Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
Last Updated :2025/02/09

Researcher Profile and Settings

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Economic policy / Urban Economics, Applied Microeconomics

Research Experience

  • Doshisha University, Faculty of Economics, 教授, 2024/09 - Today
  • Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics, Professor, 2018/04 - 2024/09
  • Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics, Asssociate Professor, 2007/07 - 2018/03
  • Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics, lecturer, 2003/04 - 2007/06


  • Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics, 1998/04 - 2003/03
  • Kyoto University, Faculty of Economics, 1994/04 - 1998/03


  • Sakashita Prize
    Dec. 2011, Applied Regional Science Conference

Published Papers

  • Do people accept different cultures ?
    Mariko Nakagawa; Yasuhiro Sato; Takatoshi Tabuchi; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    Journal of Urban Economics, 2022, Scientific journal
  • Demographics, Immigration and market size
    KAZUHIRO YAMAMOTO; Koichi Fukumura; Kohei Nagamachi; Yasuhiro Sato
    Japanese Economic Review, 71 597 - 639, 2020, Scientific journal
  • Demographics and Tax Competition in Political Economy
    Tadashi Morita; Yasuhiro Sato; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    International Tax and Public Finance, 27 865 - 889, 2020, Scientific journal
  • Subsidy competition and imperfect labor markets
    KAZUHIRO YAMAMOTO; Tadashi Morita; Yukiko Sawada
    Journal of Public Economic Theory, 30 698 - 728, 2019, Scientific journal
  • Elastic labor supply and agglomeration
    KAZUHIRO YAMAMOTO; Takanori Ago; Tadashi Morita; Takatoshi Tabuchi
    Journal of Regional Science, 58 350-362 , 2018, Scientific journal
  • Inter-regional fertility differentials and agglomeration
    KAZUHIRO YAMAMOTO; Tadashi Morita
    Japanese Economic Review, 69 171 - 188, 2018, Scientific journal
  • Endogenous labor supply and international trade
    Takanori Ago; Tadashi Morita; Takatoshi Tabuchi; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, WILEY, 13(1) 73 - 94, Mar. 2017, Scientific journal
  • Does Globalization Foster Economic Growth?
    Tadashi Morita; Hajime Takatsuka; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    JAPANESE ECONOMIC REVIEW, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 66(4) 492 - 519, Dec. 2015, Scientific journal
  • Trade costs, wage difference, and endogenous growth
    Akinori Tanaka; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    Papers in Regional Science, 92(4) 831 - 850, Nov. 2013, Scientific journal
    Ryo Horii; Ryoji Ohdoi; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 17(3) 531 - 562, Apr. 2013, Scientific journal
  • Horizontal Mergers, Firm Heterogeneity, and R&D Investments
    Noriaki Matsushima; Yasuhiro Sato; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    B E JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY, WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, 13(2) 959 - 990, 2013, Scientific journal
    Yasuhiro Sato; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    JAPANESE ECONOMIC REVIEW, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 63(4) 451 - 466, Dec. 2012, Scientific journal
  • Market size and entrepreneurship
    Yasuhiro Sato; Takatoshi Tabuchi; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 12(6) 1139 - 1166, Nov. 2012, Scientific journal
  • Variety expansion and fertility rates
    Akiko Maruyama; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS, SPRINGER, 23(1) 57 - 71, Jan. 2010, Scientific journal
  • Location of industry, market size, and imperfect international capital mobility
    Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 38(5) 518 - 532, Sep. 2008, Scientific journal
  • Technological progress, income inequality and fertility
    KAZUHIRO YAMAMOTO; Ken Tabata; Yasuhiro Sato
    Journal of Population Economics, 21 135 - 157, 2008, Scientific journal
  • Knowledge spillovers, location of industry, and endogenous growth
    Kyoko Hirose; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
    ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, SPRINGER, 41(1) 17 - 30, Mar. 2007, Scientific journal
  • Sectorial shift, inverted U-shaped fertility dynamics, and growth
    Economics Bulletin, 10 1 - 7, 2006, Scientific journal
  • A two-region model with two types of manufacturing technologies and agglomeration
    K Yamamoto
    REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 35(6) 808 - 836, Nov. 2005, Scientific journal
  • Population concentration, urbanization, and demographic transition
    Journal of Urban Economics, 58 45 - 61, 2005, Scientific journal
  • Agglomeration and growth with innovation in the intermediate goods sector
    K Yamamoto
    REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 33(3) 335 - 360, May 2003, Scientific journal


  • How does trade openness affect R&D activities?
    Matsushima Noriaki; Yamamoto Kazuhiro
    応用地域学研究, (19) 1 - 10, 2015

