed the roles and functions of business advisors diversely.Firstly, we clarified career, customer, mutual learning and thinking about mutual learning of business advisors of the Chamber of Commerce. Secondly, we analyzed the relationship policy positions of business advice and human resources development of business advisers. Thirdly, we clarified the position of SME law for local communities. Fourth, we conducted an economic analysis on the effect of management advice.
It pointed out that is important to focus on development of sales channels and research and development support. Finally, we focused on mutual learning and constructed the theoretical model., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 2015/04 -2018/03, Coinvestigator, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Kochi University
A study of redefinition of business domain for growth business and added-value acquisition.
This study investigated the case of the imaging industry. In this project, companies in the imaging industry were surveyed on vicissitude of business domain definition, business system and product line-up. There are three things that I made clearly. Even if the environment suddenly changes, redefinition of business domain should be kept minimal. On the other hand, to change the business system involving complementary companies. And, it leads to the provision of a product line adapted to the market environment. Three points attract sustained business growth and earnings., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 2014/04 -2017/03, Principal investigator, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Research on Time-Based Competitiveness of Manufacturing
Tomino Takahiro
This research tried to analyze activities of manufacturing companies from the viewpoint of time-based competitiveness. In the business environment in recent years, “Speed” is regarded as important in every aspect. However, what we showed in this research is the case studies of companies that utilize long cycle-time in manufacturing and get competitiveness. In view of today's intercompany competition, we have to pay attention not only to aspects of the surface, visible and fast manufacturing cycles, but also to the behind, invisible and slow manufacturing cycles., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2014/04 -2017/03, Coinvestigator, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Meiji University
The growth of and connections between theJapanese and Taiwanese optical industries
NUMATA Satoshi
The first subject of this research was to reexamine the growth of Japan's optical industry in a market defined by competitive and cooperative relations among mainly British and German companies. In this context, this study shed light on the launch and significance of the British standards organization, and revealed the importance of the compatibilities that supported Britain’s mass production and parts production from the technical standpoint.
The second subject of this research was the growth of the Taiwanese optical industry starting with the foray of Japanese companies into Taiwan. In this context, this study shed light on the process of this growth through technical support offered by Japanese companies to Taiwanese companies, the exchange of human resources between the companies, and the cooperative relation between Japanese and Taiwanese companies., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2014/04 -2017/03, Coinvestigator, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Aomori University
A Study of the product lineup for growth business and added-value acquisition
This study investigated changes in product line-up of Japanese camera companies by qualitative and quantitative research. Point of two of the following are keys. How Japanese companies defined the business domain of the camera business. And, how Japanese companies realized the product line-up along the domain.
A variety of products as an alternative product, appeared in front of the camera. Japanese companies achieved growth business and added-value acquisition when Japanese companies continued to maintain their business domain of camera business, and to build their business system for realized the product line-up along the domain., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 2012/04 -2014/03, Principal investigator, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Kochi University
A study of a core company's competitive advantage and a management capability of external organization; a case of digital still camera industry
This study was researched the relationship between the core company's management capability of outside organizations and its competitive power based on the digital still camera industry. If a core company is running several business systems, it to improve its capability. Many Japanese companies in a digital still camera industry are running several business systems. On the other hand, many Euro-American companies are doing only one or two business systems. These findings indicate that Japanese companies continue to maintain international competitiveness., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up), 2008/10 -2010/03, Principal investigator, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up), Kochi University
中道 一心
1)2)を通して、どちらかの事業システムが優れているのではなく、製品ラインナップのダイナミックな切り替えを継続的に実施できるように、自社が保有する資源に合った事業システムを選択している企業が競争力を持つようである。世界市場での分析を積み重ね、本研究の発見事項を再確認したい。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, 2005/05 -2007/03, Principal investigator, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Doshisha University