Faculty of Global and Regional Studies Department of Global and Regional Studies
Last Updated :2024/04/27

Researcher Profile and Settings

Research Interests

  • 韓国政治
  • 比較執政制度論
  • 憲法裁判所
  • 大統領制
  • 制度的均衡
  • 党派的権力
  • 憲法権限
  • 現代韓国政治
  • 非選出機関
  • 新制度論
  • 政策課題
  • 均衡制度
  • 憲法
  • 司法制度論
  • 行政学
  • 韓国
  • 政治学
  • 政党
  • 選挙管理
  • 日本政治
  • 民主化
  • 日本
  • 選挙ガバナンス
  • 国際関係論
  • 盧武鉉
  • 日米韓
  • 選挙政治
  • 地方組織
  • 権威主義体制
  • 金大中

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Politics / 比較政治(韓国政治)
  • Humanities & social sciences / International relations / 日韓関係

Research Experience

  • Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Professor, 2019/04 - Today
  • University of Niigata Prefecture, Faculty of International Studies and Regional Development, Professor, 2015/04 - 2019/03
  • University of Niigata Prefecture, Policy Research Center, Associate Professor, 2014/04 - 2015/03
  • Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Associate Professor, 2010/04 - 2014/03
  • Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Assistant Professor, 2007/04 - 2010/03
  • Kyushu University, The Research Center for Korean Studies, Research Associate, 2005/04 - 2007/03


  • Seoul National University, Department of Political Science, 政治学科博士課程, 2002/03 - 2004/02
  • Seoul National University, Graduate School of International Studies, 国際協力専攻, 2000/03 - 2002/02
  • Ritsumeikan University, College of International Relations, Department of International Relations, 1995/04 - 1999/03


  • Ph D (Political Science), Seoul National University, Aug. 2006
  • MA (Political Science), Seoul National University, Feb. 2002
  • BA (International Relations), Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 1999

Published Papers

  • 38 seconds above the 38th parallel: how short video clips produced by the US military can promote alignment despite antagonism between Japan and Korea
    Yuki Asaba; Kyu S Hahn; Seulgi Jang; Tetsuro Kobayashi; Atsushi Tago
    International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Oxford University Press (OUP), 20(2) 253 - 273, 01 May 2020, Scientific journal
  • Economic Downturns and Hardline Public Opinion
    Tetsuro Kobayashi; Dani Madrid‐Morales; Yuki Asaba; Atsushi Tago
    Social Science Quarterly, Wiley, 101(1) 309 - 324, Jan. 2020, Scientific journal