Books etc

  • 大都市はどうやってできるのか
    山本, 和博
    筑摩書房, Sep. 2022
  • 空間経済学
    有斐閣, Jan. 2011, Joint work

Research Projects

  • 企業間で生産性が異なる独占的競争都市経済学モデルの構築と厚生分析
    山本 和博; 佐藤 泰裕; 森田 忠士
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2022/04 -2026/03, 基盤研究(C), 大阪大学
  • 大企業と中小企業が混在しているときの産業政策に関する理論的研究
    森田 忠士; 山本 和博
    大企業と中小企業が両方存在している経済に焦点を当てて研究を行った。この研究において、大企業とは産業全体の価格をみて自分の価格を決める寡占企業とした。一方で、中小企業とは、産業全体の動向とは無関係に自身の費用と需要曲線のみを見て価格を決める独占的競争企業とした。このとき、貿易の自由化などで市場規模が拡大した場合、大企業と中小企業とではどちらが研究開発投資を積極的に行うのか、という問題に取り組んだ。そして、社会にとって最適な大企業と中小企業の生産量や研究開発投資量について分析を行った。その結果、以下の二つの成果を得ることができた。 一つ目は、市場規模の拡大は中小企業の行動には影響を与えないが、大企業の研究開発投資を増やすことがわかった。中小企業は自身の大きさが小さく、経済全体に与える影響は微少だと考えて行動しているので市場規模の拡大は中小企業の行動に影響を及ぼさない。一方で、大企業は市場規模の拡大により多数の中小企業が市場に参入してきて、自身の市場シェアが減少することを知っている。そこで大企業は研究開発投資を増加させて、自身の生産性を向上させて、生産量や利潤を増やそうとすることがわかった。二つ目は、市場経済での資源配分と大企業が存在する社会での最適な資源配分についての比較である。市場経済において、大企業は産業全体の価格をみて自身の価格を決定しているので、大企業の設定する価格は高く生産量は過少になっていることがわかる。そこで、政府はこの大企業の高価格を是正するために、中小企業よりも多くの補助金を大企業に与える必要がある。研究開発投資に関しても同様に、大企業は過少投資になっているので、中小企業よりも多くの補助金を受ける必要があることを示すことができた。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2021/04 -2025/03, 基盤研究(C), 近畿大学
  • Spatial economic analysis on demographics and regional policies
    Sato Yasuhiro
    This project analyzes the relationship between demographics and regional economic policies. Demographics include population changes caused by birth and death, migration, and the resulting population composition.
    We show that in political economy, regional policies chosen by local governments heavily depend on the population composition, and regions facing population aging are likely to impose inefficiently high taxes on firms to finance public good provision. We further show by using urban accounting that the labor wedge in the manufacturing sector is the most responsible for shaping the current Japanese population distribution across regions., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2018/04 -2022/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Tokyo
  • イノベーションと労働者の多様性の空間経済学分析:日米データによる実証分析
    山本 和博
    本プロジェクトでは、労働者の言語、文化的背景の多様性を組み込んだ理論モデルを構築し、さらに実証研究を行う計画であった。2020年度には労働者の文化的背景と生産性の関係に関する理論モデルを新たに構築した。これまでの理論ではコミュニケーション費用を考慮にいれていなかったが、コミュニケーション費用を考慮にいれることにより、新たな知見を得た。それに加え、2021年度には、文化的背景の異なる労働者が意思疎通を図ろうとする際のコミュニケーション費用が内生化されたモデルを構築した。その結果、文化的背景の異なる労働者の増加は、コミュニケーション費用を増加させるのであるが、労働者の教育水準が上がると、コミュニケーション費用が低くなるのである。同一の文化的背景を持った労働者間ではコミュニケーション費用が低く抑えられるが、そのようなコミュニケーションから得られる生産性の向上は低く抑えられてしまう。しかし、文化的背景の多様性が保たれていても、コミュニケーション費用が高い場合には、かえって生産性が下がる場合が出てくることが分かってきた。また、労働者の教育水準が高まることにより、文化的背景が異なる労働者のコミュニケーションが可能になり、労働生産性が高くなることが示された。この理論的な結果について、日本のデータでの一生研究が進行中であるが、未だはっきりした結果は得られていない。日本のデータでの実証研究の後、アメリカのデータでも実証研究を行う予定である。日本では労働者の文化的背景の多様性が乏しい反面、コミュニケーション費用も低く抑えられる傾向がある。対してアメリカの労働市場では文化的背景の多様性が高いが、同時にコミュニケーション費用も高くなる。このような対称的な労働市場を比較することにより、労働者の文化的背景の多様性が生産性に与える影響が適切に計測され得ると考えられる。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2018 -2022, 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化), 大阪大学
  • Spatial Economics Analysis of Innovation and Workers' Diversity
    This projects has studied the interrelationship between the innovation activities and workers' cultural diversity, by both theoretically and empirically. We constructed spatial economic models which have shed lights on the sources of stagnation in Japanese innovation activities. Our models enables us to recognize that the important sources of innovation stagnation are lack of workers' diversity and spatial and inter-organizational mobility of them in Japan, especially in local "peripheral" regions. Moreover, to attract workers who can lead innovation activities is necessary for intensive innovation activities in regions. However, when each local government starts policies for attracting workers, an attraction competition among local governments will start. We show that this attraction competition is harmful because under this competition, each local region fails to attract innovative workers, and the costs for attraction policy becomes wasteful., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2016/04 -2019/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Osaka University
  • Spatial economic analysis on demographics
    SATO Yasuhiro
    Demographic structure is determined by natural changes, which consist of death and birth, and social changes, which consist of immigration and emigration. The effects of the former on society have been investigated in macroeconomics whereas the effects of the latter have been investigated in urban, regional, and spatial economics. However, the inter-relationship between the two has attracted little attention. This study aimed to develop a unified framework wherein we have both natural and social changes and to uncover spatial features of demographics. Moreover, by using the developed framework, it investigated possible impacts of regional economic policies on social welfare through changes in demographic structure., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2015/04 -2018/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
