Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Environmental Systems Science
Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/25

Researcher Profile and Settings

Research Areas

  • Natural sciences / Atmospheric and hydrospheric science

Research Experience

  • Chiba Institute of Science, Faculty of Risk and Crisis Management, 2005 - 2008
  • 地球フロンティア研究システム(現・(独)海洋研究開発機構地球環境フロンティア研究センター)研究員, 1998 - 2005


  • Kyoto University, 理学研究科, 地球惑星科学専攻, - 1998
  • Kyoto University, Graduate School, Division of Natural Science, - 1998
  • Kyoto University, 理学研究科, 地球物理学専攻, - 1995
  • Kyoto University, Graduate School, Division of Natural Science, - 1995
  • Kyoto University, Faculty of Science, - 1993
  • Kyoto University, Faculty of Science, - 1993

Published Papers

  • Seamless Detection of Cutoff Lows and Preexisting Troughs
    Satoru Kasuga; Meiji Honda; Jinro Ukita; Shozo Yamane; Hiroaki Kawase; Akira Yamazaki
    Monthly Weather Review, American Meteorological Society, 149(9) 3119 - 3134, 22 Jun. 2021, Scientific journal
  • Simple sensitivity analysis using ensemble forecasts
    Takeshi Enomoto; Shozo Yamane; Wataru Ohfuchi
    Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 93(2) 199 - 213, 2015, Scientific journal
  • Observing-system research and ensemble data assimilation at JAMSTEC
    Takeshi Enomoto; Takemasa Miyoshi; Qoosaku Moteki; Jun Inoue; Miki Hattori; Akira Kuwano-Yoshida; Nobumasa Komori; Shozo Yamane
    Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. II), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 509 - 526, 01 Jan. 2013, In book
  • Effects of land reclamations in Osaka Bay on the regional climate
    Rui Ito; Shozo Yamane; Takehiko Satomura
    Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, Meteorological Society of Japan, 8(1) 29 - 32, 2012, Scientific journal
  • The influence of observations propagated by convectively coupled equatorial waves
    Qoosaku Moteki; Kunio Yoneyama; Ryuichi Shirooka; Hisayuki Kubota; Kazuaki Yasunaga; Junko Suzuki; Ayako Seiki; Naoki Sato; Takeshi Enomoto; Takemasa Miyoshi; Shozo Yamane
    Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137(656) 641 - 655, Apr. 2011, Scientific journal
  • Quasigeostrophic transient wave activity flux: Updated climatology and its role in polar vortex anomalies
    Mototaka Nakamura; Minoru Kadota; Shozo Yamane
    Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67(10) 3164 - 3189, Oct. 2010, Scientific journal
  • Precursory signals in analysis ensemble spread
    Takeshi Enomoto; Miki Hattori; Takemasa Miyoshi; Shozo Yamane
  • Dominant anomaly patterns in the near-surface baroclinicity and accompanying anomalies in the atmosphere and oceans. Part II: North Pacific basin
    Mototaka Nakamura; Shozo Yamane
    Journal of Climate, 23(24) 6445 - 6467, 2010, Scientific journal
  • Impact of observations from Arctic drifting buoys on the reanalysis of surface fields
    Jun Inoue; Takeshi Enomoto; Takemasa Miyoshi; Shozo Yamane
    Geophysical Research Letters, 36(8), 28 Apr. 2009, Scientific journal
  • Influence of low Arctic sea-ice minima on anomalously cold Eurasian winters
    Meiji Honda; Jun Inoue; Shozo Yamane
    Geophysical Research Letters, 36(8), 28 Apr. 2009, Scientific journal
  • Dominant anomaly patterns in the near-surface baroclinicity and accompanying anomalies in the atmosphere and oceans. Part I: North Atlantic basin
    Mototaka Nakamura; Shozo Yamane
    Journal of Climate, 22(4) 880 - 904, 15 Feb. 2009, Scientific journal
