Study on air revitalization using CO2 electrolysis aiming for high O2 recovery rate
Sakurai Masato
In this study, we investigated the possibility of extracting oxygen and electrolyzing CO2 at low temperature by utilizing carbon production by electrolysis of CO2 in ionic liquid. In order to saturate the ionic liquid with CO2 gas, CO2 gas was introduced into the ionic liquid at 1 atm. From the results of cyclic voltammetry in a 25:75 mol% mixture of [DEME] [TFSI] and [BMIM] [BF4], a reduction current was observed at a negative potential of -0.5 V or higher. The current was thought to correspond to the electrochemical reduction of CO2 in the melt. Constant potential electrolysis was performed in the range of -0.8V to -1.0V, and the obtained sample was measured using SEM and EDS. As a result, carbon was detected in the sample obtained by electrolysis at -1.0 V., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2018/04 -2022/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Aerospace EXploration Agency
Electrochemical formation Si film in LiF-KF
Goto Takuya
Electrochemical formation of silicon film has been studied in LiF-KF. The silicon nucleation process has been observed after conducting potentiostatic electrolysis at 0.7 V for 0.0002 seconds. The numbers of nucleation sites have increased with increasing the electrolysis durations. We confirmed that dendrites formation of silicon by prolonging the electrolysis times., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2015/04 -2018/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
Development of new insoluble oxygen evolution ceramic electrode used for electrolysis in molten salts
The present applicants focused attention on a metal oxide of spinel FeAl2O4 as the insoluble oxygen evolution electrodes at high temperatures. To improve both the electrical conductivity and the durability in the molten salts, the present applicants have synthesized solid solution Fe1+Al2O4 ceramics by controlling the content of Fe from the chemical stoichiometry of 1. Their electrical resistivity ρ of spinel Fe1+δAl2O4 ceramics was much reduced from 1.46 x10∧4 (δ=0) to 4.46 x10∧0 Ω・m (δ=0.45) with increasing δ value.
Some physical and chemical properties of the present spinel ceramics have been investigated from the viewpoints of the anode electrode for oxygen generating in the molten fluoride salts during electrolyzing test. The possibility of Fe1.25Al2O4 being used as non-consumable anode electrode is suggested and usability of oxide electrodes is recognized., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2013/04 -2016/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Doshisha University
Electrochemical formation of diamond
Diamond has discriminative properties, such as electrical insulator and super high hardness material, and diamond plays a greater role not only in jewelry but also in industrial use. Electrochemical formation of diamond has been developed by anodic reaction of carbide ion according to the reaction: C_2^<2-> → 2C + 2e^-. In particular, the effects of applied potential on the carbon morphology and the initial stage of carbon formation were investigated. Polyhedral shape of carbon was obtained at more positive potential than 2.4 V on Au wire. The polyhedral shape of carbon was determined as diamond by Raman spectroscopy. Results of chronoamperometry and SEM observation implied that double layer charging and carbon formation occur simultaneously., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2011 -2013, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
Development of energy conversion and storage devices of the next generation using ionic liquids
HAGIWARA Rika; NOHIRA Toshiyuki; GOTO Takuya
