Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies Department of Global and Regional Studies, 教授, 2023/04 - Today
Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, 2014/04 - 2023/03
Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, 2013 - 2014
同志社大学言語文化研究センター 助教, 2011 - 2013
National Museum of Japanese History, 2010 - 2013
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Engineering, 2009 - 2011
Keisen University, Faculty of Humanities, 2009 - 2011
Otsuma Women's University, Faculty of Comparative Culture, 2009 - 2011
Meiji University, School of Information and Communication, 2009 - 2011
Aoyama Gakuin University, College of Literature, 2008 - 2011
Meiji University, School of Arts and Letters, 2005 - 2011
千葉大学普遍教育 非常勤講師, 2003 - 2011
International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2008 - 2010
人間文化研究機構 「ユーラシアと日本:交流と表象」研究プロジェクト(研究代表者:久留島浩)「国民国家の比較史的研究」共同研究員, 2007 - 2010
Chiba University, Faculty of Letters, 2008 - 2009
Keisen University, Faculty of Humanities, 2003 - 2004
Meiji University, School of Arts and Letters, 1999 - 2000
Regional order and popular violence in colonial Korea
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
アジア民衆史研究, (29) 87 - 102, Oct. 2023, Symposium
Sam-Il-Dokrip-Undong and Social Exclusion of Korea
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
The journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research, (727) 43 - 54, May 2019, Research institution
The Study of the Small-state Principle in Korea : On the Relationship between the Development of Ahn Jung-gun's Ideology and Kim Dae-jung's "Sunshine Policy"
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
Journal of humanities, (第111号) 209 - 227, 2018, Research institution
Court Rituals of the Korean Emperor under the Japanese Protectorate
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
Historical Journal(REKISHI HYORON), 校倉書房, (762) 20 - 34, Oct. 2013, Scientific journal
『歴史地理教育』, 歴史教育者協議会, 771(771) 74 - 79, Mar. 2011, Scientific journal
『歴史学研究』, 青木書店, 872(872) 19 - 28, Oct. 2010, Scientific journal
『思想』, 岩波書店, 1029(1029) 63 - 81, Jan. 2010, Scientific journal
『朝鮮史研究会論文集』, 朝鮮史研究会, 44(44) 41 - 68, Oct. 2006, Scientific journal
『朝鮮史研究会論文集』, 朝鮮史研究会, 43(43) 183 - 210, Oct. 2005, Scientific journal
The issue of constitution enforcement to Korea on Korean annexation
The Japanese colonial history, 日本植民地研究会, 17(17) 17 - 33, Jul. 2005, Scientific journal
『青丘学術論集』, 韓国文化研究振興財団, 25 61 - 107, Mar. 2005, Scientific journal
『文学研究論集(明大院)』, 14 149 - 167, 2001, Research institution
『駿台史学』, 駿台史学会, 110(110) 1 - 30, 2000
『文学研究論集(明大院)』, 明治大学大学院, 13(13) 77 - 93, 2000
『文学研究論集(明大院)』, 明治大学大学院, 11(11) 89 - 106, 1999
『文学研究論集(明大院)』, 明治大学大学院, 9 133 - 150, 1998
書評 森万佑子著『韓国併合-大韓帝国の成立から崩壊まで』
朝鮮史研究会会報, (234号) 1 - 3, Mar. 2024, Book review
栗田 禎子; 小川原 宏幸
歴史学研究, 績文堂出版, (1030) 40 - 46, Dec. 2022
『アジア民衆史研究』, 22 15 - 24, 2017, Book review
『平和と安全保障を考える事典』 項目執筆
『平和と安全保障を考える事典』, 2016
「キーワード新解釈! 政治 植民地」
『週刊 新発見! 日本の歴史』41 朝日新聞出版, 18 - 20, 2014, Introduction commerce magazine
『東京の歴史教育』, (40) 24 - 38, 2011, Lecture materials
『明治時代史大辞典』 項目執筆
『明治時代史大辞典』, 1 p.157、pp.621-622、p.624 , 2011
Historical Recognition of Contemporary Japanese - On Hirofumi Ito's Korean Governance
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
771 74 - 79, 2011
小川原宏幸; 柳沢遊; 山本公徳
『月刊東京』, 東京自治問題研究所, 316(316) 2 - 25, 2010, Introduction other
Plenary Session : Facing Our Colonial Past