  • 前途多難な「チーム尹」―外交安保は大統領親政か
    『e-World Premium』2022年4月号, Apr. 2022
  • 2022年韓国大統領選挙と「分極化」の行方
    IDEスクエア「世界を見る眼」, Mar. 2022
  • 朝鮮語資料(政治学分野)における「国の蔵書」の構築に向けて
    アジア情報室通報, 19(4) 6 - 10, Dec. 2021
  • 再定義迫られる日韓関係-保守政権に交代でも厳しさ
    『e-World Premium』2021年12月号, Dec. 2021
  • ⽂⼤統領は対⽇融和へ動けるか―エビデンスに基づく対韓政策を
    『e-World Premium』2021年3月号, Mar. 2021
  • 「文在寅 フォロワーの支持は続くか」
    『中央公論』2020年9月号, 88 - 93, Sep. 2020, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 「漂流する日韓関係―請求権協定を読み直す」
    『e-World Premium』2020年8月号, Aug. 2020, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 「「総選挙を通じて見る韓国社会の構造変容」」
    『e-World Premium』2020年6月号, Jun. 2020, Introduction commerce magazine
  • “What’s at Stake in the Japan-Korea Wartime/Forced Labor Dispute: Implications for the Postwar Global Order”
    Yuki Asaba, Nov. 2019, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 「「最も近くて遠い国」の論理と心理」
    木村幹; 浅羽祐樹
    『中央公論』2019年11月号, 中央公論新社, 133(11) 26 - 37, Nov. 2019, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 「「韓国という難問」をいかに解くか」
    『中央公論』2019年9月号, 112 - 119, Sep. 2019, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 「それでも韓国を知らなければ策を講じられない」
    『e-World Premium』2019年9月号, Sep. 2019, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 「文在寅外交の挫折」
    『e-World Premium』2019年5月号, May 2019, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 第十九代韓国総選挙における「北朝鮮」 (特集 朝鮮半島めぐる疑心暗鬼)
    浅羽 祐樹
    東亜, 霞山会, (541) 30 - 37, Jul. 2012
  • Seoul is Nearer than Yamaguchi : Topographical Distances Perceived by High School Students of Tsushima Island
    ASABA Yuki; LIM Hyunjung; ITO Ayaka; KAWAMURA Mai; SAKAI Yohei; FUJII Satoe; FUJIMURA Nami; YAMAMOTO Misato
    Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, 4 59 - 68, 31 Mar. 2011
  • 新刊紹介 : 政治 (コリア研究 2号)
    浅羽 祐樹
    コリア研究, 立命館大学コリア研究センター, 2 169 - 171, 2011
  • 著者インタビュー 現代ドイツの実像を求めて : 近藤潤三氏インタビュー
    近藤 潤三; 浅羽 祐樹; 待鳥 聡史
    レヴァイアサン, 木鐸社, (49) 132 - 148, 2011
  • President Lee Myung-bak's government formation in Korea: a missing link of electoral cycle in party politics
    浅羽 祐樹; 大西 裕; 春木 育美
    Leviathan, 木鐸社, (47) 65 - 88, 2010
  • Changes in the Korean Party System : From Regionalized Multi-Party System to Nationalized Two-Party System
    Asaba Yuki
    Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, 2 16 - 29, 31 Mar. 2009
  • 書評 木村幹著『民主化の韓国政治』
    浅羽 祐樹
    現代韓国朝鮮研究, 新書館, (8) 99 - 101, Nov. 2008