  • Inter-basin link between the North Pacific and North Atlantic in the upper tropospheric circulation: Its dominance and seasonal dependence
    Meiji Honda; Shozo Yamane; Hisashi Nakamura
    Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 85(6) 899 - 908, Dec. 2007, Scientific journal
  • Local ensemble transform Kalman filtering with an AGCM at a T159/L48 resolution
    Takemasa Miyoshi; Shozo Yamane
    Monthly Weather Review, 135(11) 3841 - 3861, Nov. 2007, Scientific journal
  • The AFES-LETKF Experimental Ensemble Reanalysis: ALERA
    Takemasa Miyoshi; Shozo Yamane; Takeshi Enomoto
    SOLA, METEOROLOGICAL SOC JPN, 3 45 - 48, 2007, Scientific journal
  • Localizing the Error Covariance by Physical Distances within a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF)
    Takemasa Miyoshi; Shozo Yamane; Takeshi Enomoto
    SOLA, METEOROLOGICAL SOC JPN, 3 89 - 92, 2007, Scientific journal
  • Influence of the Northern Hemisphere annular mode on ENSO by modulating westerly wind bursts
    Tetsu Nakamura; Yoshihiro Tachibana; Meiji Honda; Shozo Yamane
    Geophysical Research Letters, 33(7), 16 Apr. 2006, Scientific journal
  • Ensemble forecast of the Kuroshio meandering
    Yasumasa Miyazawa; Shozo Yamane; Xinyu Guo; Toshio Yamagata
    Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, 110(10) 1 - 14, 08 Oct. 2005, Scientific journal
  • Impacts of the Aleutian-Icelandic low seasaw on surface climate during the twentieth century
    Meiji Honda; Shozo Yamane; Hisashi Nakamura
    Journal of Climate, 18(14) 2793 - 2802, 15 Jul. 2005, Scientific journal
  • Formation, mechanisms, and predictability of the Aleutian-Icelandic low seesaw in ensemble AGCM simulations
    Meiji Honda; Yochanan Kushnir; Hisashi Nakamura; Shozo Yamane; Stephen E. Zebiak
    Journal of Climate, 18(9) 1423 - 1434, 01 May 2005, Scientific journal
  • A simulation study of the 2003 heatwave in Europe
    Mototaka Nakamura; Takeshi Enomoto; Shozo Yamane
    Journal of the Earth Simulator, 2 55 - 69, Mar. 2005, Scientific journal
  • 10-km mesh meso-scale resolving simulations of the global atmosphere on the earth simulator: Preliminary outcomes of AFES (AGCM for the Earth Simulator)
    Wataru Ohfuchi; Hisashi Nakamura; Mayumi K. Yoshioka; Takeshi Enomoto; Koutarou Takaya; Xindong Peng; Shozo Yamane; Teruyuki Nishimura; Yoshio Kurihara; Kozo Ninomiya
    Journal of the Earth Simulator, 1 8 - 34, Apr. 2004, Scientific journal
  • An active role of extratropical sea surface temperature anomalies in determining anomalous turbulent heat flux
    Y Tanimoto; H Nakamura; T Kagimoto; S Yamane
  • Finite-time evolution of small perturbations superposed on a chaotic solution: Experiment with a idealized barotropic model
    S. Yamane; S. Yoden
    Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, American Meteorological Society, 58(9) 1066 - 1078, 01 May 2001, Scientific journal
  • Low-frequency variations and optimal excitation in a simple barotropic model with zonal asymmetry
    Shozo Yamane; Shigeo Yoden
    Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Meteorological Society of Japan, 76(4) 561 - 580, 1998, Scientific journal
  • Predictability variation and quasi-stationary states in simple non-linear systems
    Shozo Yamane; Shigeo Yoden
    Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Meteorological Society of Japan, 75(2) 557 - 568, 1997, Scientific journal


  • 予測可能性について (総特集 海洋のデータ同化--現況解析と予測への新たなアプローチ)
    山根 省三
    海洋, 海洋出版, 33(2) 118 - 123, Feb. 2001

