Faculty of Letters Department of English
Last Updated :2024/12/04

Researcher Profile and Settings

      Research funding number


    Research Interests

    • 英語教育
    • 読解
    • 単語認識
    • 語彙
    • English education
    • reading
    • word recognition
    • mental lexicon

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & social sciences / Primary/secondary education and curricula
    • Humanities & social sciences / Linguistics
    • Humanities & social sciences / Educational psychology

    Research Experience

    • Doshisha University, Department of English, Professor, 2006/04 - Today
    • The University of Toronto, The Ontario Institute of Studies in Education (OISE), Visiting Scholar, 2007/10 - 2008/09
    • Doshisha University, Department of English, Associate Professor, 2000/04 - 2006/03
    • Joetsu University of Education, Graduate School of English Education, Assistant Professor, 1998/04 - 2000/03
    • Kochi University, Department of International Studies, Assistant Professor, 1996/04 - 1998/03


    • University of Toronto, 教育学(カリキュラム)研究科, 第二言語・外国語教育専攻, 1991/09 - 1996/01
    • The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, Department of Curriculum, Second/Foreign Language Education, 1991/09 - 1996/01
    • ニューヨーク州立大学, 教育学研究科, 外国語教育, 1986/09 - 1987/12
    • The State University of New York (Buffalo), Department of Learning and Instruction, Foreign Language Education, 1986/09 - 1987/12
    • Doshisha University, Faculty of Economics, 1981/04 - 1985/03


    • Ph.D.(Education), Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
    • M.Ed., The State University of New York

    Association Memberships


    Committee Memberships

    • 紀要編集委員長, 2014 - 2015, 関西英語教育学会, Society
    • 理事, 2011 - 2013, 関西英語教育学会, Society
    • 評議員, 2009 - 2010, 関西英語教育学会, Society

    Published Papers

    • A dilemma in applied linguistics: A difficulty in applying insights to foreign language education
      Nobuhiko Akamatsu
      Doshisha Studies in English, 104 65 - 97, Mar. 2023, Research institution
    • The cross-linguistic relationship between English nouns and Japanese translations: Japanese ESL learners’ judgement on noun countability.
      Tsuzuku, A; Akamatsu, N
      HELES Journal (The Hokkaido English Language Education Society Journal), 20 3 - 17, Mar. 2021, Scientific journal
    • The Importance of Input in the Acquisition of Polysemous Words: A Corpus Study on the English Preposition AT
      AKAMATSU Nobuhiko
      Doshisha Studies in English, 100 223 - 251, Mar. 2019, Research institution
    • Does cognitive linguistic insights help Japanese learners understand the English article system?
      Akamatsu, N
      SELT (Studies in English Language Teaching), 41 1 - 20, 2018, Scientific journal
    • 認知言語学的知見の有用性に関する一考察:言語学習における明示性と暗示性の視点から
      Akamatsu, N
      同志社大学英語英文学研究, Alternative:The Literary Association, Doshisha University, 94(94) 67 - 98, 2014, Research institution
    • First-language influence on the formation of category prototype in a foreign language.
      Tsunai, Y; Akamatsu, N
      JACET Kansai Journal, 大学英語教育学会関西支部, 15 11 - 24, 2013, Scientific journal
    • Does a foreign language affect cognition?: Re-evaluating evidence for L2 effects on bilinguals' object classification.
      Akamatsu, N
      SELT (Studies in English Language Teaching), 34 1 - 10, 2011, Scientific journal
    • Language and cognition in research on the bilingual lexicon
      Akamatsu, N
      Shuryu, Alternative:English Literary Society of Doshisha University, 72(72) 1 - 34, 2010, Research institution
    • Restructuring foreign language lexical knowledge: Do cognitive linguistic insights contribute to foreign language learning?
      Akamatsu, N
      Doshisha Studies in English, Doshisha University, 86 53 - 82, 2010, Research institution
    • Difficulty in restructuring foreign-language vocabulary knowledge: Polysemous verbs.
      Akamatsu, N
      JACET Kansai Journal, 大学英語教育学会関西支部, 12(12) 68 - 79, 2010, Scientific journal
    • The effects of training on automatization of word recognition in English as a foreign language
      Akamatsu, N
      APPLIED PSYCHOLINGUISTICS, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 29(2) 175 - 193, Apr. 2008, Scientific journal
    • The use of English articles: An analysis of the knowledge used by Japanese university students.
      Akamatsu, N; Tanaka, T
      ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan), The Japan Society of English Language Education, 19 81 - 90, 2008, Scientific journal
    • The effects of first language orthographic features on second language reading in text
      N Akamatsu
      LANGUAGE LEARNING, BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS, 53(2) 207 - 231, Jun. 2003, Scientific journal
    • A similarity in word-recognition procedures among second language readers with different first language backgrounds
      N Akamatsu
      APPLIED PSYCHOLINGUISTICS, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 23(1) 117 - 133, Mar. 2002, Scientific journal
    • Absent voices: Appropriated language, hybridized identities, and re-imagined storylines.
      Mei-Yi-Lin, A; Wong, W; Akamatsu, N; Riazi, M
      Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 1(4) 295 - 316, 2002, Scientific journal
    • 公立小学校への英語教育導入に関する文献研究の概観
      Hojo, R; Wakayama, M; Akamatsu, N
      上越英語研究, Joetsu University of Education, 3 3 - 17, 2002, Scientific journal
    • 日本人中学生・高校生の英語語彙学習方略
      Hirano, K; Akamatsu, N; Anezaki, T
      Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, Joetsu University of Education, 20(2) 459 - 472, 2001
    • The effects of first language orthographic features on word recognition processing in English as a second language
      Akamatsu, N
      Reading and Writing, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, 11(4) 381 - 403, Aug. 1999, Scientific journal
    • A way of integrating Phonics and Whole Language
      Akamatsu, N
      JASTEC Journal, 日本児童英語教育学会事務局, 18(18) 23 - 35, 1999, Scientific journal
    • 第一言語が第二言語単語認識に与える影響について
      Akamatsu, N
      Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, Joetsu University of Education, 19(1) 39 - 52, 1999
    • The Importance of Word recognition in Second-language Reading
      Akamatsu, N
      Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, Joetsu University of Education, 18(2) 621 - 634, 1999
    • L1 and l2 reading: The orthographic effects of Japanese on reading in English L1 and L2 reading in Japan
      Nobuhiko Akamatsu
      Language, Culture and Curriculum, 11(1) 9 - 27, 1998, Scientific journal
    • The relationships between exposure to print and word recognition in English as a second language.
      Akamatsu, N
      高知大学人文科学研究, 5 177 - 194, 1997, Scientific journal
    • The effects of first language orthographic characteristics on reading in English as a second language.
      Akamatsu, N
      Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada., 1996, Doctoral thesis
    • The use of Kanji in the Japanese writing system: Why do the Japanese cling to Kanji?
      Akamatsu, N
      高知大学人文科学研究, 4 197 - 207, 1996, Scientific journal
    • ジョン・ミラーの教育思想と小学校英語教育に関する一考察
      Akamatsu, N; Hara, K
      高知大学学術研究報告人文科学, 46 291 - 304, 1996, Scientific journal
    • Teacher-centered versus child-centered approaches in English instruction
      Akamatsu, N
      WATESOL Journal, 3 40 - 47, 1994, Scientific journal