Ionic liquids with high conductivity and excellent electrochemical stability have been developed and successfully applied for the electrolytes of fuel cells operating at middle-ranged temperatures without humidification, electrochemical capacitors, rechargeable lithium and sodium batteries operating at middle-ranged temperatures., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2008 -2012, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kyoto University
Comprehensive study on material damage mechanism by experimental and theoretical methods and development of materials for high-energy quantum-beam field
KAWAI Masayoshi; WATANABE Seiichi; KOKAWA Hiroyuki; KAWASAKI Akira; HASEGAWA Akira; KURISHITA Hiroaki; KIKUCHI Kenji; YOSHIIE Toshimasa; KAMIYAMA Takashi; HARA Nobuyoshi; YAMAMURA Tsutomu; FUTAKAWA Masatoshi; FUKAHORI Tokio; SAITO Shigeru; MAEKAWA Katsuhiro; ITO Takahiro; GOTO Takuya; SATO Koichi; HASHIMOTO Satoshi; TERASAWA Michitaka; WATANABE Yukinobu; XU Chao-Nan; ISHINO Shiori; SHIBAYAMA Tamaki; SAKAGUCHI Norihito; SHIMAKAWA Satoshi; NAO Takashi; IWASE Hiroshi; KANEKO Yoshihisa; KISHIDA Ippei; TAKENAKA Nobuyuki; NAKAI Kiyomichi
The material in a high energy intense proton beam field receives damage due to an intense thermal shock and radiation. A shock damage process and influence were investigated experimentally and the easing method was drawn. Moreover, the simulation code which evaluates a radiation trauma theoretically was developed. Furthermore, our grain boundary engineering method has succeeded the four times increase in corrosion resistivity of various austenite stainless steels. New tungsten material developed with a ultra-fine grain powder has four times higher toughness than that of commercial tungsten and does ductility even at a room temperature. The quantitative method using the stress luminescence material in a shock experiment was devised to improve a material dynamics study., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2007 -2010, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Low dimensional ionic liquids with high conductivities and breaking-up voltages
HAGIWARA Rika; GOTO Takuya; NOHIRA Toshiyuki; KOHARA Shinji; SAITO Yuria
Fluorohydrogenates of cyclic ammonium cations such as 1,3-dialkylimidazolium and N,N-dialkylpyrrolidinium, Cat(FH)_nF (n < 2.3), exhibit excellent stability without liberating HF at ambient condition. Oligo-fluorohydrogenate anions FHF^-, (FH)_2F^- and/or (FH)_3F^- co-exist in the salt changing the composition to give the corresponding n values. These anions exchange HF among them rapidly to give a single signal of ^1H- and ^<19>F-NMR even at -40℃. These salts possess low viscosities in the order of 10^0 to 10^1 cP and high ionic conductivities of 10^1 to 10^2 mS cm^<-1>. A phase diagram of l-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium fluorohydrogenates, EMIm(FH)_nF, has been constructed in the composition range of n= 1 to 2.6. The liquidus temperatures of lower than 25℃ are observed for the salts with n >1.3. Viscosity, conductivity and the results of PGSE-NMR studies characterize the fast ion conduction of these salts affected by the association of the ions in the salt. The cathode limit is the reduction of fluorohydrogenate ions to evolve hydrogen. The anode limit is the oxidation of the cation which shifts depending on the electrochemical stability of them. As a result, the electrochemical windows of these ionic liquids fall in the range of 3 to 5 volts. The applications of these fluorohydrogenates have been studied as the electrolytes of electrochemical devices such as dye-sensitized solar cells, electric double layer capacitors and fuel cells operating at intermediate temperatures (more than 100℃) without humidification., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2004 -2006, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University
萩原 理加; 後藤 琢也; 野平 俊之