Research Projects

  • Quantitative Evaluation of the Predictability of Tornado and Gust Phenomena by Cutoff Low
    Honda Akiharu
    The cutoff low is a cold air system in the upper troposphere that often accompanies extreme weather events such as tornadoes and wind gusts that cause disasters. The cutoff-low (COL) index, which objectively evaluates the location of the center, intensity, and radius of influence of the cutoff low, has been developed to improve the lead time for predicting extreme weather events associated with cold extremes. The COL index is available as the COL Map on the "Cutoff Low Tracking and Monitoring System," a website for monitoring cold air behaviors in the upper troposphere at Niigata University., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2017/04 -2021/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Niigata University
  • Local circulations developing in Keihanna area in warm seasons
    YAMANE Shozo
    In the Keihanna area and the surrounding region on sunny days in warm seasons, the convective mixed layer develops vigorously after the sunrise, and the winds in the direction similar to those in the upper layer begin to blow near the ground around 10am. The sea breeze from Osaka bay also forms near the coast after the sunrise and progresses inland during the daytime. The local mountain winds blow at night in the vicinity of the slopes of the mountains and valleys, and the wind direction reverses within several hours from the sunrise. The surface winds in the Keihanna area on the evening of the sunny days in warm seasons were classified into four types: weak wind type, eastward wind type, westward wind type, and southward wind type. On the sea breeze days, which were classified into the eastward wind type, the time of daily maximum temperature and the time of daily maximum photochemical oxidant concentration tend to be faster than the times on the weak wind days in the Keihanna area., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2015/04 -2018/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
  • Comprehensive Study of the Formation and Variability of the Tropo-spheric Circulation by Utilizing Latest Reanalysis Dataset
    NAKAMURA Hisashi; TAKAYABU N. Yukari; MUKOUGAWA Hitoshi; HIROOKA Toshihiko; TANIMOTO Youichi; HONDA Meiji; YAMANE Shozo; TAKAYA Koutarou; KAMAHORI Hirotaka; CHIBA Osamu; TSUTSUI Junichi; YAMAZAKI Nobuo; ONOGI Kazutoshi; HATSUSHIKA Hiroshi
    Through analysis of the new reanalysis data of the global atmosphere (JRA-25) and numerical modeling, (1) we have postulated a new framework of the atmospheric general circulation with particular emphasis on the role of interaction with midlatitude oceanic frontal zones in the formation of westerly jet and its dominant variability, (2) revealed the characteristics of two anomaly patterns as a dynamical mode that influence of the summertime Bonin High, (3) elucidated the dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere summertime subtropical highs, and (4) assessed the pre-dictability of the tropospherestratosphere coupled variability., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 -2009, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Tokyo
  • Hierarchical unstable structures in atmospheric general circulation
    YAMANE Shozo
    地球を取り巻く大気の運動は不規則であり、様々な時間・空間スケールの現象が存在する。このような大気場の中で発達する微小な擾乱の地理的分布・空間構造の特徴を大気大循環モデルの数値実験を通して調べた結果、擾乱のエネルギーが比較的小さいときは熱帯の対流活動に伴う擾乱の発達が顕著となり、擾乱のエネルギーが比較的大きいときは中緯度帯の移動性高・低気圧に伴う擾乱の発達が顕著となる傾向があることが分かった。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2007 -2008, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
  • Research on the formation mechanism of the Cold Ocean-Warm Land pattern
    HONDA Akiharu; YAMANE Shozo; TAKAYA Koutarou; NAKAMURA Hisashi
    :「冷える海洋-暖まる大陸」パターン、いわゆるCOWLパターンの空間構造の特徴やその力学的メカニズムの解明に取り組んだ。 再解析データを用いた解析でCOWLは対流圏循環場ではアリューシャン・アイスランド低気圧シーソーに続いて2番目に卓越するモードとして抽出され、長期的なユーラシア及び北米大陸上の昇温傾向に伴って近年の両低気圧の強化傾向を伴っていることが確認された。 一方近年の北半球雪氷圏の急変に伴ってCOWLの変動特性にも影響が現れていることが分かった。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 -2008, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
  • Dynamics of the Arctic Oscillation and the Process of the Low-Frequency Variability
    TANAKA Hiroshi; YAMAZAKI Koji; ITOH Hisonori; MORI Atsushi; MUKOUGAWA Hitoshi; YAMANE Syozo