    • L2語彙学習:認知言語学的アプローチ
      赤松 信彦
      英語教育, 61(3) 52 - 53, Mar. 2012, Introduction commerce magazine
    • Automaticity in second-language word recognition
      Akamatsu Nobuhiko
      Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, Joetsu University of Education, 19(2) 785 - 796, 2000
    • Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese: Studies in written language and literacy 3.
      N Akamatsu
    • The Effects of First Language Orthographic Features on Word Recognition in English as a Second Language
      赤松 信彦
      JACET全国大会要綱, 大学英語教育学会, 33 205 - 207, 1994

    Books etc

    • Silence in Japanese classrooms: Activities and factors in capacities to speak English
      Humphries, S; Akamatsu, N; Tanaka, T; Burns, A
      East Asian perspectives on silence in English language education, edited by J. King & S. Harumi (Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters), 2020, Contributor, pp. 123-142
    • The intertwining effects of first language and learning context on the bilingual mental lexicon
      Akamatsu, N
      Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages, edited by H. Pae (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins), Aug. 2018, Contributor, pp. 245-266
    • Vivid English Expression II (New Edition)
      長谷尚弥; 赤松信彦; 飯島柳子; 佐藤臨太郎; 伊達正起; 西 巌弘; 坂東洋子; 平尾一成; 宮迫靖静; 安木真一; Sean White
      第一学習社, 2018, Joint work, Textbook
    • Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Langauge: Theory and Practice
      Akamatsu, N
      Eihousha, Jan. 2018, Joint work, 第1章:第二言語習得理論:言語習得と環境、第2章:第二言語習得理論:学習のメカニズム、第4章:外国語教授法の変遷、第5章:文法の指導、第6章:語彙の指導、第9章:リーディングの指導, Scholarly book
    • Vivid English Expression I (New Edition)
      長谷尚弥; 赤松信彦; 飯島柳子; 佐藤臨太郎; 伊達正起; 西 巌弘; 坂東洋子; 平尾一成; 宮迫靖静; 安木真一; Sean White
      第一学習社, 2017, Joint work, Textbook
    • Vivid English Expression II
      長谷尚弥; 赤松信彦; 飯島柳子; 佐藤臨太郎; 伊達正起; 西 巌弘; 坂東洋子; 平尾一成; 宮迫靖静; 安木真一; Sean White
      第一学習社, 2013, Joint work, Textbook
    • Vivid English Expression I
      長谷尚弥; 赤松信彦; 飯島柳子; 佐藤臨太郎; 伊達正起; 西 巌弘; 坂東洋子; 平尾一成; 宮迫靖静; 安木真一; Sean White
      第一学習社, 2012, Joint work, Textbook
    • 多読が日本人大学生の英文読解力向上に与える効果に関する研究(平成14年〜17年度科学研究助成金研究(基盤研究 (C)(2):研究代表者 赤松信彦)研究成果報告書)
      2006, Single work, Report
    • Literacy acquisition in Japanese-English bilinguals.
      Akamatsu, N
      Handbook of orthography and literacy. edited by R.M. Joshi & P.G. Aaron (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum), 2006, Contributor, pp.481-496
    • Second language reading proficiency and first language orthographic effects on second language word recognition.
      Akamatsu, N
      Second language writing systems, edited by V. Cook & B.Bassetti (Multilingual Matters), 2005, Contributor, pp. 238-259
    • International TESOL professionals and teacing English for glocalized communication (TEGCOM)
      Mei-Yi-Lin, A; Wong, W; Akamatsu, N; Riazi, M
      Reclaiming the local in language policy and practice, edited by S. Canagarajah (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum), 2005, Contributor, pp. 197-222
    • 0歳から5歳児までのコミュニケーションスキルの発達と診断( B.バックレイ著 丸野俊一監訳)
      北大路書房, 2004, Joint translation, 幼児期における複数言語の習得【第5章】
    • 現代の英語科教育法
      石黒昭博; 山内信幸; 赤松信彦; 北林利治
      英宝社, 2003, Joint work, 第7章、第9章、第11章、第13章
    • 自己表現力と創造的・批判的思考を育むディスカッション教育に関する理論的・実践的研究(平成11年〜13年度科学研究助成金研究(基盤研究 (A)(1):研究代表者 丸野俊一)研究成果報告書)
      2002, Contributor, 英語ライティング授業でのディスカッションの役割, Report
    • 公立小学校への英語教育導入に伴う諸問題とその対策(平成11年〜14年度科学研究助成金研究(基盤研究 (B)(2):研究代表者 齋藤九一)平成11年度研究報告書)
      2000, Contributor, 児童英語教育論 − 児童英語教育に関する論文の変遷, Report
    • 日本人大学生の読解メカニズム研究(平成9年〜10年度科学研究助成金研究(奨励研究(A):研究代表者 赤松信彦)研究報告書)
      1999, Single work, Report
    • The contribution of listening to reading acquisition in English as a second/foreign language
      Akamatsu, N; Wade-Woolley, L
      Pragmatics and Pedagogy : The Proceedings of the Third Pacific Second Language Research Forum, Vol. 2, edited by N. O. Jungheim & P. Robinson (Tokyo, Japan : PacSLRF), 1999, Contributor, pp. 291-296
    • 問いを生きる
      武藤整司; 谷川恵一; 赤松信彦; 齋藤昌人; 今野真二; 森 交章; 小澤萬記; 池田和夫; 吉成直樹; 角 忍
      南の風, 1997, Joint work, General book
    • The learnability and psychological processing of reading in Chinese and Reading in English
      Mei-Yi-Lin, A; Akamatsu, N
      Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Related Asian Language, edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press), 1997, Contributor, pp. 369-387