本年度は昨年度の動作原理の確認に引き続き、新しいコンセプトのイオン液体燃料電池の発電性能の向上にむけた研究に着手した。イオン液体をヒドロキシエチルメタクリレートモノマーと混合し、均一な溶液を作り、これを支持体である多孔質フィルムに含浸させ、重合開始剤を加えて熱重合させることにより、イオン液体とポリマーのコンポジット膜を作成した。組成を変えて重合させることにより、ポリマーのイオン液体保持力および機械的強度について膜組成の最適化を行い、重量比で約50対50を得た。また熱測定により、この膜が120℃でも重量減少がなく、安定であり、フッ化水素などの遊離も起こらないことを確認した。この電解質フィルムと集電体および触媒が一体となったMEAを作成した。これをガス流路付きのセパレータではさんだ試験セルを構成し、発電試験をおこなったところ、無加湿条件(H_2およびO_2 1atm、25℃)において、セル電圧0.5V、電流密度100mA cm^<-2>(出力密度50mW cm^<-2>)の発電性能が得られた(7th International Symposium on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, Toulouse, France, 8/29-9/2(2005)にて発表)。この値は、現在までに報告されているプロトン伝導性イオン液体のコンポジット膜による燃料電池と比較した場合、10倍以上である。さらに、100℃の無加湿条件下においても、少なくとも同程度の出力が得られることを確認した。なお本研究申請時に使われていた「イオン性液体」の用語は最近「イオン液体」に変わりつつあり、学術的にもより適切な用語であると考えられるので、当報告ではタイトルは申請時のままにしているが、本文中は新しい用語に改めている。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2004 -2005, 萌芽研究, 京都大学
後藤 琢也
平成16年度までに、形成のモデルケースとして、電気化学インプランテーションによるアルミニウム窒化、亜鉛窒化物、スズ窒化物の形成を行い、形成条件と得られる窒化物の構造的特性・電子状態との相関を明らかにし、新規な窒化物半導体薄膜の創製手法を確立した。このような結果を踏まえ、平成17年度は、溶融LiCl-KCl中(450℃)におけるマグネシウム窒化物の形成とその物性評価を行った。まず、熱力学的考察により、LiCl-KCl中(450℃)におけるMg-N系の電位-pN3-図を作成し、Mg3N2化合物の熱力学的な安定電位領域を明らかにした。次に、窒化リチウム(Li3N)を添加したLiCl-KCl中(450℃)において、マグネシウム電極を用いてサイクリックボルタンメトリーを行い、電極挙動を明らかにするとともに、実際の窒化物形成電位に関する知見を得た。さらに、マグネシウム電極を用いて、種々の電位で定電位電解を行い、得られたサンプルをX線回折法により分析した。その結果、0.3V vs.Li+/Liより卑な電位領域では、Mg-Li合金が形成することを明らかにした。また、0.4-0.8V vs.Li+/Liにおいては、黄色のMg3N2化合物薄膜が形成することを確認した。また、この化合物薄膜の紫外可視領域の反射率測定を行った結果、バンドギャップが、直接遷移型を仮定した場合3.15eV、間接遷移型を仮定した場合2.85eVとなることを明らかにした。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2003 -2005, 若手研究(A), 京都大学
伊藤 靖彦; 野平 俊之; 後藤 琢也; 萩原 理加
3)これらと並行して、溶融LiCl-KCl系での実験ノウハウを駆使して、低温系の溶融アルカリハライド塩(LiCl-KCl-CsCl, LiBr-KBr-CsBr)を用いて、まず、窒化物イオンに関する電気化学挙動の検討を行う。これらの実験を通して、各溶融塩系における窒化物イオンの化学ポテンシャルや、エンタルピー、エントロピーを実験的に決定する。得られたデータをもとに、各溶媒中での平衡論的検討を行った。
以上の基礎的研究を通じて、窒化物燃料の乾式再処理に必要な基礎的データの指針が得られた。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2002 -2003, 萌芽研究, 京都大学
Novel ambient temperature molten fluorides Scale up of syntheses and application to electrochemical systems
HAGAIWARA Rika; MOMOTA Kunitaka; GOTO Takuya; NOHIRA Tashiyuki
Room temperature molten salts have received an attention for their excellent characteristics from the viewpoint of electrochemical and synthetic applications. In 1999, we developed a new ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium fluorohydrogenate, EMIm(HF)_<2.3>F, having a high ionic conductivity (100 mScm^<-1>). In a series of studies supported by this grant, we have reported some studies on their physical and chemical properties, and practical applications for electrolytes of some electrochemical systems. EMIm(HF)_<2.3>F is prepared by metathesis of starting chloride and anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. EMImHF_2 prepared by thermal decomposition of EMIm(HF)_<2.3>F is a colorless crystalline solid at room temperature. The reaction of the salt with stoichiometric amount of aHF gives EMIm(HF)_nF (11.2. A series of syntheses, physical and electrochemical characterization of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium fluorohydrogenates have been performed in order to develop ionic liquids with high conductivities and large breaking up voltages. As a result, 1,3-dimethylimidazolium fluorohydrogenate, DMIm(HF)_<2.3>F has been found to give a higher conductivity (110 mScm^<-1>) than that of EMIm(HF)_<2.3>F. Extension of the alkyl side chain on the cation increases the electrochemical window of these ionic liquids. The conductivities of these salts are higher than those found for the other ionic liquids by one order of magnitude. High energy X-ray diffraction studies of these ionic liquids show ordering of the planar molecular ions in liquid state, which is considered to be related to their low viscosity and high conductivity. Application of these room temperature molten salts has been investigated as the electrolytes of electrical double layer capacitors, exhibit excellent, charge-discharge 'performances in wide temperature ranges. Also, these fluorohydrogenates has been turned out to act as good fluorobases against some binary fluorides to give fluorometallate ionic liquids with high purities., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2001 -2003, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), KYOTO UNIVERSITY
