YAMAYA Kiyoshi
Faculty of Policy Studies Department of Policy Studies
Last Updated :2024/07/14

Researcher Profile and Settings

      Research funding number


    Research Interests

    • Administraive Accountability and Responsibility
    • アカウンタビリティ
    • 政策評価
    • Accountability
    • Policy Evaluation

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & social sciences / Politics / public administration

    Research Experience

    • Doshisha University, Faculty of Policy Studies, 2004 - Today
    • 外務省大臣官房考査・政策評価官, 2003 - 2004
    • 外務省経済協力局評価室長, 2002 - 2003
    • Iwate Prefectural University, Faculty of Policy Studies, 1998 - 2002
    • Hiroshima Shudo University, The Faculty of Law, Department of International Politics, 1990 - 1998
    • 行政管理研究センター 研究員, 1987 - 1990


    • Chuo University, 法学研究科, 政治学専攻, 1978/04 - 1988/03
    • Chuo University, Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science, 1974/04 - 1978/03


    • Doctor of Politics, Chuo University
    • Master of Laws, Chuo University

    Association Memberships

    • 日本評価学会, 2000, 9999
    • 日本公共政策学会, 1997, 9999
    • 日本行政学会, 1982, 9999
    • 日本政治学会, 1982, 9999

    Committee Memberships

    • 会長(2018-2020)、編集委員長(2014-2020), - , 日本評価学会, Society, 日本評価学会

    Published Papers

    • Contributions of Evaluation theory to Policy Studies -From the Japanes evalution system-
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      Doshisha Policy and Management Review, 22(2) 159 - 172, Mar. 2021, Scientific journal
    • Accountability and Evaluation in Japan
      Kiyoshi Yamaya
      Government Auditing Review, (62) 5 - 10, Sep. 2020
    • Comparative Public Policies and Comparing Evaluation Policies -from Japan and Korea
      Yamaya Kiyoshi; Han Jeongmin
      Doshisha Poilicy and Management Review, 21(2) 121 - 134, 01 Mar. 2020, Scientific journal
    • 30 years of Public policy studies in the Heisei era-"Centrifugal force"-
      Kiyoshi Yamaya
      Journal of Public Policy Studies, (19) 2 - 5, Dec. 2019
    • 政策評価における『官』・『学』協働の可能性
      山谷 清志
      評価クウォータリー, 47 2 - 20, Oct. 2018
    • Participatory Evaluation and Participatory Budgeting Populiam and the “18 years Old Right” to Vote
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      The Policy and Management Review, 同志社大学大学院総合政策科学研究科総合政策科学会, 19(1) 191 - 205, Oct. 2017, Scientific journal
    • Rethinking Policy Evaluation and Accountability : Impacts of the Right to Vote for 18 year olds
      山谷 清志
      日本評価研究, 日本評価学会, 17(2) 1 - 13, Aug. 2017
    • Local Governance reforms and evaluations in Japan
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies, 16(1) 1 - 2, Aug. 2016
    • Many faces of evaluation in Japanese local governments : 20 years of Decentralization and the Financial crisis
      山谷 清志
      日本評価研究, 日本評価学会, 16(1) 31 - 45, Aug. 2016
    • 'Meta-evaluation' system of policy evaluation in Japan : objectivity and quality
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      Doshisha University policy & management, Doshisha University, 16(1) 13 - 24, Sep. 2014
    • Ten Years Experience of Policy Evaluation System in Japanese Central Government
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies, 13(2) 1 - 2, Nov. 2013
    • Policy Evaluation in Ministry of Foregin Affairs of Japan
      Yamaya Kiyoshi; Yosiwara Kengo
      Doshisha University policy studies, Doshisha University, 3(3) 141 - 156, Mar. 2009, Scientific journal
    • 日本公共政策学会・関西支部設立記念研究大会について シンポジウム「関西における公共政策教育の現状と課題」[含 質疑応答,意見など]
      山谷 清志; 足立 幸男; 新川 達郎
      同志社政策研究, 同志社大学政策学会, (3) 111 - 119, Mar. 2009
    • Evaluation in the Public Sector:Policy evaluation and NPM-type performance measurement
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies, THE JAPAN EVALUATION SOCIETY, 9(3) 3_3 - 3_16, 2009
    • 外務省大臣官房の政策管理機能:-総合外交政策局とのデマケーション
      山谷 清志
      年報行政研究, The Japanese Society for Public Administration, 2005(40) 24 - 46, 2005
    • The Confusion of `Program' concepts in the Evaluation Theories and Practices
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      Doshisya policy and managemant review, 同志社大学大学院総合政策科学会, 6(1) 1 - 13, Dec. 2004
    • The Review of the Policy Evaluation in Japan
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies, THE JAPAN EVALUATION SOCIETY, 2(2) 3 - 15, 2002
    • 小池治著『アメリカの政策過程と政府間関係』
      山谷 清志
      年報行政研究, The Japanese Society for Public Administration, 1992(27) 294 - 299, 1992