    • バイリンガル・レキシコンの発達ー外国語学習における概念形成ー
      第49回 全国英語教育学会 福岡研究大会, 24 Aug. 2024, 24 Aug. 2024, 25 Aug. 2024, Oral presentation, 全国英語教育学会, 福岡
    • Commonalities and differences in the mental lexicon between native and non-native speakers of English – The polysemous senses of English prepositions: At, In, On.
      Akamatsu, N.
      ETRA 40th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, APLX 2023 International Conference on Applied Linguistics, & Taiwan ESP Association Annual Meeting, 12 Oct. 2023, 12 Oct. 2023, 13 Oct. 2023, Oral presentation, Taipei
    • Commonalities and Differences in the Mental Lexicon between Native and Non-native Speakers of English–The Polysemous Senses of English Prepositions: AT, In, On
      Nobuhiko Akamatsu
      GIS Taipei Tech Convention Center, 12 Oct. 2023, 11 Oct. 2023, 13 Oct. 2023, Oral presentation, International Joint Conference of APLX, ETRA 40, and TESPA 2023, Taipei
    • The Gap between Descriptive and Pedagogical Grammar: The Present Perfect
      Akamatsu, Nobuhiko
      大学英語教育学会第64回国際大会, 30 Aug. 2023, 29 Aug. 2023, 31 Aug. 2023, Oral presentation, 大学英語教育学会, 明治大学、東京
    • 英語教育における記述文法の重要性について ―現在完了に関する一考察―
      赤松信彦; 富和由有; マイケル・マクガイア
      第48回 全国英語教育学会 香川研究大会, 20 Aug. 2023, 19 Aug. 2023, 20 Aug. 2023, Oral presentation, 全国英語教育学会, 高松
    • 応用言語学のジレンマ –言語学的知見に基づく教育実践の難しさについて–
      赤松信彦; 富和由有; マイケル・マクガイア; 折田充; 星野由子
      第47回 全国英語教育学会 北海道大会, 06 Aug. 2022, 06 Aug. 2022, 07 Aug. 2022, Oral presentation, 全国英語教育学会, online
    • Multicompetence: Bilingual cognition in noun countability
      Akamatsu, N; Tsuzuku, A
      The 58th JACET International Convention, 28 Aug. 2019, Oral presentation, JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers), Nagoya
    • The linguistic and cognitive development of bilingual children: The relationship between the first and the second language
      Akamatsu, N
      関西帰国生親の会 かけはし主催 かけはしセミナー2019, 25 May 2019, Public discourse
    • English majors and non-majors’ speaking attitudes.
      Humphries, S; Akamatsu, N
      JALT 2018 (Japan Association of Language Teachers), 24 Nov. 2018, Oral presentation, JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers), Shizuoka
    • 日本人大学生の英語力とモチベーション−習熟度による比較−
      Tanaka, T; Akamatsu, N
      The 44th JASELE Annual Convention (Kyoto), 26 Aug. 2018, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Kyoto, Japan
    • 多義語学習におけるインプット の重要性について−前置詞AT, IN, ONの場合−
      Akamatsu, N
      The 44th JASELE Annual Convention (Kyoto), 25 Aug. 2018, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Kyoto, Japan
    • マルチコンピタンスの重要性 −マルチリンガルとモノリンガルの違い−
      Akamatsu, N
      Symposium "Education for Multilinguals at the Global Age", 13 Mar. 2018, Nominated symposium, Doshisha University Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Kyoto, Japan
    • Factors affecting speaking in high school
      Humphries, S; Akamatsu, N; Tanaka, T
      JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers) 2017, 18 Nov. 2017, Oral presentation, JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers), Ibaraki, Japan
    • 内容語と機能語の関係性について −語彙の広さは機能語の正確な理解意図関連しているのか−)
      Akamatsu, N
      The 43rd JASELE Annual Convetion (Ibaraki), 19 Aug. 2017, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Shimane, Japan
    • Factors influencing high school English speaking
      Humphries, S; Burns, A; Tanaka, T; Akamatsu, N
      JALT 2016, 26 Nov. 2016, Oral presentation, JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers), Nagoya, Japan
    • 日本人大学生の英語リーディング力とモチベーションの関係性
      Tanaka, T; Akamatsu, N
      The 42nd JASELE Annual Convetion (Saitama), 20 Aug. 2016, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Saitama, Japan
    • 学習環境と母語が第二言語心的辞書に与える影響について
      Akamatsu, N
      The 42nd JASELE Annual Convetion (Saitama), 20 Aug. 2016, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Saitama, Japan
    • The benefit of a cognitive linguistics approach to learning noun countability
      Akamatsu, N; Tsuzuku, A
      The 6th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 20 Jul. 2016, Oral presentation, UK Cognitive Linguistics, Bangor, UK
    • ICT を活用した英語語彙力育成システムの開発
      Aizawa, K; Iso, T; Goda, E; Nagasaki, M; Akamatsu, N; Coulson, D
      Language Education Expo 2016, 06 Mar. 2016, Oral presentation, Language Education Expo, Tokyo, Japan
    • 学習環境が心的辞書に与える影響について:前置詞と空間認知
      Akamatsu, N
      the 11th JACET Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group Annual Convention, 05 Mar. 2016, Oral presentation, JACET Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group, Tokyo, Japan
    • Classroom factors that influence English speaking
      Humphries, S; Burns, A; Akamatsu, N; Tanaka, T
      JALT 2015, 22 Nov. 2015, Oral presentation, JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers), Shizuoka, Japan
    • The impact of learning contexts on the mental lexicon: The semantic network of function words
      Akamatsu, N
      The 41st JASELE Annual Convention (Kumamoto), 22 Aug. 2015, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Kukamoto, Japan
    • The impact of learning contexts on mental lexicon: Naturalistic and foreign-language learning contexts.