  • Innovation and economic growth: The theory of new economic geography
    Yamamoto Kazuhiro
    The agglomeration of firms in a region promotes the intensive innovation actitvities in the region which becomes the engine of the economic growth. The agglomeration of firms raises the real wage in a region which raises the working time of workers. The long working time increases the supply of labor which intensifies the innovation activieities in the region. With the long working time and the success of innovation, workers can get the higher nominal income. The high nominal income enables consumers to buy a large amount of goods, which enlarges the market size of the region. The firms agglomerate in the region, since the large market gives them high profits. In thise study, we show the above mechanims behind relationchip between the agglomeration and innovation., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2012/04 -2016/03, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Osaka University
  • Formation, Expansion and Decline of Internal Labor Markets in Japanese Firms: Historical Comparative Statistics of Human Capital Investment
    NAKABAYASHI Masaki; ISHIGURO Shingo; TAKII Katsuya; OWAN Hideo; MATSUMURA Toshihiro; TANAKA Ryuichi; ISHIDA Junichiro; SASAKI Dan; ISHIBASHI Ikuo; YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro; HORII Ryo; HASHINO Tomoko; SHIMIZU Takashi; TANAKA Wataru; OHDOI Ryoji; NAKAMURA Naofumi; ISHII Rieko; KITAMURA Hiroshi; TAKATSUKI Yasuo; KAWAKA Keisuke; YUKI Takenobu; SAKAI Mayo; MORI Tomoharu; INOMATA Kentaro
    We have studied function of internal labor markets, with special attention to interaction between the firm organization and the product and labor markets. Theoretically, we have placed organizational economics in the context of economics of market, and inserted dynamic factors, to scrutinize historical implication of path-dependency. Empirically, we have shown that the deepening of internal labor market practice was consistent to flexible labor market in the 1920-70s by a micro data set, and that, in the national level, internal labor market practices have structurally diminished since the 1990s. Our research provides a viewpoint to consider possible and better work organizations for the future beyond a organizational model very specific to Japan in the 1980s and in a general context., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2010/04 -2015/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Tokyo
  • The economic analysis of hierarchical policy competition in a global economy
    ABE Kenzo; SATO Yasuhiro; YAMAMOTO Kazuhito
    This research shows the impacts of international policy competition in a global economy on resource allocation, economic growth, and welfare in each country and a world economy theoretically. Differences in the characteristics of a country or policy tools yield a different impacts on resource allocation, economic growth, and welfare. We also show the impacts of a change in trade policy such as trade liberalization in a global economy on regional employment and a quality of environment in a country., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2010 -2012, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Osaka University
  • International transportation and policies for infrastructure development
    MUN Se-il; NISHIYAMA Yoshihiko; MORI Tomoya; SATOU Yasuhiro; YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro
    We investigated theoretically and empirically the mechanisms of international transportation flow based on models of firms location and interregional trade. Based on these understanding, we examined the problems of resource allocation caused by interaction of decisions by multiple governments concerning the development of transport infrastructure supporting international transportation, to provide insights for more appropriate policy makings., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2009 -2012, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University
  • Further development of spatial economics in the age of globalization and brain power society.
    FUJITA Masahisa; NISHIMURA Kazuo; WAKASUGI Ryuhei; NAGAOKA Sadao; HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki; MORI Tomoya; ZENG Dao-zhi; TODO Yasuyuki; SATO Yasuhiro; YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro; OKUBO Toshihiro; TABUCHI Takatoshi; TAMADA Schumpeter