Electrochemical Implantation/displantation
ITO Yasuhiko; NOHIRA Toshiyuki; GOTO Takuya; HAGIWARA Rika
We succeeded in constructing anew electrolysis cell in an argon glove box having a gas purification equipment. By using this apparatus, we conducted anodic electrolysis at various kinds of metal electrodes in a molten LiCI-KCl-Li:3N system at 723-773 K to nvestigate the electrochemical implantation of nitrogen. We succeeded in the formations of Ti-N, Fe-N, Al-N, Zr-N, Ga-N, Cr-N, Zn-N, SUS 430-N, SUS304-N. It was found that the addition of LiH to the melt is effective to accelerate the formation rate of the nitrides. It is a characteristic of this method to be able to control the nitrogen concentration in nitrides by electrolysis potential. In addition, the rate controlling process in the nitride growth was found to be the diffusion of nitrogen atoms in the nitride layer since the growth obeyed the parabolic rate law. We also investigated the electrochemical implantation of various rare earths (RE) into some transition metal substrates, which was conducted by eathodic polarization of the transition metal electrodes in molten LiCI-KCI-RECI3 systems, where RE = Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sin, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er and Yb. We found that some selected alloy phases, i.e., Ni_2Y, Ni_2La, Ni_2Ce, Ni_2Pr, Ni_2Nd, Ni_2Sm, Ni_2Dy, Ni_2Yb, CoGd:_3, Pd_3Y, Pd_3La, Pd_3Ce and Si_2Er, are formed quite rapidly. According to the transmission electron microscopy, the cause of the rapid formation was indicated to be due to the fast diffusion of atoms near the grain boundaries. When the.rapidly formed rare earth alloys were anodically polarized in the same melt, it was possible to dissolve only the rare earth elements from the electrodes, which was termed "electrochemical displantation". For the electrochemical, displantation, rare earth concentrations in the alloys can be controlled by electrolysis potential and quantity of electricity., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2000 -2003, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), KYOTO UNIVERSITY
後藤 琢也
これらの研究と並行して、窒素ガスの陰極還元反応を利用した高効率なナイトライドイオンの供給を可能とする窒素ガス電極を目指し、電極材料と構造に関し検討を行った。具体的には、平成12年度の研究で分極特性が優れていることが明らかとなったニッケル多孔質を電極基体に用い、これに触媒となる金属を担持することで、庚なるガス電極の性能向上を目的とする実験を行った。その結果、ニッケル多孔質電極に白金族微粒子を極微量単担持することで、未担持ニッケルと比較して約5倍程度分極特性が向上した。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2000 -2001, 奨励研究(A), 京都大学
冨井 洋一; 雨澤 浩史; 桑原 秀行; 高田 潤; 野平 俊之; 後藤 琢也
1.凝縮プラズマ系反応による、非平衡物質の創製と高機能性およびマイクロキャラクタリゼーション 前年度のTi-N系での成果を踏まえて、Al-Ti-C系の物質創製が試みられた。
Al-Ti-C系は、AlTiやAl_3Ti等の化合物を高温の液体下では容易に生成するが、これらの化合物の分離・成長が著しく、マトリックスの強化にはほとんど効果が認められなかった。しかしながら、このようなAl-Ti系に、CH_4を添加したプラズマガスを高温(【similar or equal】1400℃)の融体下で作用させると、表面に特異な厚膜が生成した。この厚膜は、厚さが【similar or equal】mmに及び、その硬度はmHv【similar or equal】500に達することが測定され、XRD及びEPMAの分析によって、Al-Ti-Cの複合化合物の超微細粒子の分散による可能性の高いことが示唆された。
2.凝縮プラズマ生成非平衡物質の熱力学的安定性 この以上に硬度値の高い厚膜の安定性が、熱的及び腐食環境下で調べられた。その結果、耐食性に著しい向上が認められ、900〜1000℃の高温下でも安定であった。Al-C系では空気中の水分によっても容易に分解されるが、この厚膜は水中でも何ら腐食することなく安定であった。この原因は、Al-C系にTiをプラズマ反応によって非平衡的に含ませることによるものと解析された。
(1)Al-Ti-C系厚膜部の微細構造の透過形電子顕微鏡による解明 (2)Al-Ti-C系厚膜組成のマトリツクスアルミニウムへの分散法の確立 これらの2点の実験的解明と確立については、今後も引き続き行われる。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2000 -2001, 基盤研究(B), 京都大学
Intercalation compounds of fluoroacid as precursors for the syntheses of functional materials
HAGIWARA Rika; GOTO Takuya; NOHIRA Toshiyuki