      Akamatsu, N
      The Annual Convention of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2015), 23 Mar. 2015, Oral presentation, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Toronto, Canada
    • 英語学習者の産出語彙:機能語の意味ネットワーク構造
      Akamatsu, N; Tsunai, Y
      The 40th JASELE Annual Convention (Tokushima), 09 Aug. 2014, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Tokushima, Japan
    • 英語冠詞学習に関する量的及び質的研究
      Akamatsu, N; Tsunai, Y
      The 39th JASELE Annual Convention (Sapporo), 10 Aug. 2013, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Sapporo, Japan
    • 認知言語学的手法を英文法教育に用いることの有用性
      Tatsuda, T; Akamatsu, N
      The 17th Kansai, 09 Jun. 2012, Oral presentation, Kansai English Language Education Society (KELES), Kyoto, Japan
    • Do EFL learners benefit from a cognitive linguistic approach to learning the English article system?
      Akamatsu, N
      The Annual Convention of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2011), 28 Mar. 2011, Oral presentation, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Chicago, USA
    • 日本人英語学習者の冠詞使用と認知
      Akamatsu, N
      The 36th JASELE Annual Convention, 07 Aug. 2010, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education, Osaka, Japan
    • 英語学習における統語知識の再構築について:その可能性と課題
      Akamatsu, N
      The 2010 Annual Convention of the Aichi Chapter, Chubu English Langauge Education Soceity, 06 Jun. 2010, Chubu English Langauge Education Soceity, Nagoya, Japan
    • バイリンガル・レキシコンの探求:L2単語認識研究
      Akamatsu, N
      The 48th JACET Annual Convention, 05 Sep. 2009, Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET), Sapporo, Japan
    • Restructuring foreign language lexical knowledge: Do cognitive linguistic insights contribute to foreign language learning?
      Akamatsu, N
      The Annual Convention of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2009), 22 Mar. 2009, Oral presentation, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Denver, U.S.A.
    • 語彙知識の測定:非単語処理の可能性
      Akamatsu, N
      The Annual Convetion of JACET Reading and Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group, 11 Jan. 2009, JACET Reading and Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group, Nagoya, Japan
    • 語彙知識再構築の困難さについて:認知言語学的知見の有効性に対する一考察
      Akamatsu, N
      The 2nd Joint Annual Convention of JACET Vocabulary Acquisition and Lexicography Research Group, 30 Mar. 2008, JACET Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group, Tokyo, Japan
    • Restructuring second/foreign language vocabulary knowledge: Cognitive linguistic insights into vocabulary learning
      Akamatsu, N
      Modern Language Centre. Informal Seminar. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at University of Toronto (OISE/UT) (Nov. 9, Toronto, Canada)., 09 Nov. 2007, Modern Language Centre. Informal Seminar. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at University of Toronto (OISE/UT), Toronto, Canada
    • 日本人大学生の英語冠詞に関する知識
      赤松信彦; 田中貴子
      The 33rd JASELE Annual Convention (Oita), 04 Aug. 2007, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Oita, Japan
    • 読解における語彙知識の重要性:母語と外国語における類似点と相違点
      Akamatsu, N
      リーディング・語彙研究会 (名古屋), 15 Jul. 2007, Public discourse, Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET), Nagoya, Japan
    • 英語の語彙知識とリーディング
      Akamatsu, N
      大学英語教育学会(JACET)英語語彙研究会 (東京), 02 May 2007, Oral presentation, Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET), Tokyo
    • 大学英語教育における多読法の効果
      Akamatsu, N
      第32回全国英語教育学会 (高知), 05 Aug. 2006, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Kochi
    • 外国語の学習:ハートで英語は身に付くか?
      Akamatsu, N
      同志社女子大学 英語英文学夏期公開講座 (京都), 29 Jul. 2006, Public discourse, Doshisha Women's College, Kyoto
    • 理論と実践のギャップ:認知言語学的知見は英語学習者に役立つのか
      Akamatsu, N
      第31回全国英語教育学会 (札幌), 06 Aug. 2005, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), Sapporo, Japan
    • A continuum of automaticity in EFL word recognition: Training and Stroop interference
      Akamatsu, N
      14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA) (July 25-29, Wisconsin, U.S.A.)., 28 Jul. 2005, Oral presentation, World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Wisconsin, U.S.A.
    • Second language reading proficiency and first language orthographic effects on second language word recognition
      Akamatsu, N
      大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部 秋季大会 (京都), 10 Oct. 2004, Oral presentation, Kansai Chapter, Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET), Kyoto, Japan
    • 多読法が大学生の英文読解力に与える影響について
      Akamatsu, N
      第30回全国英語教育学会 (長野), 07 Aug. 2004, Oral presentation, Japan Society of English Language Education, Nagano, Japan
    • 英語を第二公用語にすることの是非を問う
      Akamatsu, N
      同志社大学・ビクトリア大学学術交流シンポジウム (京都), 23 May 2004, Doshishia University, Victoria University
    • Effects of word-recognition training on automatization in English as a foreign language
      Akamatsu, N
      The Annual Convention of the Society of Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) (June 29, Chicago, U.S.A.)., 29 Jun. 2002, Oral presentation, the Society of Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR)