    The new field of spatial economics has been developed rapidly since the early 1990s by economists in Japan, U.S. and Europe, aiming for the unified theory of geographical economics. This research has succeeded in the further development of spatial economics towards a comprehensive theory of geographical economics in the age of globalization and brain power society. In particular, we have succeeded, perhaps for the first time in the world, in developing a dynamic micromodel of knowledge creation and transfer, through interactions among heterogeneous knowledge workers in multiple regions., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2009 -2012, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Konan University
  • On the relationship among human capital accumulation, innovation and international trade
    YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro
    I construct models in which human capital accumulation is progressed by the trade openness, and write papers which study the relationship between trade openness and human capital accumulation. In addition, I investigate the relationship between innovation and trade openness by constructing models. Finally, I carried out empirical studies about the human capital accumulation and trade openness with Japanese data., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2007 -2010, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Osaka University
  • Historical study on institutions of markets and organizations of production in modern economic development.
    This project has pursued to clarify both empirically and theoretically how modern, or "impersonal," governance of trades that supports market economy has been formed and how firm organization and production organization has developed along with the market expansion. The project leader and the cooperative members have progressed their own portions, and met at monthly "Workshop on Economics of Institutions and Organizations" at Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University, to share each progress. Given that continued effort, in 2009, the last year of this project, first, we held the Tokyo Conference on Economics of Institutions and Organizations in August, with additional financial support by JSPS as an international meeting. Second, also in August, we organized the "Session J7-States, institutions, and development : Standardization and enforcement of trades in diverse markets," in the 15^ World Economic History Congress at University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Third, we held a panel titled "Institutions, organizations, and market : arbitrage of difference in the market and creation of difference in the organization" in the 78^ annual meeting of Socio-Economic History Society. The "Tokyo Conference" intensively discussed the achievement of this project with concentrating on theoretical aspects. In the World Economic History Congress, the biggest academic meeting of economic history in the world held every 3 years, economic historians of this project provided their works from this project at a session exclusively for this project and exchanged with forefront researchers in the field. In the socio-economic history society meeting, younger members presented their unique works from the project. At all of these opportunities, we have made effort to create new insight about governance of trades that supports market mechanism and its interaction with firm organization and production organization, based both on theoretical and empirical works., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 -2009, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
  • Study on the Dynamics of Agglomeration-Innovation Fields as an Adaptive Complex System
    FUJITA Masahisa; NISHIMURA Kazuo; TABUCHI Takatoshi; FUJIMOTO Tacahiro; MORI Tomoya; HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki; MURATA Yasusada; YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro; TABUCHI Takatoshi
    「空間経済学」は、地理的空間における新たな一般理論を目指して、90年代初めより、日米欧の経済学者を中心に急速に発展して来た。本研究は、財の市場を中心として構築されてきたこれまでの空間経済学に、多様な人々の共同による知識の創造・学習・伝播のミクロプロセスを内生的に導入することにより、グローバル化と知の時代における空間経済学として、理論と実証分析の両面で大きく進展させることに成功した。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 -2008, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
  • 技術革新と国際産業分布のマクロ構造の立地分析
    山本 和博
    日本及びそれを含む東アジア経済圏の高度成長、そしてそれと関連した産業集積のメカニズムを理論モデルによって解明する研究を行ってきた。論文「Innovation and growth with agglomeration in the intermediate goods sector」において、中間投入財部門における産業集積と技術革新が高度成長のエンジンとなり、輸送費用の変化によって成長集積から、低成長、拡散への移行のメカニズムが説明されることを示した。本論文は、雑誌「Reyjonal Science and Urban economics」にforthcomingになっている。 論文「Information Assymetry in rural at Urban and Credit Market Inperfection」において、金融システムの未熟さが、経済発展を妨げ、この部門における技術革新が集積と経済発展のエンジンとなることを示した。都市と農村部門における金融セクターの不均等な発展は経済を不安定な循環の中へと誘導してしまう。これによって都市、農村両部門における金融システムの技術革新が集積と高度成長を生み出すメカニズムとなることが説明される。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2001 -2002, 特別研究員奨励費, 京都大学