    The Arctic Oscillation draws increasingly more attention in recent years in association with abnormal weather and global change problems. In the first year of 2006, the first workshop on the Arctic Oscillation Study was held during 7-8 July 2006 at the University of Tsukuba. About 30 participants gathered to present the latest scientific results and to discuss on the subject. The head investigator organized the 7th International Conference of the Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA-7) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks for 19-20 February 2007 and presented the review of the Arctic Oscillation study. The second workshop on the Arctic Oscillation Study was held during 2-3 March 2007 at the University of Tsukuba. About 40 participants gathered to present the latest scientific results and to discuss on the subject. In the second year of 2007, the bead investigator organized the first union session of the Sciences in the Arctic during the Japan Geosciences Union Meeting 2007 with a special topic of the Arctic Oscillation. The union session is upgraded to the regular session in 2008. The contributions from the Arctic Oscillation Studies were summarized as the Special Edition of the Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan in December 2007 issue. In the Special Edition, 12 refereed papers on the subject of the Arctic Oscillation were published. According to the summary of these papers, we have reached to the conclusion that the Arctic Oscillation can be understood as a dynamical singular eigenmode of the global atmosphere. The singular eigenmode has a unique property of zero eigenvalue with a structure identical to the Arctic Oscillation so that it can respond resonantly to arbitrary quasi-steady barotropic forcing. However, the quasi-steady forcing from the storm tracks at the Pacific and Atlantic sectors acts independently with large amplitudes, so the Arctic Oscillation apperas as if it is a statistical artifact of the EOF analysis, recognizing only the teleconnections of NAO in the Atlantic sector and PNA in the Pacific sector., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 -2007, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), University of Tsukuba
  • The Role of Midlatitude and Subtropical Air-Sea Interactions in the Formation and Variability of the Atmospheric Circulation Systems
    NAKAMURA Hisashi; TANIMOTO Youichi; YAMANE Shozo
    ・Unlike in other mid-latitude oceanic regions, anomalous surface heat flux in the North Pacific sub-arctic frontal zone is controlled by local sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies associated with its inherent decadal variability. This oceanic thermal forcing accompanies meridional shift of the storm track. Our GPS-sonde observations have revealed that the frontal SST distribution accompanies spatial imhomogeneities in static stability and thereby downward momentum transport in the boundary layer, leading to positive correlation between SST and surface wind speed. ・In the Southern Hemisphere, the storm0track core is anchored throughout the year along the surface baroclinic zone associated with the major oceanic frontal zone in the Indian Ocean, where a polar-front jet (PFJ) with surface westerlies forms due to poleward eddy heat transport. We are the first to point out a possible dynamical association among a storm-track, PFJ and oceanic frontal zone. Over the South Pacific, the association is disturbed in winter when upper-level eddies are trapped into an intensified subtropical jet (STJ), below which surface baroclinicity. Our new concept can provide a plausible interpretation for the seasonal march in the North Pacific storm-track. ・We have revealed that the surface Okhotsk High forms in response to cold advection by anomalous low-level easterlies induced by an upper-level blocking high to its northwest, which amplifies due to local breaking of an Rossby wave-train propagating from northern Europe. ・As opposed to the previous understanding, we have revealed that the summertime subtropical anticyclones form in response to the profound thermal contrast between the cool eastern ocean and the warm, dry continent to its east. ・To the south of Australia, where a PFJ overlaps with the stratospheric polar-night jet, a vertical waveguide forms through which stationary Rossby wave-trains propagate from the lower stratosphere downward to generate localized anomalous circulation in the troposphere., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2003 -2005, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Tokyo

Research Seeds

  • Observations and numerical simulations of local climate
    Research Fields: Sociology, Culture and Education
    Affiliation/Name: Shozo Yamane