    • Learning English in Japan: Changing and expanding identities
      Akamatsu, N
      The Second International Knowledge and Discourse Conference. (June, 26, Hong Kong, China)., 26 Jun. 2002, Oral presentation
    • 第二言語習得研究と英語(外国語)教育」「Focus on Fluency」
      Akamatsu, N
      関西英語教育学会(KELES)第5回研究大会 (神戸), 24 Jun. 2001, Invited oral presentation, KELES, Kobe, Japan
    • Asian voices: Language learning, identities, and sociocultural positioning
      Akamatsu, N
      The Annual Convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Mar. 1, St. Louis, U.S.A.)., 01 Mar. 2001, Oral presentation, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Louis, U.S.A.
    • Effects of training in word recognition on the automatization of EFL readers
      Akamatsu, N
      The Annual Convention of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) (Feb. 26, St. Louis, U.S.A.)., 26 Feb. 2001, Oral presentation, the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Louis, U.S.A.
    • 第二言語におけるリーディング:その発達過程と第一言語の影響について
      Akamatsu, N
      大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部リーディング研究会・SLA研究会共催ワークショップ (京都), 24 Sep. 2000, Oral presentation, Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)
    • 児童英語教育論:児童英語教育に関する論文の変遷
      Akamatsu, N
      杏林大学・海外学術交流基金共催ワークショップ「早期外国語教育の可能性:第二言語習得と年齢の問題」(東京), 2000, Oral presentation
    • Understanding reading competence in a foreign language
      Wade-Woolley, L; Akamatsu, N
      The International Congress of Psychology (Stockholm, Sweden).(発表者:Lesly Wade-Woolley), 2000, Oral presentation
    • 児童英語教育論 − この20年間の変遷
      赤松信彦; 北條礼子
      日本児童英語教育学会 関東甲信越支部研究大会 (長野)(発表者:赤松信彦), 03 Aug. 1999, Oral presentation, 日本児童英語教育学会
    • 第二言語学習者の単語認識におけるAutomaticity について
      Akamatsu, N
      上越教育大学英語教育学会 (新潟), 1998, Oral presentation
    • The contribution of listening to reading acquisition in English as a second/foreign language
      Akamatsu, N; Wade-Woolley, L
      The Third Pacific Second Language Research Forum [PacSLRF] (Tokyo).(発表者:Akamatsu, N.), 1998, Oral presentation, Pacific Second Language Research Forum [PacSLRF]
    • Activation of orthographic and phonological knowledge and automaticity in EFL word recognition
      Akamatsu, N; Wade-Woolley, L
      12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics [AILA] (Aug. 1-6, Tokyo, Japan).(発表者:Akamatsu, N.), 1998, Oral presentation, World Congress of Applied Linguistics [AILA]
    • 認知科学的視点に基づく第二言語教育研究の考察
      Akamatsu, N
      第36回大学英語教育学会全国大会 (東京), 06 Sep. 1997, Oral presentation
    • The components of reading ability in English as a second language (ESL)
      Akamatsu, N
      1997 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (Chicago, USA)., 24 Mar. 1997, Oral presentation
    • 第二言語英語読解を構成する要素について
      Akamatsu, N
      第35回大学英語教育学会全国大会 (京都), 21 Sep. 1996, Oral presentation
    • The orthographic influence of mother tongue on second language reading acquisition
      Akamatsu, N
      11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (Jyvaskyla, Finland)., 08 Aug. 1996, Oral presentation
    • The effects of first language orthographic features on word recognition processing in English as a second language
      Akamatsu, N
      1996 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (Apr. 8-12, New York, USA).(代読者:Lesly Wade-Woollley), 1996, Oral presentation
    • The orthographic influence of mother tongue on second language reading acquisition and reading research in a second language
      Mei-Yi-Lin, A; Akamatsu, N
      Chinese University of Hong Kong Workshop on Language Acquisition 1996 (Hong Kong).(発表者:Angel Mei-Yi-Lin ), 1996, Oral presentation
    • The learnability and psychological processing of reading in Chinese and reading in English: Differences and similarities
      Lin, A. M. Y; Akamatsu, N
      7th International Conference on the Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Asian Languages (Dec. 14-16, Hong Kong)., 15 Dec. 1995, Oral presentation
    • Do Chinese and Japanese read English words in a different manner from those whose first language is alphabetic?
      Akamatsu, N
      7th International Conference on the Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Asian Languages (Dec. 14-16, Hong Kong)., 14 Dec. 1995, Oral presentation
    • The effects of first Language orthographic characteristics on word recognition in English as a second Language
      Akamatsu, N
      Second Language Research Forum (SLRF '95) (Oct. 29, New York, USA)., 29 Oct. 1995, Oral presentation
    • 英語読解習得過程における母国語の影響について
      Akamatsu, N
      第34回大学英語教育学会全国大会 (東京), 16 Sep. 1995, Oral presentation
    • 母国語の言語特徴が英単語認識メカニズムに与える影響について
      Akamatsu, N
      第33回大学英語教育学会全国大会 (名古屋), 10 Sep. 1994, Oral presentation
    • 読解ストラテジー及び教授法に関する研究成果の有効性について
      Akamatsu, N
      第32回大学英語教育学会全国大会 (仙台), 08 Sep. 1993, Oral presentation
    • A critical analysis of oral proficiency tests in English as a second language
      Akamatsu, N
      Japanese Language Teacher Training Workshop (Aug. 20, Toronto, Canada)., 20 Aug. 1993, Oral presentation