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
REKISHIGAKU KENKYU(Journal of Historical Studies), 青木書店, 872(872) 19 - 28, 2010
『歴史学研究』, 838 39 - 42, Mar. 2008, Introduction scientific journal
Museum Administration in South Korean Local Government
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
REKISHIGAKU KENKYU(Journal of Historical Studies), 838 39 - 42, 2008
The making of a modern healthcare system and criticism of colonial modernity: focusing on health statistics in Kyeongseong (Seoul) and Beijing during the 1st half of the 20th century
辛圭煥; 翻; 小川原宏幸
『歴史学研究』, 青木書店, 834(834) 16 - 26, 2007
The Vision of the Japanese Empire on Korean Annexation and the Austro-Hungarian Empire――The betrayed concept of Japanese-Korean confederation by Ilchinhoe
国立歴史民俗博物館『帝国と民族アイデンティティ~東アジアとオーストリアをめぐって(ユーラシアと日本:交流と表象 ウィーン・シンポジウム報告書)』, 44 - 56, 2007
The Vision of the Japanese Empire on Korean Annexation and the Austro-Hungarian Empire:The betrayed concept of Japanese-Korean confederation by Ilchinhoe
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
44 - 56, 2007
Japan's Korea policy and Korean society at the time of the Russo-Japanse war: What we can learn from the civilian-military clash over the Resident General's right to command the military
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
Bulletin of Society for Study in Korean History, 44 41 - 68, 2006
The Issue of Constitution Enforcement to Korea on Korean Annexation
NIHON SHOKUMINCHI KENKYU (The Journal of Japanese Colonial Studies), 17 17 - 33, 2005
The Ilchinhoe's Petition Movement for Japanese-Korean Confederation and Korean Annexation: The "Confederation" Concept, The Principle of The Emperor System State, and How They Clashed
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
Bulletin of Society for Study in Korean History, 43 183 - 210, 2005
The Negotiations for the Abolition of the System of Foreign Settlements in Chosen
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
Studies in Arts&Letters (Literature/History/Geography), 14 149 - 167, 2001
The Japanese Korean Protection Policy and the Consular Jurisdiction of Britain in Korea: The Trial against Yang Ki-taik
Studies in Arts&Letters (Literature/History/Geography), 13 77 - 93, 2000
The Japanese Korean Protection Policy and the Consular Jurisdiction of Britain in Korea: The Trials against Ernest T. Bethell
SUNDAI SHIGAKU (Sundai Historical Review), 110 1 - 30, 2000
The Process of Depriving Korea of Jurisdiction under the Residency General centred around Memorandum concerning the Administration of Justice and Prison in Corea
OGAWARA Hiroyuki
Studies in Arts&Letters (Literature/History/Geography), 11 89 - 106, 1999
民族の解放と社会変革 1920年代 (原典朝鮮近代思想史 第5巻)
宮嶋 博史; 吉野 誠; 趙 景達; 井上 厚史; 林 雄介; 愼 蒼宇; 古川 宣子; 小川原 宏幸; 宋 連玉
岩波書店, 10 Aug. 2022, Joint editor
伊藤俊介; 小川原宏幸; 愼蒼宇
有志舎, Mar. 2022, Joint editor, 小川原宏幸「植民地朝鮮における地域社会の秩序意識と民衆暴力-一九二〇年代前半の反衡平運動を事例に-」
小川原 宏幸
大月書店, 2016, Joint work, pp.34-49
연세학풍사업단/김도형 외『연희전문학교의 학문과 동아시아 대학』(오가와라 히로유키「일본에서의 대학사 편찬사업의 과제」)
小川原 宏幸
혜안, 2016, Joint work, pp.301-314, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸; 小川原宏幸; 向正樹
山川出版社, 2015, Joint work, pp.206-223, Scholarly book
日本軍「慰安婦」問題webサイト制作委員会編 金富子・板垣竜太責任編集『Q&A朝鮮人「慰安婦」と植民地支配責任』
小川原 宏幸
御茶の水書房, 2015, Joint work, pp.70-79
『岩波講座 日本歴史 第17巻 近現代3』(小川原宏幸、「韓国併合と植民地官僚制の形成」)
小川原 宏幸
岩波書店, 2014, pp.3-34, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸; 久留島浩; 須田努; 趙景達編
岩波書店, 2014, Joint work, pp.285-307, Scholarly book