  • Review article: Between international relations and area studies: research strategy for Japan-Korea relations
    浅羽 祐樹
    International relations, 日本国際政治学会, (151) 156 - 169, Mar. 2008
  • Hegemony and international political economic order: a critical evaluation of hegemonic stability theory
    白 昌宰; 中戸 祐夫; 浅羽 祐樹
    The Ritsumeikan journal of international studies, 立命館大学国際関係学会, 20(3) 569 - 586, Mar. 2008
  • Candidate Nomination Strategy and Election Failures under the Single Nontransferable Vote System in Korean Local Election 2006
    浅羽 祐樹
    山口県立大学学術情報, 山口県立大学, 1 1 - 14, 2008
  • 民主化以降の民主主義と立憲主義--盧武鉉政権における「憲法問題」と民主政20年の持続
    浅羽 祐樹
    韓国研究センター年報, 九州大学韓国研究センター, 7 31 - 42, Mar. 2007
  • The developments of inter-city cooperation between Japan and Korea: with focus on the establishment of Fukuoka-Busan sister city relationship
    浅羽 祐樹
    財団法人福岡アジア都市研究所若手研究者研究活動助成報告書, 福岡アジア都市研究所, 2006 1 - 14, 2006
  • President Roh Moo Hyun's Policy Initiatime for Northeast Asia : Domestic Controversies over National Identity in Korea
    NAKATO Sachio; ASABA Yuki
    Journal of the Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya University, 20 29 - 36, 03 Oct. 2005
  • 民主化以降韓国の国会議員選挙--小選挙区比例代表並立制の制度的効果を中心に
    浅羽 祐樹
    現代韓国朝鮮研究, 新書館, (4) 38 - 50, Nov. 2004
  • 二重の民主的正統性における代理人間問題--韓国の盧武鉉大統領弾劾という事例 (特集=日本国憲法) -- (憲法と世界)
    浅羽 祐樹
    現代思想, 青土社, 32(12) 174 - 197, Oct. 2004
  • 非「国民化」の回路はいかに可能か (コレスポンデンス--『国民国家論の射程』をめぐって)
    李 得宰; 浅羽 祐樹; 吉田 久美
    立命館言語文化研究, 立命館大学国際言語文化研究所, 16(2) 149 - 156, Oct. 2004
  • Self-Enforcing Constitution in Korea : A Comparison of the 1948 Constitution, the 1962 Constitution, and the 1987 Constitution
    Mizushima Asaho; Asaba Yuki
    Comparative law review, Waseda University, 38(1) 169 - 206, 01 Jul. 2004
  • 理論 マルクスの包摂論と現代--仮想実効的な包摂 (総特集 マルクス)
    チョ ジョンファン; 浅羽 祐樹
    現代思想, 青土社, 32(5) 136 - 147, Apr. 2004
  • 「韓国における帝国の傾向と構成」のために
    浅羽 祐樹; 洪 銕基; 浅羽 祐樹
    立命館言語文化研究, 立命館大学国際言語文化研究所, 15(4) 169 - 180, Mar. 2004
  • 民主化以降の韓国政治と地域主義に関する支配言説:「3金清算論」の言説同盟とそのイデオロギー的機能を中心に (特集:現代韓国における市民社会と公共圏)
    朴 常勲; 浅羽 祐樹
    立命館国際地域研究, 立命館大学国際地域研究所, (22) 49 - 70, Mar. 2004
  • 韓国の市民社会に対する分析枠組みの模索 (特集:現代韓国における市民社会と公共圏)
    呉 〔ケン〕哲; 浅羽 祐樹
    立命館国際地域研究, 立命館大学国際地域研究所, (22) 3 - 20, Mar. 2004
  • インターネットと第16代韓国大統領選挙:電子的な公論の場の可能性を中心に (特集:現代韓国における市民社会と公共圏)
    朴 東鎭; 浅羽 祐樹
    立命館国際地域研究, 立命館大学国際地域研究所, (22) 21 - 47, Mar. 2004