    Research Projects

    • A cross-sectional study on Japanese learners in learning English tense and aspect: The applicability of a concept-based approach
      赤松 信彦; マクガイア マイケルポール; 折田 充; 長 加奈子; 星野 由子; 綱井 勇吾
      本研究は、教材と学習形態の相互作用という観点から、日本の中学校・高校・大学、それぞれの教育環境において、概念基盤アプローチが英語学習に及ぼす要因について解明することを目的とする。特に、英語母語話者の言語表現に表象された概念を明示的に学ぶことで得られる学習効果に関して、教育環境、学習内容、教材デザイン、学習形態の4つの観点から総合的に考察する。そして、日本人学習者が英語の時制と相を使用する際に犯す誤り(誤用システム)を反映した概念基盤学習プログラムの開発に研究の主眼を置く。 本研究は大きく分けて次の3つの部分から構成されている:(1)日本人にとって理解が難しいとされる英語の時制と相の習得に関する実態調査、(2)英語の時制と相の誤用メカニズムの解明、(3)英語の時制と相の適切な使用を促進する概念基盤学習プログラムの開発。 2020年度は研究対象の英語表現(時制と相)に関して、日本人英語学習者の習得度を調査するため、受容能力を評価できるテストを開発した。テストはコンピュータ画面上に示された英語表現(例、現在完了形)の解釈の妥当性を5段階で判断する課題であった。日本人大学生166名を対象に、その妥当性・信頼性を検証した結果、「完了系の結果の妥当性」を問う際に、過去の出来事をタ形を用いて表現したが、調査協力者がそれを過去と捉えたか現在完了と捉えたかが不明瞭である点、英語母語話者に対して当該テスト行う場合、現在完了の内容を現在完了表現以外を用いて問うことになり困難が予想される点などの問題点が明らかになった。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2020/04 -2025/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Doshisha University
    • The Development of Bilingual Mental Lexicon: Conceptualization in Foreign Language Learning
      赤松 信彦
      本研究の目的は、外国語学習者のバイリンガル・レキシコンがどのような過程を経て発達するのかを解明することである。特に、母語(L1)によって獲得された概念(L1概念)を通して学習される外国語(FL)の単語が、L1概念にはない、FL単語固有の概念(FL概念)と結びついていくメカニズムについて研究する。また、2言語間の相互作用という観点から、新たなFL概念が既存のL1概念に与える影響についても探求する。本研究の学術的問いは次の3点である。(1) 使用する機会や場面が限定されている外国語学習において、L1概念はFL概念の形成過程にどのような作用を及ぼすのか。(2) 単語の指示対象が持つ外見的特徴と内面的特徴はFL概念の形成において異なる影響を及ぼすのか。(3) 新たなFL概念形成の過程で、既存のL1概念は変容するのか。 本年度は、単語の指示対象が持つ外見的特徴がFL概念の形成に与える影響を検証するため、ストループ課題を用いた実験を行った。学習プログラムに関しては、野菜や果物を示す英語非単語を学習対象語とし、昨年度作成したQualtrics社のonline調査サイトを利用した。また、学習効果や指示対象が持つ外見的特徴がFL概念の形成に与える影響の検証については、コンピュータ画面上に提示された各単語とその指示対象に関する正誤判断課題及び、各単語の色を命名する課題を、Cedrus社の心理学実験ソフトウェアSuperLabを使用し、各被験者ごとにデータ収集を実施した。しかし、当初予定していた、単語の指示対象が持つ内面的特徴とFL概念の形成に関する調査に関しては、度重なる新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により、実施出来なかった。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2018/06 -2023/03, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), Doshisha University
    • Developing an innovative ICT system for teaching English vocabulary
      AIZAWA Kazumi
      This study aims to develop an English vocabulary learning system (VOCALS) and provide it with teachers and learners. The feature of this system is that when the teacher inputs textbook data, the concordancer is activated, and the words used are listed. Teachers can select the words they want learners to learn and specify the specific goals for learning. Learners can check the meaning, pronunciation, and spelling of English words using the flashcard function. They can also use the randomization of the order of questions, emphasize the learning of difficult-to-remember words, and word game functions. By giving questionnaires to students and interviewing faculty members, the system has been improved for three years and is now ready for public release., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2016/04 -2020/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Tokyo Denki University
    • Modeling the contributions of component skills in EFL writing proficiency
      Kojima Masumi; Ishii Takumi; Akamatsu Nobuhiko
      We investigated the use of metadiscourse among Japanese learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The results demonstrated that the Japanese learners lacked sufficient understanding of the interpersonal aspects of writing, and their rates of appropriately used metadiscourse can be a strong predictor of their essay quality. Second, we synthesized 62 studies and examined the overall average correlation between ESL/EFL learners' writing performance with their several text features. The results indicated that fluency had the strongest correlation with overall ESL/EFL writing performance. Third, we also investigated the contributions of English linguistic knowledge and textual features in EFL writing. Several competing models were compared employing linear mixed model technique. The selected best fit model demonstrated that writers' fluency and lexical features in their texts as well as their vocabulary knowledge explained their writing proficiency significantly., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2015/04 -2019/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Gifu City Women's College
    • A study on the appropriate use of English articles: understanding noun countability
      Akamatsu Nobuhiko
      The effect of English article learning was not observed in the context where uncountable nouns (e.g., abstract and substance nouns) were used as countable nouns. On the other hand, the learning effect was observed in the context where countable nouns represented quantity and abstract events. These findings suggest that English article learning requires an approach that promotes a change in the bias towards the learner’s noun countability. Japanese English learners’ sense of noun countability showed that they have bias in the image of countability for English nouns. It was, therefore, suggested that teaching materials for the English article system may be subject to the bias of noun countability., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2015/04 -2019/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
    • Developing an English vocabulary teaching system by using tablets and smart media
      Aizawa Kazumi; SAKAI Shien; TAKANASHI Tsuneo
      The purpose of this project is to develop a vocabulary learning system by using ICT, which is designed for Japanese learners of English at different levels. For the first two years, we made literature review and preliminary surveys, and established learning models for learners at four different levels: elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and university. Then we prepared vocabulary lists as well as illustrative sentences, pictures and short videos for each level. The survey of the educational effect by these applications have not been yet done enough, but according to the result of the questionnaire from learners, it showed that applications have effects on motivating learners to learn vocabulary. Furthermore, from the viewpoints of learners and teachers, there seems to be some room to be improved for the next undergoing project., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2013/04 -2016/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Tokyo Denki University
    • The relationship between writing performance of learners of English as a second language and their linguistic text features
      KOJIMA MASUMI; IWASAKI Hirosada; AKAMATSU Nobuhiko; KANETA Taku; HARADA Yoriko; SAKURAI Takuya; ISHII Takumi