한일문화교류기금/동북아역사재단 편『대한제국과 한일 관계』(오가와라 히로유키、「일본의 대한제국 인식과 그 정책」)
小川原 宏幸
景仁文化社, 2014, Joint work, Scholarly book
趙景達・原田敬一・村田雄二郎・安田常雄編『講座 東アジアの知識人 1』(小川原宏幸、「安重根と伊藤博文」)
小川原 宏幸
有志舎, 2013, Joint work, pp.326-343, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸; 趙景達; 須田努; 北原スマ子; 長谷川直子; 中嶋久人; 慎蒼宇; 鈴木文
有志舎, 2012, Joint work, pp.277-302、pp.329-356, Scholarly book
『이토 히로부미의 한국 병합 구상과 조선 사회(伊藤博文の韓国併合構想と朝鮮社会)』(최덕수・박한민訳)
小川原 宏幸
열린책들:披州, 2012, 全478頁, Scholarly book
趙景達・宮嶋博史・李成市・和田春樹編 『「韓国併合」100年を問う』(小川原宏幸、「伊藤博文の韓国統治と朝鮮社会――皇帝巡幸をめぐって」)
小川原 宏幸; 水野直樹; 宮嶋博史; 井上勝生; 愼蒼宇; 趙景達; 松田利彦; 岡本真希子; 李成市; 須田努; 深谷克己; 吉野誠; 山田昭次; 板垣竜太; 和田春樹
岩波書店, 2011, Joint work, pp.71-91, Scholarly book
国立歴史民俗博物館編 『「韓国併合」100年を問う』(小川原宏幸、「日本におけるアジア認識の欠落―日朝間の「アジア主義」の差異をめぐって」)
小川原 宏幸; 平川南; 中塚明; 趙景達; 具仙姫; 村田雄二郎; 柳沢遊; 見城悌治; 李成市; 松尾尊兊; 水野直樹; 尹海東; 川村湊; 和田春樹; 内海愛子; 宋連玉; 大門正克; 宮嶋博史; 安田常雄; 成田龍一; 辛珠柏; 岸本美緒; 永原陽子; 石田憲; 粟屋利江; 梅森直之; 久留島浩; 山本直美; 小沢弘明; 原田敬一; 中野敏男; 深谷克己; 井上勝生; 安田浩; 鄭在貞; 愼蒼宇; 山田昭次; 原山浩介; 須田努
岩波書店, 2011, Joint work, pp.387-395, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸
青木書店, 2011, Joint work, pp.199-230, Scholarly book
『일본, 한국 병합을 말하다(日本、韓国併合を語る)』(小川原宏幸、「이토 히로부미의 한국 통치와 조선 사회(伊藤博文の韓国統治と朝鮮社会)」)
小川原 宏幸; 宮嶋博史; 和田春樹; 趙景達; 李成市ほか; ほか
열린책들:披州, 2011, Joint work, pp.133-161, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸; 安田常雄; 趙景達; 和田春樹; 須田努; 宮本正明; 宮嶋博史
東京堂出版, 2010, Joint work, pp.102-148, Scholarly book
『岩波講座 東アジア近現代通史 3』(小川原宏幸、「武断政治と三・一独立運動」)
小川原 宏幸
岩波書店, 2010, Joint work, pp.304-323, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸
岩波書店, 2010, Single work, 全438頁, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸
青木書店, 2007, Joint work, Scholarly book
다나카 히로시/이타가키 류타여끔『한국과 일본의 새로운 시작(韓国と日本の新たなはじまり)』(오가와라 히로유키「한국 병합은 조선인이 바란 것인가?(韓国併合は朝鮮人が望んだものか)」)
小川原 宏幸
뷰스:Seoul, 2007, Joint work, pp.41-48, Scholarly book
田中宏・板垣竜太編『日韓 新たな始まりのための20章』(小川原宏幸、「韓国併合は朝鮮人が望んだものか」)
小川原 宏幸; 板垣竜太; 中西新太郎; 松本武祝; 三ツ井崇; 水野直樹; 外村大; 河かおる; 朴正明; 小林知子; 田中宏; 師岡康子; 吉澤文寿; 太田修; 仲尾宏; 藤永壮; 玄武岩; 岩崎稔
岩波書店, 2007, Joint work, pp.24-29, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸; 安田浩; 見城悌治; 南塚信吾; 趙景達; 秋葉淳; 板垣雄三; 橋本雄一; 山口隆司; 高岡裕之; 若桑みどり; 橋川健竜; 三宅明正; 栗田禎子
青木書店, 2005, Joint work, pp.70-91, Scholarly book
小川原 宏幸; 田中俊明; 北島万次; 梁聖宗; 朴孟洙; 木村健二; 朴炳渉; 朴燦鎬; 長田彰文; 河かおる; 真木玲奈; 田中正敬; 高仁淑; 高谷美穂; 金根熙; 佐野通夫; 水野邦彦; 金廣烈; 金廣植; 古庄正; 長澤秀; 吉沢佳世子; 樋口雄一; 谷川雄一郎; 申奎燮; 金隆明; 西川誠; 堀添伸一郎
新幹社, 2003, Joint work, pp.162-187, Scholarly book
アジア民衆史研究会2022年度第2回研究会, 22 Jan. 2023, Invited oral presentation
안중근의 사상적 지평
小川原 宏幸
图们江论坛2016, 2016, 中華人民共和国・延辺大学
書評:アジア民衆史研究会・歴史問題研究所編 『日韓民衆史研究の最前線:新しい民衆史を求めて−』(有志舎、2015年)
アジア民衆史研究会2016年第1回研究会, 2016
「일본에서의 학교사 서술양상 - 도시샤대학을 중심으로」
小川原 宏幸
연세대학교 박물관/연세학풍사업단, 2015, 延世大学校/ソウル
小川原 宏幸
龍谷大学社会科学研究所附属安重根東洋平和研究センター・安重根義士紀念館, 2015, 龍谷大学
「일본의 대한제국인식과 정책」
小川原 宏幸
韓日文化交流基金・東北亜歴史財団, 2013, 大韓民国・ソウル
Conflicting Ideas on the "Annexation of Korea" in Japan
The Second Congress of the Asian Association of World Historians, 2012
小川原 宏幸
歴史学研究会, 2010, 東京
「1910년 한국강제병합, 그 역사와 과제」(コメンテータ)
小川原 宏幸
東北亜歴史財団, 2010, ソウル(韓国)
「일본 역사학의 식민지 인식-조선사를 중심으로」
小川原 宏幸
高麗大学校亜細亜問題研究所, 2010, ソウル(韓国)
小川原 宏幸
人間文化研究機構 国立歴史民俗博物館, 2009, 東京
「이토 히로부미의 한국통치와 조선사회」
小川原 宏幸
韓国日本史学会, 2009, ソウル(韓国)
「伊藤博文의 韓国併合論과 丁未条約」
小川原 宏幸
高麗大学校BK21, 2007, ソウル(韓国)
The Vision of the Japanese Empire on Korean Annexation and the Austro-Hungarian Empire――The betrayed concept of Japanese-Korean confederation by Ilchinhoe
小川原 宏幸
人間文化研究機構 国立歴史民俗博物館, 2006, ウィーン(オーストリア)
乙巳条約에 対한 韓・中・日三国의 認識(コメンテータ)
小川原 宏幸
韓国歴史研究所, 2005, ソウル(韓国)