Books etc

  • Tetsuro KOBAYASHI and Atsushi TAGO (eds.), Japanese Public Sentiment on South Korea: Popular Opinion and International Relations
    Tetsuro KOBAYASHI, Atsushi TAGO, Kyu S. HAHN and Yuki ASABA, "When will Japan’s apology lead to reconciliation with Korea?"
    Routledge, Dec. 2021, Joint work, pp. 32-52
  • Tetsuro KOBAYASHI and Atsushi TAGO (eds.), Japanese Public Sentiment on South Korea: Popular Opinion and International Relations
    Yuki ASABA, "Bringing people’s voices back in Japan-Korea relations"
    Routledge, Dec. 2021, Joint work, pp. 1-17.
  • 駒村圭吾・待鳥聡史編『統治のデザイン:日本の「憲法改正」を考えるために』
    弘文堂, Jul. 2020, Joint work, pp.233-257
  • 新城道彦・浅羽祐樹・金香男・春木育美『知りたくなる韓国』
    有斐閣, Jul. 2019, Joint work, pp.74-144


  • 韓国における政権交代と日韓関係
    立命館大学コリア研究センター・東アジア平和協力研究センター共催国際ワークショップ, 18 Dec. 2021
  • 政権交代と日韓関係
    世宗研究所・広島平和研究所共催国際ワークショップ, 25 Nov. 2021
  • 新しい日韓関係論へ
    拓殖大学大学院地方政治行政研究科「拓く力・地方の課題」, 04 Oct. 2021
  • 「日本政府は韓国との関係をどうすべきなのか」
    言論NPO「日本政府は韓国との関係をどうしたいのか」, 24 Sep. 2021
  • 「日韓関係、感情的分極化、メディア・リテラシー」
    立命館大学東アジア平和協力研究センター・駐大阪大韓民国総領事館共催国際シンポジウム, 18 Mar. 2021, Nominated symposium
  • 「ポスト安倍時代の日韓関係」
    日本政治法律学会第6回研究大会, 01 Nov. 2020, Oral presentation
  • 「ポスト安倍時代の日韓関係」
    立命館大学東アジア平和協力センター・韓国国際政治学会共催国際ワークショップ, 22 Aug. 2020, Nominated symposium
  • 「「徴用工」問題にウィンセットはあるのか―日韓「慰安婦」合意(2015年)を参照点にして」
    現代韓国朝鮮学会第20回研究大会, 09 Nov. 2019, Oral presentation