      In this study, I have undertaken research into the writing performance of learners of English as a second language and their linguistic text features. First, I focused on lexical complexity features in the learners’ texts, which were subcategorized into lexical diversity and sophistication, comparing the validity of these indices. The results showed that lexical sophistication discriminated the proficiency levels of learners more clearly than lexical diversity measures. Second, I synthesized and meta-analyzed the results of previous studies on correlations between the writing performance of English learners and their text features: namely, fluency, lexical and syntactic complexity, and accuracy. The results indicated that fluency had the highest correlation with overall writing quality, followed by accuracy and lexical and syntactic complexity. Moderator analyses showed that learner age, test environment, and task type were significant moderators of correlational strength., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2012/04 -2015/03, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Gifu City Women's College
    • Some suggestion for a better remedial English classes: L2 reading proficiency and motivation
      TANAKA Takako; AKAMATSU Nobuhiko
      This research project aimed to offer suggestions as to how remedial education programs in English might be made more beneficial for Japanese university students with low L2 (English) reading proficiency and relatively poor motivation. My research 1) explored the relationship between English reading proficiency and the motivation to learn and read English quantitatively, and 2) investigated motivational patterns of low L2 reading proficiency qualitatively. I found that considerable importance attaches to: a) a learner's having garnered positive experience in his or her studies; b) a feeling of personal efficacy; c) support and guidance of students as they reflect on their own learning; and d) assistance given to students such that they develop a more robust concept of self., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2011/04 -2015/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
    • Research on the learning processes of lexical senses : Japanese learners of English as a foreign language
      AKAMATSU Nobuhiko; AIZAWA Kazumi; MOCHIZUKI Masamichi; ISO Tatsuo; HOSHINO Yuko; KIKUTA Chiharu; OSHIMA Jun
      This research project revealed that living experience in an English-speaking country appears to help Japanese learners of English (JLE) acquire lexical senses of polysemous prepositions that are similar to those of native speakers of English. The research project also found that JLEs have difficulty in appropriately using English articles for individuated abstract and material nouns. This appears to be due to the fact that JLEs’lexical senses of those nouns are often biased via their prejudged senses towards them., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2010 -2013, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Doshisha University
    • Effects of extensive reading on automatic processing of word recognition and syntactic parsing
      NORO Tadashi; SUGIURA Masayoshi; AKAMATSU Nobuhiko; ISAJI Tsunehisa; SHIRONO Hiroshi; FUJITA Ken; MATSUI Takashi
      The purpose of extensive reading is to promote the efficiency of vocabulary and syntactic processing skills through the exposure to a great amount of easy English. This research partially proved that the efficiency scores of lower level processing, especially syntactic parsing, are closely related with fluent reading skills., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2010 -2012, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Aichi Gakuin University
    • The Effects of Extensive Reading Instruction on Reading Comprehension : Empirical Studies of Japanese EFL Learners
      NORO Tadashi; AKAMATSU Nobuhiko; UEDA Tsuneo; SHIRONO Hiroshi; FUJITA Ken; MATSUI Takahiko; ISAJI Tsunehisa; SEKO Yukihiro
      Our research group attempted to investigate the effects of 10-minute sustained silent reading (SSR) in class on junior and senior high school learners' reading fluency and motivation. Several studies in our program found that 10-minute SSR improved reading speed and reading fluency significantly, but not their reading comprehension. It is also found in one study through the factor analysis of the questionnaire that the factor integrative intellectual motivation appeared after extensive reading sessions, and both intrinsic-oriented and extrinsic-oriented motivation was enhanced by extensive reading. From the with-in subject analysis, higher-ability students tended to enhance their intrinsic motivation, whereas lower-ability students read extensively with class-related extrinsic motivation. We also developed three types of computer-based word recognition test : (a) Japanese as prime words, English as target words, (b) pictures as prime stimuli, English as target words, (c) collocations. After some revisions, this test will be used to distinguish between speedup and automatization by measuring reaction time., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2007 -2009, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Aichi Gakuin University
    • The Effects of Explicit Grammar and Vocabulary Knowledge on English Proficiency
      AKAMATSU Nobuhiko
      This research project found that (1) explicit explanation based on cognitive linguistic insights into grammar and vocabulary (i.e., polysemous verbs and prepositions, and the English article system) may not lead to statistically significant effects on learning ; (2) the learner's first language (e.g., Japanese) may adversely affect the learning of grammar and vocabulary senses that the native speakers of English possess ; and (3) learning semantically similar words individually may not lead to a comprehensive understanding of their usage., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 -2009, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
    • Effects of Extensive Reading on Reading Ability in English a Foreign Language
      AKAMATSU Nobuhiko
      The main purpose of this research was to explore the most effective approach using extensive reading in English as a foreign language at Japanese university. Three conditions for extensive reading (e.g., controlling the learner's extensive reading, reflecting the learner's extensive reading performance on grading, and selecting the learner's books for extensive reading) were manipulated to investigate which condition is appropriate for Japanese university students. Results showed that, unlike recommended conditions in English as a second language, for Japanese university students, extensive reading performance should be reflected on grading. The students tended to be more motivated to read extensively when their reading performance (e.g., the amount of reading and book reports) influenced their final grade. Results also suggested that assigning books for extensive reading, which is not recommended in English as a second language, be helpful for learners with low English proficiency. With respect to the relationship between extensive reading and reading development, this research could not reach a definite conclusion. Regression analysis provided some variables related with extensive reading as a predictor for reading comprehension ability ; however, there were other stronger variables which were not associated with extensive reading., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2002 -2005, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