A study was made on the thermal decomposition products of fluorine-graphite intercalation compounds with a 1st stage structure. Graphite fluoride prepared by the reaction of elemental fluorine and graphite in the presence of HF contains a small amount of HF which is eliminated by the reaction with liquid ammonia or heating at 〜250 ℃. This method is applicable to the preparation of homogeneous graphite compounds as electronic materials. The insertion of HF in the graphite fluoride gallery is reversible. The interaction of the HF molecule and graphite fluoride in the gallery is strong enough to decrease the conductivity of the compound by one order of magnitude. The first stage graphite fluoride possesses a semi ionic C-F bonding to show a thermal stability up to 350 ℃. A thermal decomposition without a stage transition proceeds above this temperature to give a residual carbon. The averaged F/C ratio of the fluorocarbon gases evolved by the decomposition is 1〜3. The residual carbon possesses a low crystallinity. The crystallite size along a and c axes are 50 and 5 nm, respectively. The layer separation is also increased by 〜14 pm., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 1999 -2001, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), KYOTO UNIVERSITY
Establishment of anhydrous synthesis process using molten salts as reaction media
ITO Yasuhiko; NOHIRA Toshiyuki; GOTO Takuya; HAGIWARA Rika
The purpose of this project is to establish the anhydrous synthesis process that consists of purification of molten slats and separation/recovery of products. In year 1999, we succeeded in reducing the size of electrolysis cell to one half and the volume of molten salts to one tenth. In year 2000, we constructed a new electrolysis cell in an argon glove box having a gas purification equipment. By using this apparatus, it was found that water contamination level in LiCl-KCl melts could be reduced to one tenth compared to a conventional preparation method. In LiCl-KCl-DyCl_3 melts, a DyNi_2 film having 60 μm thickness was formed by potentiostatic cathodic electrolysis at a Ni electrode for 2 hours at 723 K. In LiCl-KCl-SmCl_3 melts, a SmNi_2 film having 20μm thickness was formed by galvanostatic cathodic electrolysis at a Ni electrode for 1hour at 723 K. In year 2001, we synthesized and/or searched for new room-and middle-temperature molten salts. At middle temperature range (200-300℃), it was found that the melting point of LiBr-KBr-CsBr was around 230℃, which was the lowest value among molten alkali halides. When LiH was added to this melt, it was found that hydride ion was formed. By using the electrode reaction of hydride ions, hydrogen absorption properties were evaluated for Ti electrode. At room temperature range, we succeeded in synthesizing a novel room temperature molten salt, EMIF-2.3HF, that has the highest conductivity among all room temperature molten salts at 25℃. It was found that EMIF-2.3HF had a electrochemical window of about 3.2 V. A high performance capacitor was constructed by using this melt., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 1999 -2001, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), KYOTO UNIVERSITY
伊藤 靖彦; 野平 俊之; 後藤 琢也; 萩原 理加
本研究は、EMIC(エチルメチルイミダゾリウムクロリド)-AlCl_3系低温溶融塩を用いる新規な水素-リチウム熱再生型燃料電池の開発を目的としている。平成12年度は、水素源として水素化アルミニウムリチウム(LiAlH_4)を添加した、LiCl緩衝中性溶融塩系(AlCl_3:EMIC:LiCl=1.1:1:0.2)における水素電極反応を調べた。浴のラマン分光分析の結果から、水素を含むアニオン種(Al_2Cl_6H^-、Al_2Cl_5H_2^-等)の存在が示唆された。W電極を用いた電気化学測定の結果、-0.4V(vs.Al(III)/Al)よりも貴な電領域において、これらのアニオン種のアノード酸化による水素ガス発生が起こることが確認された。また、電極にPdおよびTiを用いた場合、電極中への電気化学的な水素吸蔵が起こることも分かった。さらに、一度水素を吸蔵させたPd電極を-0.7Vで保持することにより、電極中の水素が電気化学的に放出されることも分かった。しかし、この系におけるAlの析出反応が-0.8V付近に存在するため、水素-リチウム熱再生型燃料電池を構築した場合、起電力が大きくとれないことが予想される。この結果を踏まえ、新たな電解質として、水素化ホウ素リチウム(LiBH_4)を添加したEMIC-AlCl_3系低温溶融塩に関して検討を行った。ラマン分光分析の結果、塩基性溶融塩(AlCl_3:EMIC=44:56)にLiBH_4を添加した場合、BH_4^-およびB_2H_7^-が生成することが分かった。W電極を用いた電気化学測定により、-0.6V(vs.Al(III)/Al)よりも貴な電位領域でアノード反応により水素ガス発生が起こることが確認された。この浴の卑な側の電位窓限界は、約-1.8V(vs.Al(III)/Al)であるため、水素-リチウム熱再生型燃料電池を構築した場合に、起電力は1V以上得られる可能性が示された。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 1999 -2000, 萌芽的研究, 京都大学