Research Projects

  • 憲法改正における多数派形成の多様性に関する国際比較研究
    待鳥 聡史; 浅羽 祐樹; 砂原 庸介; 竹中 治堅; MCELWAIN KENNETH
    本研究は、憲法改正を法形式上の改正(憲法典の改正)に限定せず、より広範な統治ルールの変更を含む「実質的意味の憲法」の改正として捉えた上で、それに対する有権者の認識や支持/不支持のあり方、政治家や有識者の言説などを含む多数派形成のあり方について、日本のみならず諸外国との比較の観点から明らかにすることを目指したものである。 2年度目に当たる2021年度においては、初年度に実施したオンラインサーヴェイの結果についての分析と論文化を進めつつ、メンバー以外の専門家からの知見提供を得て、上記の目的の達成を図った。新型コロナウイルスによるパンデミックによる活動制限が依然として継続しており、本来は初年度に予定していた海外調査や国外の研究者との意見交換などは十分に進捗しなかったが、オンラインおよび対面形式で複数回の研究会を実施することができた。うち1回は、境家史郎・東京大学教授にご参加いただき、戦後日本における憲法改正をめぐる多数派の変遷についてのご報告を賜り、それに基づいて活発な議論を行った。 また、オンラインサーヴェイに依拠した研究成果も、一部ではあるが公表できる段階にまで至った。重要な部分については最終的には英語論文として国際査読誌に掲載することを予定しており、そのための原稿化も図られつつあるが、上位誌掲載には国際学会や研究会での複数回の報告やそこでのコメントを踏まえた修正が不可欠であり、国際的な往来の再開が強く望まれる。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 2020/04 -2023/03, 基盤研究(B), 京都大学
  • 日韓交渉における歴史・安保の争点連関やウィンセットに関する政策決定者の認識と齟齬
    浅羽 祐樹
    本研究は、1965年の請求権協定、90年代の河野談話やアジア女性基金、2015年の「慰安婦」合意など歴史問題に関する日韓交渉時に、双方の政策決定者が安保協力との争点連関や共通の同盟国である米国からの期待、国内世論による受容可能性をどのように認識していたのかを明らかにするものである。 初年度である今年度は、外交交渉に関するマルチレベルゲームの分析や観衆費用などに関する知見を渉猟し、理論的な土台を構築することに努めた。同時に、1965年の請求権協定に関して、予備的な実証分析も行った。 成果は次のとおりである。第1に、韓国に関する入門書を共著で刊行し、韓国政治や南北朝鮮関係に関する章に加えて、「韓国外交における日韓関係」に関する章を担当した。そこではまず、韓国外交の変容を概観するとともに、歴史問題をめぐる日本との認識ギャップや、北朝鮮の核・ミサイル問題への対応といった「戦略的利益の共有」との争点連関について試論的な分析を行った。 第2に、日韓国交正常化交渉の最終局面である第7次会談において、日韓請求権協定がどのように条文化されていくのかの過程について、外交文書などを活用して再構成を試みた。その結果、いわゆる「犬殺し(個人請求権の解決)」の方法をめぐって、双方の政策決定者は金・大平合意や仮調印の後も熾烈に争ったことが明らかになった。「完全かつ最終的に解決された」(請求権協定2条1項)「いかなる主張もすることができない」(同条3項)という成案/規定によって、元慰安婦や元「徴用工(旧朝鮮半島出身労働者)」という「犬」が将来、日韓それぞれの裁判所に提訴することはそもそもできないと当時認識されていたかどうかが焦点である。 第3に、元「徴用工」問題と、輸出管理や日韓GSOMIA(軍事情報包括保護協定)の間の争点連関に関して、論壇誌への寄稿を通じて、研究成果の社会還元を行った。, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 2019/04 -2023/03, 基盤研究(C), 同志社大学
  • The Transformation of Representative Democracies in the US, Europe and Asia and the Comparative Analysis of Primary Elections
    伊藤 武; 浅羽 祐樹; 川村 晃一; 菊池 啓一; 久保 慶一; 中井 遼; 成廣 孝; 西川 賢
    米欧アジアにおけるプライマリーの実証的分析を行う本研究は、地域・手法を重層的に横 断した研究体制に基づいて、4カ年 計画で議員サー ベイを含むデータ収集、量的・質的な比較分析を行い、引き出した仮説をサーベイ実験で検証する。データベー ス・成果は国内外の 研究者に 公開して、プライマリー関連研究の進展に貢献する企図である。進捗管理と予測できない事態へ の対応も含めて、メンバー間での研究会を実 施する。 計画2年目に当たる2019年度は、初年度に整理した海外調査のデータとそれを基にした分析をまとめて、英語または邦語で論文を執筆した。代表者及び分担者は、国内外の学術誌における査読論文(Party Politics等)、国内外の学会発表等(Council for European Studies, Midwest Political Science Association , International Political Science Associationなど)を通じて、積極的に成果を発信した。また2019年度は在外研究の研究資金処理の関係で分担者を外れざるを得なかった菊池氏についても、研究上の連携を維持し、関連論文の執筆及び次年度のサーベイに向けた研究を実施した。 データ収集・調査については、各自の担当地域について、関連資金も利用しながら調査を行った。研究打ち合わせは、国内学会の開催に合わせて随時実施していたが、年度末に予定してた成果取りまとめと論文集作成のための研究会、その前のいくつかの海外調査については、新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大に伴う移動制限によって断念せざるを得なかった。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2018/04 -2022/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Tokyo
  • Politics of Anti- corruption in emerging countries
    外山 文子; 小山田 英治; 三重野 文晴; 川村 晃一; 浅羽 祐樹; 木場 紗綾; 山田 裕史; 瀬戸 裕之; 伊賀 司
    2019年度は、まず8月に編者2名で打ち合わせを行い、9月(於同志社大学)と3月(於京都大学)の2度全体研究会を実施して、共同研究者たちによる発表および討論を行った。 本研究は、研究終了時に研究成果報告書の出版を予定している。研究会では、報告書作成に向けて、研究代表者の外山から「汚職取締と民主化」との関係を分析するための全体フレームとタイの事例について説明を行った。次に、共同編者である小山田氏から、国際関係機関の汚職取締に関する現状とシン ガポールにおける汚職取締機関について説明を行った。その後、共同研究者たちが、インドネシア、韓国、カン ボジア、ベトナム、フィリピン、ラオスの事例について発表を行った。最後に経済学者2名から、経済学的視点からの分析について簡単に報告がなされた。 最終的な研究成果報告書の出版前であるため、現時点では研究内容について詳細を記載することを控えさせて頂きたいが、従来の開発経済からの視点だけではなく、民主化、ガバナンスといった視点からも複合的に各国の汚職取締について分析を行っており、学術的に高い貢献が期待できる報告書となりそうである。 2020年度は全員が原稿の執筆に取り組む。2020年12月には報告書を出版したいと考えている。まず最初に、中心メンバーが序章を7月までに執筆し、他のメンバーに対して提示する。各章の担当者は、そのフレームを反映させて各国の事情について執筆する。その後、研究代表者と他1名で、終章を執筆する予定である。 日本語版の出版の後には、英語版の出版について模索していく予定である。, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2018/04 -2021/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
  • Basic research for comparative party politics in Asia and the Pacific
    Uekami Takayoshi
    In this study, we conducted a comprehensive data collection on the organizations of political parties in Northeast and Southeast Asia from the 1990s onward. We selected Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan to represent Northeast Asia, and Indonesia was included as a representative of Southeast Asia. By applying the scheme for data classification developed in our codebook, we gathered both qualitative and quantitative information on party organizations. Since the data was recorded in a machine-readable fashion, we were able to use a computer to conduct a quantitative analysis. What remains to be done is to promote a wider use of this dataset and to extend the coverage to other countries and political parties in these regions with particular emphasis on the comparative study of party organizations from different countries., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2017/04 -2021/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
  • A comparative studies on the judicial review of the malapportionment in the legislative elections between Japan and Korea