    • Problems of and Propositions to Introducing English into Public Elementary Schools in Japan
      SAITO Kuichi; WAKAYAMA Masayuki; HOJO Reiko; KATO Masahiro; OHASHI Nagisa; NOJI Miyuki
      English has been introduced into public elementary schools in Japan since April of 2002. This research study started in 1999 and has continued for four years since then in order to discuss the problems facing introducing English into public elementary schools as well as the possible propositions to answer the problems. The main outcomes of this study are as follows : (1) Previous research concerning teaching English at elementary schools has been reviewed. 132 studies published from 1976 to 2000 were collected and each study was summarized in about 400 words in Japanese. They were also classified according to the authors' standpoints of either supporting or opposing to teaching English at elementary schools, as well as on the types of the studies, such as experimental studies, case studies, etc. ; (2) Curricula for teaching English to 3rd-6th graders have been developed based on formative evaluation and the ARCS model ; (3) It has been investigated how teachers from the level of elementary to high schools as well as teachers-to-be thought about advantages and disadvantages of teaching English at elementary schools. The survey studies were also conducted with 6th graders and their parents of 8 elementary schools and the 7th and 8th graders and their parents of 4 junior high schools. They were conducted with cooperation of the Educational Board of Shonan town in Chiba prefecture. The other survey was also administered in Chiba to elementary school teachers with teaching experience (s) for 1 year, 5 years and 11 years, respectively, all of who joined in-service teacher training ; (4) Finally, textbook-type teaching materials concerning teaching English at elementary schools were developed. The target of the materials is university students who hope to become elementary school teachers., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 1999 -2002, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Joetsu University of Education
      MARUNO Shunichi; KARIYAZONO Akihiko; TAJIKA Hidetugu; KATO Kazuo; WATAMAKI Toru; DEGUTI Takeshi
      We conducted studies theoretically and empirically on the following three topics : 1. Analysis of discussion phases and metacognitive expressions : We quantitatively and qualitatively investigated the effects of goals, arrangement of group members, and members' characteristics on the unfolding process and content of discussions and proposed a model for the unfolding process of discussions. This proposed model describes the reflective thinking activities that proceed zigzag in the three phases differently. Namely, during the first phase, reflective thinking activities take place in the zone of social collaboration structures ; in the second, they take place in the personal zone ; and, in the third, they take place by going between the above two zones ; and in each phase, metacognitive expressions play mediating functions. 2. Analysis of "Implicit rules" that inhibit creative discussions : Why can't children and students ask questions in classrooms more spontaneously? We assumed that one of the reasons is the existence of "bad" implicit rules that prevail deeply in classrooms. Based upon this assumption, we conducted a systematic survey study and statistically extracted the factors underlying "implicit rules." The findings suggest (1) that there are two types of implicit rules, ones specific to certain age groups and ones non-specific to age, (2) to what extent and how the teacher can interact with students so that the negative pressure of implicit rules could be alleviated or removed determine whether children and students ask questions spontaneously, whether creative discussions will be achieved where children actively examine and (re-)scrutinize problems, and whether their learning environment will be a more stimulating one which will help children develop positive attitudes toward learning collaboratively. 3. Learning environments that foster the abilities of self-expression and discussion skills : We assumed that the type of dialogues/conversations/discussions that take place among family members, among peers, and at school and their atmosphere where they take place foster children's attitudes and skills essential for expressing oneself spontaneously to, and engaging in creative discussions with, other people with different views and values. Based upon this assumption, we conducted quantitative and qualitative surveys and analyses to test our proposed causal models of how those factors determine actual discussion skills and creative thinking activities in children., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 1999 -2001, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), KYUSHU UNIVERSITY
    • 日本人大学生の英語読解力向上に影響を及ぼす要因について
      赤松 信彦
      本研究の目的は、英語語彙力及び単語認識力の個人差を決定づける要因を解明し、語彙力と単語認識力の伸長が読解力向上に与える影響の大きさを調べ、難易度の異なる英文を読む際に使用される学習者の読解方略の変化を明らかにし、英文読解中に使用される読解方略と読解力向上の関係について研究することであった。 日本人大学生105名を対象に、(a)英語語彙力、(b)英単語認識力(naming & lexical decisionによって測定された速度・正確さ・効率性)(c)作動記憶力(digit span,word span, & read spanによって測定されたworking memory)、(d)英語読解力、および(e)英語読解方略の5つの分野でデータ収集を行った。データ分析の結果から次のことが明らかになった。 英文読解時における作動記憶力は読解力(R^2=.35;p<.05)と、英単語認識における正確さは英語語彙力(量)(R^2=.34;p<.05)と、それぞれ高い相関があった。また、英単語認識における速度は単語処理時のおける作動記憶力(R^2=.35;p<.05)と高い相関関係にあった。さらに、英単語処理時の作動記憶力と英文読解時の作動記憶力との間には高い相関が見られた(R^2=.50;p<.0001)。単語認識力と語彙力が英文読解力向上に与える影響に関しては、約二ヶ月にわたる英単語認識トレーニング(週に一度、約5分間)の効果は大きく、単語認識速度[F(1,45)=44.15,p<.0001]と正確さ[F(1,45)=29.97,p<.0001]の両方で英単語認識力が伸びた。単語認識効率では、高頻出単語に関しては単なるspeed-upによるものであったのに対し、低頻出単語に関しては自動化(automatization)を伴った認識力の伸長が見られた(r=.52,p<.0005)。これは学習者の単語認識メカニズムが質的に向上したことを示すものと解釈できる(Segalowitz et al.,1998)。しかしながら、このような単語認識力向上は語彙力および読解力の向上に直接的影響を与えることはなかった(r=-.03,n.s.)。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 1999 -2000, 奨励研究(A)
    • 日本人学生の英語読解メカニズム研究:英語読解力と語学学習スタイルの関係について
      赤松 信彦
      被験者80名(留学経験のない日本人大学生)を対象に、(a)読解力、(b)聴解力、(c)語彙力、(d)綴り能力、(e)単語処理能力、(f)英語言語特徴に関する知識、(g)英語学習スタイル、の7分野に関するデータを分析した結果、下記の結論が得られた。 (1) 日本人大学生の英単語認識メカニズムは、英語母語成人の単語認識メカニズムと類似している。 (2) 日本人大学生の中で、比較的速く英単語を認識できる者とそうでない者とでは、単語処理の自動処理効率(automaticity)が異なる。すなわち、単語認識メカニズムの質的相違が、英単語処理速度に影響を及ぼす可能性が高い。 (3) 読解を構成する要素として、単語認識力・語彙力・スペリング・英語の正字法に関する知識(ボトム・アップ処理関わる能力・知識)と聴解力(トップ・ダウン処理に関わる能力・知識)が挙げられる。読解能力を予測するという点では、聴解力が単語認識力よりも重要である。 (4) 口語英語に接する機会の多い学習者とそうでない学習者では、読解力を構成する要素が異なる。すなわち、口語英語に接する機会の多い学習者にとって、音声処理に関わる要素が重要である。 (5) 日本人大学生が用いる主要なEFL学習スタイルには、(a)英語を使用する際(読む、書く、聞く、話す)の認知処理に関わる方略、(b)学習を計画的に行い、英語学習に対して自己評価を下す方略、(c)書いて学習する方略、(d)単語などを暗記するための方略、(e)他人と一緒に学習をする方略、がある。 (6) 上記の5つのEFL学習スタイルの中で、読解力に直接影響を及ぼすと考えられるのは、「英語を使用する際の認知処理に関わる方略」である。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 1997 -1998, 奨励研究(A)