    • 評価についての講演概要 地方自治体の行政評価の本質と課題 : 組織文化と評価文化の交錯
      山谷 清志
      評価クォータリー, 行政管理研究センター, (43) 17 - 36, Oct. 2017
    • 評価についての講演概要 行政評価制度と自治体改革 : マクロ改革とミクロ「カイゼン」
      山谷 清志
      評価クォータリー, 行政管理研究センター, (31) 22 - 34, Oct. 2014
    • 政策評価の制度化をふまえた理論の再構成 : 政策評価「学」にむけて (政策評価法施行10周年記念特集)
      山谷 清志
      評価クォータリー, 行政管理研究センター, (22) 11 - 25, Jul. 2012
    • 政策過程における府省「審議会」の役割 : 政策分析と政策評価から
      山谷 清志
      評価クォータリー, 行政管理研究センター, (20) 2 - 17, Jan. 2012
    • 政策終了と政策評価制度 (特集 政策終了)
      山谷 清志
      公共政策研究, 日本公共政策学会 ; 2001-, 12 61 - 73, 2012
    • Changing features of Policy Evaluation System in Japan :`Efficiency main-streaming'(ESSAYS IN HONOR OF PROFESSOR IMAMURA TSUNAO)
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      The Chuo law review, Chuo University, 118(3) 199 - 238, Sep. 2011
    • 'Policy evaluation' in local governments: beyond aging deterioration and system fatigue
      山谷 清志
      Journal of municipal problems., 都市問題研究会, 61(5) 49 - 68, May 2009
    • 政策評価の質とその改善--実践と研究の交錯
      山谷 清志
      評価クォータリー, 行政管理研究センター, (1) 2 - 13, Apr. 2007
    • 中央府省の政策評価導入とその課題--自治体は何を学ぶか (特集 基礎的自治体の行政評価)
      山谷 清志
      都市問題, 東京市政調査会, 92(7) 41 - 51, Jul. 2001
    • Policy Evaluation and the Study of Public Administration in Japan
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      The Chuo law review, Chuo University, 107(1) 119 - 155, Aug. 2000
    • Local Assemblies in the Decentralization Era : Abilities and Possibilities of Local Parliamentary Democracy in Japan
      Kiyoshi YAMAYA; Policy Studies Association Iwate Prefectural University
      Journal of policy studies, 岩手県立大学総合政策学会, 1(2) 155 - 172, 31 Jul. 1999
    • 巻頭論文 自治体改革における「政策評価」の必要性
      山谷 清志
      地方財務, ぎょうせい, (523) 1 - 10, Dec. 1997
    • 行政管理におけるサッチャ-の「革命」--「エ-ジェンシ-」と業績評価
      山谷 清志
      国学院大学紀要, 国学院大学, (28) p127 - 154, Mar. 1990
    • 行政国家における議会統制の可能性--「交換モデル」とプログラム評価
      山谷 清志
      法学新報, 中央大学法学会, 94(9) p59 - 100, Mar. 1988
    • 政策評価は政策責任と行政責任を確保できるか-アカウンタビリティ概念の再確認
      山谷 清志
    • 外務省大臣官房の政策管理機能-総合外交政策局とのデマケーションーション
      山谷 清志