    Asaba Yuki
    This study makes a comparative analysis of the judicial review of the malapportionment in the legislative elections between Japan and Korea by putting the judiciary in strategic interactions with the legislature and "we, the people." Both the Supreme Court of Japan and the Constitutional Court of Korea have shown a posture of dialogue with their respective legislatures not by declaring the electoral act unconstitutional, but by leaving room for revising the act by the legislature itself. In return, the bicameral National Diet of Japan and Korean National Assembly responded with minor revisions such as the redistricting in the cases of the House of Representatives (Shugiin) and Korean legislative elections, and the merging of prefecture-based constituencies in the case of the House of Councillors (Sangiin) elections. Not only legislators' but voters' preferences are divergent in the relative significance of the "one person, one value" principle over "representative of local interests.", Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2016/04 -2020/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
  • An interdisciplinary study on the historical and territorial disputes between Japan and South Korea
    KOBAYASHI TETSURO; HAHN kyu sup; SATO shin'ichi; KATAYAMA norio; MO hiroshi; SUZUKI takafumi; RENOUST benjamin
    Focusing on conflicts in Japan-South Korea relations, particularly historical and territorial issues, this project investigated the relationship between public opinion and the media in both countries through interdisciplinary approaches, including social psychology, political science, and information science. A series of online experiments using social psychology and political approaches revealed that viewing public diploma videos raised awareness of the need for Japan-South Korea cooperation, and that the perception that the gap in economic power between Japan and South Korea was narrowing would harden Japanese public opinion on history and territorial issues. On the other hand, analysis of newspaper article data revealed that historical and territorial issues were reported with different frames in Japan and South Korea. These results were presented in English peer-reviewed journals and international conferences., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2015/07 -2019/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University
  • Comparative Study of Primary Elections in Contemporary Representative Democracies
    ITO Takeshi
    This research project aims to do a comprehensive survey of primary elections in contemporary democracies and to collect data for future joint research. The project covers recent developments of primary elections in Europe, the United States, and Asia. The collected data is expected to contribute to more detailed and theoretical comparative analysis and is to be open to other researchers., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2014/04 -2018/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Senshu University
  • Judicial Politics in the Constitutuional Court of Korea
    Although it seemingly runs counter to the princile of democracy that a bill passed in the legislature by majority vote is declared unconstitutional and void by the court neither elected by nor accountable to the people, it can be conductive to the consolidation of a nascent democracy as is the case with Korea. The Constitutional Court of Korea (CCK) is quite active in judicial review by inter-temporal and cross-national comparisons, which is made possible by the institutional settings in which the non-elected branch of the government is relatively independent from other branches such as the President and the National Asembly. As another strategic player, both CCK as a whole and 9 justices each choose to make a particular bill (un)constitutional by taking into consideration whether it is unified/divided government at the time of each judicial review, by whom each justice was selected, and who proposed and approved the bill in the legislature., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2013/04 -2016/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
  • Aural History Research on the 5th Republic in South Korea
    Kimura Kan; Asaba Yuki; Kim Saedog; Tanaka Satoru
    This research revealed the subjective understanding of Chun Doo-hwan government of South Korea in 1980s against democratization movement by the aural history surveys. As a result of this study, we found that the governmental people had over-confidences on the political stability which was established by the early policies of the government, hence they gradually allowed oppositions to have anti-governmental activities after 1982. However, the impact of the anti-government activities was much bigger than expected, and it was connected to big democratization movements in 1987. It means that the miscalculation of the government played a crucial role on South Korean democratization., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2011/04 -2016/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University