小川原 宏幸
朝鮮史研究会, 2005, 京都
小川原 宏幸
日本植民地研究会, 2003, 東京
小川原 宏幸
駿台史学会, 1999, 東京
Japanese perspectives of Ireland in the construction of Japanese colonialism, and the view from Ireland and Korea, ca.1870-1950
SAITO Eiri; HIRONO Motoaki; DE ANGELI Aglaia
In this three-year research project, we held ten workshops, two international symposiums (in Tokyo and Belfast) and one joint international seminar (in Tokyo). Through the exchanges of knowledge and observations among collaborating researchers from Japan and overseas in those symposiums, we made clear how the national independence movements in Ireland, China and Korea interacted one another before and after the First World War and what differences they had. Then, our joint research unfolded the analyses of independence movements in colonized countries made by contemporary Japanese officials for colonial governance. Furthermore, through our comparative analysis with the Korean colonial regime, we cleared up the formation of "colonial" governance structure in Ireland from the 19th century to the early 20th century while being part of the Union Kingdom., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2015/04 -2018/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Musashino University
The Comparative Historical Study of the Postwar Japan and the High Economic Growth: the Social History of High Growth
Shoji Shunsaku; TOMIYAMA Itiro; OGAWARA Hiroyuki; INOUE Fumi; NISIKAWA Yuko; HARAYAMA Kosuke; KAWANISI Hideya; SAKURAZAWA Makoto; SUGIMOTO Hiroyuki; HUKE Takahiro; YASUOKA Kennichi; HIROHARA Moriaki; IMAI Konomi; ITO Atusi; KOBORI Makoto; SAKURAI Sigeyasu; KIRIYAMA Setuko
We have done the historical research of politics, economy and society of the postwar Japan at the center of the rapid growth period.We took workshop once a month in the past three years developing the research and reaped the rich harvest from the study.Each member has done the field research and the resource research in each theme, and presented the study results.Not a few members have published the books in these three years. Also, we held the international symposium, the academic symposium and two public lecture for the citizen.In 2016 we will publish “The development, rapid growth and democracy of the post war Japan: the irradiation from the region” (temporary title) as the study result in these three years., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2013/04 -2016/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Doshisha University
基盤研究(C)(一般), 2014 -2016, Competitive research funding
2011 -2012, Competitive research funding
Study on foreigner(korean) of the early modern times origin residing in Japan
CHO Kyeungdal; SATO Hironobu; KURUSHIMA Hiroshi; SUDA Tsutomu; SHIN Changu; HIWA Mizuki; OGAWARA Hiroyuki
In early modern times at Satsuma-Han, there was a village named Naeshirogawa, where Korean immigrants had lived since Toyotomi's invasion. This study started to know the history of the village from pre-modern to modern times, and aimed to show the characteristics of Shogunate from the district. Also to deepen the understanding of the history concerned to reveal the nature of the racial discrimination. As a result, this study clarified the tendency of separatism of Satsuma and the modern aspect of the discrimination., Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2008 -2011, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Chiba University