    Books etc

    • 協働型評価とNPO : 「政策21」の軌跡
      山谷清志; 岩渕公二
      晃洋書房, Sep. 2022, Joint editor
    • 地域を支えるエッセンシャル・ワーク
      山谷清志; 藤井誠一郎; 林鉄平; 小迫敏宏; 三上真嗣; 渋谷典子; 近藤佳美; 湯浅孝康; 山谷清秀
      ぎょうせい, Apr. 2021, Joint work
    • Program Evaluation Handbook
      源, 由理子; 大島, 巌; 山谷, 清志
      晃洋書房, Dec. 2020, Supervisor
    • JAXAの研究開発と評価 : 研究開発のアカウンタビリティ
      張替, 正敏; 山谷, 清志; 南島, 和久
      晃洋書房, Oct. 2020, Joint work
    • Policy Analysis in Japan
      YAMAYA Kiyoshi
      Policy Press, May 2015, Joint work, Councils, Policy Analysis and Policy Evaluation,chapter9
    • 男女共同参画政策 行政評価と施設評価
      山谷 清志
      晃洋書房, Apr. 2015, Joint editor
    • 政策評価
      山谷 清志
      ミネルヴァ書房, May 2012, Single work, Scholarly book
    • the Evaluation and Management in the Public Sector
      YAMAYA Kiyoshi
      Kouyoushobou, Apr. 2010, Joint work, Scholarly book
    • 「環境ガバナンスと民主的アカウンタビリティ」『持続可能な未来のための民主主義』第2章
      山谷 清志; 足立幸男
      Oct. 2009, Joint work, Scholarly book
    • NPMにおいていかなる「責任」を実現するか
      山谷清志; 村松岐夫; 田辺国昭; 金本良嗣; 山本清; 稲継裕昭; 北大路信郷
      公務改革の突破口-政策評価と人事行政(東洋経済新報社), Jun. 2008, Joint work, Scholarly book
    • 政策評価の実践とその課題-アカウンタビリティのジレンマ
      山谷 清志
      萌書房, May 2006, Scholarly book
    • The Art of Policy Evaluation in Japan
      YAMAYA Kiyoshi
      International Atlas of Evaluation (Transaction), Mar. 2002, Joint work, Scholarly book
    • 政策評価の理論とその展開-政府のアカウンタビリティ
      山谷 清志
      晃洋書房, May 1997, Single work, Scholarly book


    • Policy Evaluation in Japan
      Kiyoshi Yamaya
      Seminar on Challenges of Policy Evaluation in Cambodia and Roles of Japan Towards Good Governance, 07 Mar. 2024, 07 Mar. 2024, Invited oral presentation,
    • Reconsidering Accountabilities of Public Administration and Evaluations
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      Japan Evaluation Society, 07 Dec. 2019, 07 Dec. 2019, 08 Dec. 2019, Oral presentation
    • 評価制度の断片化によるアカウンタビリティの散逸
      山谷 清志
      日本評価学会, 01 Dec. 2018, Public discourse
    • 政策評価をめぐる「官学連携」の意味―専門知識と実務能力-
      山谷 清志
      日本公共政策学会, 17 Jun. 2018, Oral presentation