  • Comparative Studies of Electoral Governance
    ONISHI Yutaka; SHINADA Yutaka; SOGA Kengo; FUJIMURA Naofumi; TAKAHASHI Yuriko; INATUGU Hiroaki; ENDO Mitsugi; KAWANAKA Takeshi; ASABA Yuki; KAWAMURA Kazunori; SENGOKU Manabu; FUKUSHIMA Yoshihiko; TAMAI Ryoko; TATEBAYASHI Masahiko; MATSUMOTO Syunta; YUASA Harumichi
    This research tries to elucidate the influence which electoral governance gives to a democracy by the comparative politics. This research fills in the big blanks on the study of electoral management through the comparative studies among the countries in the world and among the local governments in Japan.Our researches have two big findings different from commonsense views. 1st, equity and fairness of election can't be achieved only by independence of the electoral management bodies, which is recommended by international organizations like ACE(Administration and Cost of Elections). We need more complicated treatment for Electoral Integrity. 2nd, though it has been thought that business of the election administration committees are uniform and so they have executed fairly and equitably in Japan, but it's largely influenced by the state of the composition of the committee and its secretariat. Therefore we have a variation of electoral governance among local governments in Japan., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2011/04 -2015/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kobe University
  • Presidentialism in Korea from Comparative Institutional Analysis
    ASABA Yuki
    ontrary to the general understanding among area specialists and the local people themselves that Korean president is “strong,” s/he often fails in getting her policy agenda realized by the legislature. This seemingly counterintuitive fact is because her partisan power is not as strong as her constitutional power. In the institutional settings after the democratization in the 1980’s, Korean president is prone to face the dilemma in which either the presidential party’s majority in the legislature or her control over the party, constitutive of partisan power, is sacrificed due to the non-concurrent, but different electoral cycle between presidential and legislative elections in different presidencies, a unique institutional characteristics to Korea., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 2010 -2012, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Yamaguchi Prefectural University
  • A study on the transformation of contemporary democracies and partyorganizations
    TATEBAYASHI Masahiko; MURAMATSU Michio; MORIMOTO Tetsuro; SHINADA Yutaka; AMIYA Ryosuke; SOGA Kengo; ASABA Yuki; ONISHI Yutaka; ITO Takeshi; NISHIZAWA Yoshitaka; NONAKA Naoto; SUNAHARA Yosuke; TSUTSUMI Hidetaka; MORI Michiya; FUJIMURA Naofumi
    To examine the commonalities and variations among party organizations in advanced democracies, we have conducted, interviews over the headquarters as well as the local organizations of Democratic Party of Japan and Liberal Democratic Party, and a survey research over the representatives of the prefectural assemblies in Japan. From the comparative perspective, we have conducted various analyses over these data and information through several conferences., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2009 -2011, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
  • Comparative Study of the Electoral Management Committee in Korea
    ONISHI Yutaka; SHINADA Yutaka; SOGA Kengo; ASABA Yuki; ISOZAKI Noriyo; KAWANAKA Takeshi
    This is a pioneering study of electoral administration in the field of political science and public administration in Japan. As well as developing countries, even in developed countries, it is difficult to maintain political neutrality in electoral administration. Therefore, it is necessary to keep it independent from political power. However, strong independent agency is prone to politicized like the Electoral Management Committee of Korea. Variations occur between local governments in Japan under the same rule. Also correspondence between the institutions and the performance of electoral management as pointed out by previous studies can not be confirmed., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2008 -2010, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University
  • Comparative Studies on U.S.-Japan-South Korea's Engagement Policy Toward North Korea : What Makes Differences and Changes
    NAKATO Sachio; ASABA Yuki