    • 「政策21」というNPOを2001年に立ち上げ、官公庁の政策評価・行政評価システムのセットアップとそのメインテナンスを支援しております。

    Research Projects

    • Research on the construction of systematic evaluation at the National Research and Development Agency
      南島 和久; 定松 淳; 柳瀬 恵一; 白川 展之; 山谷 清秀; 西山 慶司; 塩満 典子; 橋本 圭多; 山谷 清志; 宮崎 英治; 村上 裕一; 湯浅 孝康
      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2022/04 -2025/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Ryukoku University
    • Public Service and Policy Evaluation in the Post-Corona Era: Case Studies in Essential Work
      山谷 清志
      「ポストコロナ時代の公共サービスと政策評価」の研究を始める出発点として、実態調査・データ収集を目的にエセンシャル・ワークに携わる人びとに直接調査して『地域を支えるエセンシャル・ワーク』(2021年4月ぎょうせい)を出版した。これは反響が大きく、さまざまなところから共同研究の申し出があった。例えば「公務非正規女性全国ネットワーク(通称:はむねっと)」、全国自治体労働組合(自治労)、日本女性学会の研究者、独立行政法人・国立女性教育会館(NWEC)に関係した研究者、「国際人権法の国内実施における自治体の役割と課題」(研究代表者・棟居徳子)などである。 この研究の出発点はもう一つあった。本研究の代表者・山谷清志が編著で刊行した『これからの公共政策学2 政策と行政』(ミネルヴァ書房2021年5月)であり、ここでは行政と政策が本来果たすべき責任はいかなるものであるかについて論じており、公務労働者の業務に対するプロ意識・倫理観(レスポンシビリティ)を認識することの重要性にふれている。 研究分担者の代表的な研究実績は以下の通りである。①橋本圭多「ジェンダー予算の理論と実際:社会的に公正な行政は可能か」『評価クォータリー』第61号、②湯浅孝康(2022)「ポストコロナ時代の行政管理のメタ評価―公共サービスの改善に向けて」『日本評価研究』22(1)、③鏡圭佑「組織再編成と行政責任」山谷清志編『政策と行政』ミネルヴァ書房、第9章である。研究初年度の2021年度は本研究の対象領域の確定(拡大)に務め、研究が向かうべき目標を明らかにした。それは以下の確認である。エセンシャル・ワークに関わる人びとの人権問題、ジェンダーの視点から考えるエッセンシャル・ワーカーの状況、これらに配慮しなかった行政改革、課題や問題を深刻化させた手法(指定管理者や会計年度職員制度など)とそれらの評価である。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2021/04 -2024/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
    • 国際人権法の国内実施における自治体の役割と課題
      棟居 徳子; 申 惠ボン; 山谷 清志; 北川 雄也
      本研究は、国際人権基準を自治体の政策策定・実施・評価に組み込む方法の開発を目的とするものである。 本目的を達成するために、インターネットサーベイにより、都道府県、政令指定都市、中核市における人権条例の制定状況を調査し、その中で、包括的な人権条例、障がいのある人の権利に関する条例、セクシュアル・マイノリティの権利に関する条例、子どもの権利に関する条例、外国人の権利に関する条例、新型コロナウイルス感染症に基づく差別禁止に関する条例に焦点を当て、それぞれ先進的な取組を行っている自治体の条例等の分析を行った。また、先進的な取組みを行っている自治体担当者へのアンケート及びヒアリングを行うための準備を行った。 また、オンラインで研究会を2回実施し、うち1回は外部講師を招聘した。外部講師には、外国人の権利がご専門の近藤敦先生(名城大学)を招聘し、移民統合政策指数(MIPEX2020)やインターカルチュラル・シティ指数等についてご講演頂いた。また、研究会では本研究課題に関する図書出版に向けた打ち合わせを行ったほか、各メンバーがそれぞれ関連する図書及び論文の発表を行った。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 2020/04 -2023/03, 基盤研究(C), 早稲田大学
    • Research of Management and Evaluation on the National Research and Development Agency
      NAJIMA Kazuhisa
      Important research results include two single-authored works on Policy Evaluation and the Incorporated Administrative Agency System (Kazuhisa NAJIMA, "Public Administration and Policy Evaluation" (2020), Keiji NISHIYAMA, "Externalization of Public Services as the Incorporated Administrative Agency System" (2019)), published a co-authored book on the evaluation of JAXA by the National Research and Development Agency (edited by Kazuhisa NAJIMA, "Research and Development and Evaluation of JAXA: Accountability of Research and Development" (2020)). In addition, as a content surrounding the research results on this research subject, a special feature ("Science and Technology Policy and its Evaluation", Japan Evaluation Research, 21 (1), 2021) was organized in the journal of the Japan Evaluation Society(JES)., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2018/04 -2021/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 新潟大学
    • Study on Theory and Methodology of Human Rights Impact Assessment
      Munesue Tokuko
      The purpose of this study is to clarify the theory and methodology of human rights impact assessment. During the research period, we analyzed relevant documents and materials in Japan and overseas, examined the purpose, subject, scope, and method of human rights impact assessment, and investigated practical examples of human rights impact assessments at international organizations and overseas National human rights institutions. In addition to publishing related research papers and presenting on academic conferences, we presented our research results at the International Human Rights Law Association as an interest group and we held an international symposium on business and human rights with guests from overseas in February 2020., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2017/04 -2021/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    • Histrical Reflection on the Ideas and Thoughts of Public Administration in Japan
      Agata Koichiro; Watanabe Yukino
      There are two results of our research project. First, ten essays produced through each interview with ten Japanese senior professors in PA have been completed, so that they can be published by a curtained publisher with which we have already agreed to promote the publication. It should be realized within the study year of 2019. Furthermore, a British publisher recommended us to edit a book into which our research results should be arranged. Four different essays on PA in the countries of Korea, Australia, Germany and Britain are already completed. On the other side each of our planed individual essays on PA in Japanese should be from the beginning on written in English, so that they can be combined with the existing four country-based essays into an English book. For this purpose, three of our planed essays are reported in the annual conference of IIAS on the 21st June 2019 in Singapore. Base on this occasion the project of the English book should be promoted onto the year of 2020., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2016/04 -2019/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Waseda University
    • Citizenship education and policy evaluation
      Yamaya Kiyoshi
      In 2016, Japanese government decided the voting age from 20 to 18,and we expected new democracies in Japan. But nothing changed. Because of voting rates have declined and no-voting elections have increased. To make government accountable in Japan, our project recommend two ways. First is teaching high-school students the policy evaluation, and they shall evaluate government policies, for example local activation programs(Tihou-Kasseika) and regional creation programs(Tihou-sousei) . Second way is using active-learning method in the citizenship education classes. The policy evaluation is useful methods for learning ‘how to make central and local governments accountable’ in Japan., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2016/04 -2019/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
    • 市民教育と政策評価 「地方創生」と18歳選挙権
      山谷 清志
      安倍内閣では「地方創生」のかけ声の下、地域社会を担う若者に期待が寄せられていた一方で、突然のように18歳選挙権が始まった。高校の教育現場ではこの制度変更に戸惑いが多い。長年イデオロギー的中立性が求められた結果、過度に慎重になったからで、教員が行う「シチズンシップ教育」は模擬投票や古い民主主義の理論と歴史の紹介で終わる。この研究は民主主義のリテラシーである政策評価を題材にシチズンシップ教育を進めるべきだと考え、その課題を探った。, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(C)一般, 2016/04 -2019/03, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
    • Comparative public policy
      2010 -2018, Competitive research funding
    • Innovation on the Policy Evaluatuion and Peace Policy
      Yamaya Kiyoshi; TSUKIMURA Taro
      The theory of the policy evaluation and the study of the Peace policy have advanced. A methods of the policy evaluation became performance measurement method, e.g., PDCA cycle and a method using KPI(key performance indicators). This method is plain in the meaning to measure an achievement degree, but there is nothing about the policy that cannot digitize and put into numbers. Because PDCA is a cost cut method like KAIZEN of Toyota. On the other hand, the Peace policy entered into the very difficult side. The Chinese problem in the East Asia, the Self-Defense Forces corresponding to it, the IS(Islamic state) in the Middle East, the Henoko-Okinawa problem are hard to evaluate(‘measure’). This study theme becomes more and more interesting., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2013/04 -2016/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
    • 政策評価研究における刷新の試み-平和政策を題材に-
      政策評価が対象にできる政策は、個別具体的な政策に限定される。抽象的な政策は目標が明らかであるが、その達成状況を具体的に把握できないからである。この研究では国際社会で使用されるパフォーマンス測定方法にヒントを得て、平和構築や人権問題に関する政策評価の可能性を探った。, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(C)一般, 2013/04 -2016/03, Competitive research funding
    • A study of policy analysis and process in Japan --- from the perspective of comapative policy analysis
      ADACHI Yukio; IIO Jun; HOSONO Sukehiro; AGATA Koichiro; HASEGAWA Koichi; TANAKA Takafumi; KOIKE Hirotsugu; YAMAYA Kiyoshi; KANAI Toshiyuki; TANAKA Hideaki; SUZUKI Takahiro; WATANABE Satoshi; USAMI Makoto; TSUCHIYAMA Kimie; AKIYOSHI Takao; SANO Wataru; MAKITA Jun; SHIMIZU Mika
      In spite of the encouraging facts that the Japanese governments have never been indifferent to enhancing their employees' policy analytical skills, as many as 12 ministry-affiliated research institutes have been established, governmental organizations set up to support legislatures' policymaking activities are compatible with similar organizations in other advanced democracies, the number of public policy programs has expanded drastically, and the urgent need to activate a policy market where competing policy alternatives are advanced is now widely acknowledged, there still remains much room for improvement. To begin with, policy analysis has not yet been established as a fully-fledged profession, and consequently its application has been quite limited. We closely examined and identified a host of institutuional and substantial measures to be taken promptly as a means to improve the quality of policy analysis, thereby enhancing its influence on the policy process., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2011/04 -2014/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    • Findings of the study on Evaluation/Performance Measurement of Policy for Promotion of Gender Equality