    This study tries to define the concept of engagement based on international relations theories and clarify the theoretical features, basic assumptions, the content of policies and limits and problems of respective policies of Japan, the United States and South Korea. It also typologies respective engagement policies toward North Korea based on the common theoretical framework called engagement. Next, this study tries to answer the two following why questions. First, it explores why each country conducts different kind of engagement (or other policies) toward North Korea. Secondly, it also explores why each country changes the content of respective engagement policies toward North Korea. This study found out that those interactions between leaders' perceptions and domestic politics in each country matter., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2008 -2010, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Ritsumeikan University
  • Institutional Resilience and Changes of the Korean Constitutions : With Focus on Institutional Equilibrium and Equilibrium Institution
    ASABA Yuki
    This study is aimed at explaining the variations of institutional resilience and changes of the past Korean Constitutions in more than 60 years (1948-2010) by focusing on institutional equilibrium and equilibrium institution in new institutionalism. This study shows that the dynamics of institutional resilience and changes (equilibrium institution) can be attributed to the differences in how presidentialism was originally designed by each constitution and what political effects and consequences it had brought (institutional equilibrium). It also demonstrates that only when both loser's consent and winner's restrain are guaranteed by constitutional design of citizens as the origin and anchor of a democratic regime, constitution can endure while otherwise it cannot. Because of such a difference, both the 1948 Constitution and the 1962 Constitution were later replaced by new ones respectively while the 1987 Constitution has remained unchanged for the last 23 years until today., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 2007 -2009, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Yamaguchi Prefectural University
  • Comparative Study of Financial Reforms of Japan and Korea After 1997
    ONISIHI Yutaka; ASABA Yuki
    This research insists that the political party be an important element to influence the economic policy by clarifying the reason why the correspondences to the serious finance crises which attacked Japan and South Korea in 1997 are greatly different, and presents a new perspective in the financial policy decision process. 1. We investigated timing and the scale of the demand expansionist policy in South Korea. The demand expansion has been generated on a large scale in 1999. We found that the information technology policy of the Kim Dae-jung administration is greatly related in this. That is, to expand electronic dealings, she encouraged the use of the credit card. Consumption has expanded because the credit cards were excessively used by consumers. However, credit card-caused bankruptcy come one after another, which needed an economic adjustment phase for the start of the Roh Moo-hyun administration. 2. We investigated the city banks' restructuring in South Korea in the first adjustment in 1998 and the 2nd adjustment and the mega-bank reorganization in 1999. In the first adjustment, we discovered a compulsory shape to deprive of the management right of the city banks that failed bankruptcy. In the second adjustment and the mega-bank reorganization, as a result of the first adjustment, the government had grasped the management rights of banks. From this point, as Jung says, the financial reform was done by a national initiation by the developmentalist way Korean government had done before. However, the view of the government has been greatly converted from the maintenance of domestic financial order and the supply of the industrial fund unlike before 1997. It was clarified that the following two influenced this conversion. First, the foreign capital participated in the financial institutions in South Korea, which introduced a new standard of bank-management. Second, the intention of the general voters who favored the bank management by the way the foreign capital likes was woven to the administration through the political party., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2006 -2007, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kobe University

Teaching Experience

  • コリア語インテンシヴI
    Doshisha University
  • コリア語インテンシヴII
  • コリア語で読む地域文化研究2
  • グローバル地域文化専門セミナー
  • グローバル地域文化発展セミナー
  • グローバル地域文化教養セミナー
  • コリア語入門II
    Doshisha University
  • コリア語入門I
    Doshisha University
  • コリア語応用1
  • コリア語応用3
  • コリア語応用4
    Doshisha University
  • 現代東アジア特論(韓国)
  • 政治学入門
  • 総合演習
  • アカデミック・リテラシー
  • 地域研究の理論と方法
  • 東アジアと日本
  • 地域文化研究特殊研究
  • 研究指導
  • 朝鮮半島の社会と文化