      NAITO Kauzumi; YAMAYA Kiyoshi; TAKAHASHI Yuki
      The purpose of this study is to clarify actual state and problems of evaluation on basic plans and facilities for gender equality of local governments,and to find out effective evaluation system of policy and administration for gender equality. In order to accomplish these purposes,we carried out a nationwide survey(2011) and an interview investigation(2012).Through these investigations, the importance of close correlation between basic plan for gender equality and facility for gender equality,the need to break off mixture of various different indexes,and the need of the evaluation standard setting,not only definition of evaluation level were clarified., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2011 -2013, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    • 持続可能な発展の重層的環境ガバナンス(京都大学)
      グローバル社会における環境分野でのガバナンスを考える際、従来の政治学や行政学での上下関係を前提にするアカウンタビリティ概念の方法が使いにくいことが判明した。そこで水平方向のアカウンタビリティの方法を模索し、健全なガバナンスを構築する理論を追求した。, 科学研究費助成事業, 特定領域研究, 2006/04 -2011/03, Competitive research funding
    • A Study of Ideas and Institutional Frameworks of Democracy That Support Environmental Governance
      ADACHI Yukio; TAKESHITA Ken; TSUBOGO Minoru; MATSUSHITA Kazuo; YAMAYA Kiyoshi; NAGAMINE Junichi; OYAMA Kosuke; USAMI Makoto; SANO Wataru; TAKATSU Yoshio; KUBOTA Yoshio; AOYAMA Kozo; KOMATSUZAKI Syunsaku; IIO Jun; TACHIOKA Hiroshi; JIAO Congmian
      We study about the institutions and ideas of democracy which can contribute to good environmental governance. Our conclusion is as follows. Firstly we must find a revised version of democracy for including the interests of future generations. Secondly some kind of new institutions and ideas are needed for overcoming the gap between political boundary and natural boundary. Thirdly democracy for environmental governance needs the process of deliberation to utilize the knowledge and experience of expertise. Fourthly democracy, supported by appropriate citizen education, can make people conscious to natural environment and this is a critical element for good environmental governance., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, 2006 -2011, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas
    • International comparison of Policy Evaluation Systems
      FUKUDA Koji; YAMAYA Kiyoshi
      Policy evaluation has already proved effective at eradicating bid rigging and political corruption and has helped to restore trust in the EU both among the Nation States' representative organs 'and the citizens themselves. Consequently the European Council's Laeken Declaration, 15 December 2001, stressed the need for the EU to create a Constitution as a way of achieving greater accountability and legitimacy. The policy evaluation element of NPM is considered to be another important method of enhancing democratization and efficiency in the policy-making processes of the EU. The specific objectives of these papers are as follows : Firstly, we looked at European governance reforms which have been introduced in the light of NPM thinking. Secondly, we examined the history of the concept of Policy Evaluation and consider its definitions with regard to NPM reforms in the European Union. Thirdly, we have considered what kind of role is expected of policy evaluations in the EU, and the repercussions for accountability lines and links. We will analyze and summarize the EU's experiences of administrative reforms with regard to NPM and address the broader issues concerned with accountability, agencies and public management., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2005 -2006, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Waseda University
    • The Practice of Policy evaluation and its problem
      2004 -2006, Competitive research funding
    • Administrative responsibility and ethics
      Competitive research funding

    Social Contribution

    • NPO Policy 21, 2022/04/01-Today, Others
    • 防衛省政策評価に関する有識者会議, 2012/04/01-Today
    • 日本評価学会認定・上級評価士, 2012/01/27-Today
    • 京都市独立行政法人・京都市立病院評価委員会、委員長, 2010/07/01-Today
    • 内閣府本府 政策評価有識者懇談会、座長, 2006/03-2021/03
    • (一財) 国際開発機構 (FASID) 評議員, 2012/05-2020/05
    • 総務省 政策評価・独立行政法人評価委員会 臨時委員, 2001/01/26-2014/03/13
    • 内閣府男女共同参画会議 専門調査会、委員, 2001/04/01-2012/03/31
    • 海上保安庁 船舶等評価委員会、委員長(2010年7月~)

    Teaching Experience

    • 地域社会論特講
    • 比較政策論
    • 科学技術政策論
    • 行政責任論
    • ODA政策論
    • 政策評価論